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Resource Health Events

Integrity Events

These events are sent to enable a resource to indicate if a resource is working or broken.

Example Integrity Metric Event


  "metricKey" : "142971c5-a84b-4d34-af15-435ba8640aec",

  "metricName" : "h_integrity",

  "integrity" : "OK",

  "message" : "Everything is working"


Field Details

metricKeyThe key given to the resource manager when the resource was created as a token to be used within these messagesYes
metricNameThe name of the metric as defined in the resource descriptorYes
integrityA value indicating if the resource associated with the metric Key is working allowed values are “OK” for working and “BROKEN” when healing is requiredYes
messageAn optional test string to include information about the integrity of the resource. for example it may include an error codeNo

Load Events

These events indicate a resources load. This may be an aggregation across many resources as seen for example by a load balancer.

Example Load Metric Message


  "metricKey" : "818127b3-1904-4737-a60c-8c7bab73532d",

  "metricName" : "h_load",

  "load" : 76,

  "message" : "Load is high"


Field Details

metricKeyThe key given to the resource manager when the resource was created as a token to be used within these messagesYes
metricNameThe name of the metric as defined in the resource descriptorYes
loadA value between 0 and 100, indicating the load on the resourcesYes
messageAn optional test string to include information about the integrity of the resource. for example it may include an error codeNo