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Interface Architecture

The Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) API is responsible for interactions with the operations available from TNC-O.

API Interaction Principles

Each of the major components within TNC-O have been built as micro-services using HTTP as the transport mechanism for requests and responses.

The TNC-O API uses a combination of REST style interfaces and RPC interfaces.

The RPC-style interface is used to submit Intents to TNC-O. All other interfaces use a REST-style.

Because the TNC-O API has been designed to provide a combination of REST and RPC interfaces it does not always conform to all the details of the IETF RFC 7231 specification. However, it is our stance that the TNC-O API adheres to the spirit of the IETF recommendations.

Unless detailed otherwise, all the message descriptions are in JSON format and should be submitted with the HTTP content-type header of “application/json”.

All Dates will conform to the ISO-8601 standard.

Supported Methods

Each API Service Endpoint can potentially implement a different set of HTTP request methods. The methods generally supported within TNC-O are:

GETThe GET method requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET only retrieve data and have no other effect.
PUTThe PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied URI. If the URI refers to an existing resource, it is modified; if the URI does not point to an existing resource, then the request will be rejected.
POSTThe POST method requests that the server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new instance of the resource identified by the URI
DELETEThe DELETE method simply removes the specified resource (if it exists).

API Versioning

Currently the TNC-O API does not support API versioning and has no plans to do so.

As far as possible and for as long as possible the API will be maintained to be backwards-compatible.

Possible HTTP error response codes

The following is a table of HTTP response codes that can be returned in various error scenarios. Any client should expect that any API call can return these codes under exceptional circumstances

400 – Bad RequestThe request contained invalid information. This may be an incorrect field, invalid value or an inconsistent state on a dependent resource. The HTTP response body should contain a JSON message with further details of the specific issue.
401 – Not AuthorizedThe user or Client making the API request is not authorized to do so. Check the role configuration of the user/Client who is making the request
404 – Not FoundThe requested endpoint could not be found. or Requested Entity cannot be found
409 - ConflictTNC-O has been unable to process the request due to a conflict produced by some of the information supplied. For example, attempting to create two Resource Managers with the same name.
415 – Unsupported Media TypeThe HTTP request payload has a Content-Type that is not supported by the TNC-O API.
500 – Internal Server ErrorAn internal error has occurred whilst fulfilling the request. The HTTP response body should contain a JSON message with further details. In some situations, it may be necessary for a system administrator to consult the logs for further information.
502 – Bad GatewayA remote system has failed to respond correctly causing this request to fail. The HTTP response body should contain a JSON message with further details. In some situations, it may be necessary for a system administrator to consult the logs for further information.
503 – Service UnavailableTNC-O is unable to process this request at this time. The request should not be retried until the underlying problem is resolved. The HTTP response body should contain a JSON message with further details. In some situations, it may be necessary for a system administrator to consult the logs for further information.

Error Responses

TNC-O Generated Error

All the API calls described in this specification will return the following information in the Response Body when an error is encountered (e.g. for a 40x, 50x Response Code):

  "details": {},
  "localizedMessage": "string",
  "url": "string"

Response Body content type: application/json

Response properties

Property NameDescriptionMandatory
detailsAny additional information related to the error that may be useful during debuggingYes
localizedMessageThe most user-friendly description of the error that has occurredYes
urlthe URL of the root cause of the problem or null if unknownNo

A more fully populated TNC-O generated error report would look like this:

  "url": /api/resource-manager/configuration/923227664489862,
  "localizedMessage": "A FATAL TNC-O Driver error has occurred: Unknown Resource Manager 923227664489862",
  "details": {
    "responseHttpStatus": 500,
    "errorStatus": "FATAL",
    "responseData": {
      "url": "http://galileo:8283/api/topology/resource-managers/923227664489862";,
      "localizedMessage": "Unknown Resource Manager 923227664489862",
      "details": {}

More than one set of error details may be included. These will show the errors generated by components internal to TNC-O and passed back through the layers of requests that were made.

If a support call becomes necessary, please include all the information from any TNC-O generated error reports as this greatly assists with tracking down the root cause of the problem.

Non-TNC-O Generated Error

Very rarely an error may occur within TNC-O that for whatever reason cannot be handled gracefully and for which a TNC-O specific error response is not available.

