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Metric Recording

Start Recording

Start Recording Metric


Start recording metric values by monitoring Kafka for messages detailing a measurement for a given Resource and metric type.

You must create a metric definition before recording metrics, as this informs the monitor how to identify the Resource and metric type for each message.

Recording stops when explicitly requested with the Stop Recording step or when the scenario finishes.

Passes when:

Fails when:


metricNameChosen name to be given to this metric. This name can be used in later steps to assert the value of the metric or to stop recording
metricDefinitionNameName of a previously created metric definition in this scenario. This informs the monitor how to identifiy the Resource and metric type
metricTypeType of metric to record e.g. failed_calls, CPU, memory. The monitor will check Kafka for messages with this type, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given resourceId). Messages for other types of metric, even those for the same Resource, are ignored
topicNameThe name of the Kafka topic to be monitored for metric messages
resourceIdThe ID of the Resource the metric should be recorded for. The monitor will check Kafka for messages for this Resource, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given metricType). Messages for other Resources are ignored

Start Recording Multiple

Start Recording Multiple


Start recording metric values by monitoring Kafka for messages detailing a measurement for a given Resource and multiple metric types. Essentially this step allows you to record multiple metrics for the same Resource in one line, rather than repeating the Start Recording Metric step.

You must create a metric definition before recording metrics, as this informs the monitor how to identify the Resource and metric type for each message.

Passes when:

Fails when:


metricDefinitionNameName of a previously created metric definition in this scenario. This informs the monitor how to identifiy the Resource and metric type
topicNameThe name of the Kafka topic to be monitored for metric messages
resourceIdThe ID of the Resource the metric should be recorded for. The monitor will check Kafka for messages for this Resource, recording the values for any that match (and also match one of the given metrics.metricId). Messages for other Resources are ignored
metricsTable of metric types (metricId) to record and the chosen name for each, used in later steps to assert the value of the metric or to stop recording

Metrics Table:

Metric IdType of metric to record e.g. failed_calls, CPU, memory. The monitor will check Kafka for messages with this type, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given resourceId)
Metric NameChosen name to be given to this metric. This name can be used in later steps to assert the value of the metric or to stop recording

Stop Recording

Stop Recording Metric


Stop recording a metric by name.

Passes when:

Fails when:


metricNameName given to the metric when recording started

Start Recording Load

Start Recording Load


Start recording the load metric for a given Resource. The message of a load metric is standard to TNC-O, so has a pre-determined message format which means there is not requirement for a metric definition.

Passes when:

Fails when:


metricNameChosen name to be given to this metric. This name can be used in later steps to assert the value of the metric or to stop recording
metricTypeType of metric to record e.g. load. The monitor will check Kafka for messages with this type, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given resourceId). Messages for other types of metric, even those for the same Resource, are ignored
topicNameThe name of the Kafka topic to be monitored for metric messages
resourceNameThe name of the Resource the metric should be recorded for. The monitor will check Kafka for messages for this Resource, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given metricType). Messages for other Resources are ignored

Start Recording Integrity

Start Recording Integrity


Start recording the integrity metric for a given Resource. The message of a integrity metric is standard to TNC-O, so has a pre-determined message format which means there is not requirement for a metric definition.

Passes when:

Fails when:


metricNameChosen name to be given to this metric. This name can be used in later steps to assert the value of the metric or to stop recording
metricTypeType of metric to record e.g. integrity. The monitor will check Kafka for messages with this type, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given resourceId). Messages for other types of metric, even those for the same Resource, are ignored
topicNameThe name of the Kafka topic to be monitored for metric messages
resourceNameThe name of the Resource the metric should be recorded for. The monitor will check Kafka for messages for this Resource, recording the values for any that match (and also match the given metricType). Messages for other Resources are ignored