These errors look like this:

  "timestamp": "2017-08-10T15:28:19.586+0000",
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "exception": "org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException",
  "message": "I/O error on GET request for \"http://9.20.64.abc:8295/api/resource-manager/configuration\": 9.20.64.abc; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: 9.20.64.abc",
  "path": "/api/resource-managers"

Response properties

Property NameDescriptionMandatory
timestampThe date and time to error occurred.
statusThe HTTP status code returned
errorA textual description of the HTTP status code returned
exceptionThe internal Exception type that was raised.
messageThe actual error reported
pathIf it was an API call or web service request that failed, then this field will identify what was being requested.


Within the header of the HTTP response received in reply to an HTTP request there is a 3-digit decimal status code. The first digit of the status code specifies one of five standard classes of responses.

The distinction between the HTTP 4xx and 5xx code is intended to make integration easier. An HTTP 404 status code basically means “I cannot find what you are asking for”. An HTTP 400 status code means “The service exists but you have not sent it the information it needs/recognizes” so you have successfully connected with the API end-point and sent it a request but the request itself was not understood. Finally, an HTTP 500 status code means “I understand what you have asked me to do but for some reason I am unable to do it”.

2xx Status Codes

This class of status codes indicates the action requested by the client was received, understood, accepted, and processed successfully.

Different TNC-O components return different HTTP 2xx status codes dependent on the nature of the request made. To find out which HTTP 2xx status codes will be returned please refer to the individual microservice API guides

4xx Status Codes

This class of status code is intended for situations in which the error seems to have been caused by the client/user. A client can also mean another system that is sending a request into TNC-O.

To understand how the different HTTP 4xx status codes are used we need to separate the definition of a Service Endpoint from the data it is being asked to use.

Our definition of the Service Endpoint is:

Given this request:


The Service Endpoint is:


All POST requests will send their data in the body of the HTTP request.

All GET and DELETE requests will send their data as variable URL parameters.

All PUT requests will send their data as variable URL parameters and/or as data in the body of the HTTP request.

HTTP 400 vs 404 Statuses

Within TNC-O the handling of HTTP 400 & 404 status codes varies depending on what type of request was made.

Generally, the 4xx HTTP Status codes will be produced by the TNC-O functionality concerned with validating and verifying the incoming requests.

This table summarizes the internal “rules” StartOSS TNC-O uses regarding when to return an HTTP 400 vs 404 status code:

TypeURL InvalidURL (with variables) refers to an Entity that does not existInvalid Body ContentBody refers to an Entity that does not exist
RPC404N/A Has no URLs pointing to Entities400400

REST-style Requests

An HTTP 404 will be returned if the entire requested Service URL (including any variable parameters) does not exist. This could be for one of the following reasons:

  1.     The Service Endpoint requested does not exist or is not available (check your host name and ports).
  2.     The requested resource (as identified by the URL variable parameters) does not exist.

The HTTP 400 status code (Bad Request) is used by the REST-style requests if the POST or PUT contains bad data. For example, if TNC-O is given a Descriptor that it does not recognize or is unable to use.

RPC-style Requests

An HTTP 404 will be returned if the requested Service Endpoint does not exist.

An HTTP 400 will be returned if there is incorrect content in the request body sent to the Service Endpoint.

HTTP 409 Status

The HTTP 409 status code (Conflict) indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as the requested resource is not in the expected state or the result of processing the request would create a conflict within the resource.

Examples of where an HTTP 409 status code would be used within TNC-O are:

HTTP 5xx Status

Response status codes beginning with the digit “5” indicate cases in which TNC-O is unable to perform the request/action that has been submitted.

It indicates that something internally within TNC-O has prevented execution of the request, but that there was nothing syntactically wrong with the request itself. That is, the request is syntactically correct, all the mandatory parameters have been provided and have passed basic validation checks.

To put it another way the API service is saying:

“I understand what you have asked me to do and you have provided me with all the information I need/expect but I am unable to do what you have requested.”

The most usual case will be a simple HTTP 500 status code backed up with a JSON payload in the response body. This payload will contain a human-readable error message summarizing the problem and a section containing further technical details if available.

API Sections

The API is divided into four sections. These provide access to the different functionality provided by TNC-O. This API is expected to be called by external OSS systems to perform both fulfillment tasks and some fault management tasks.

Assembly Orchestration

TNC-O allows the creation of Assemblies. These allow services to be created by TNC-O which will interact with resource managers to create and manage virtual resources that need to be provided for the service to work.

This part of the API includes two endpoints; the first allows the External OSS system to request a transition against an assembly instance, including a requesting for a new assembly instance. The second allows the External OSS to poll TNC-O to find out the state of the request.

Asynchronous Events

In response to Assembly Orchestration requests, TNC-O will also place on a Kafka bus messages that describe the key events that occur during the processing of the request and also a message to indicate when the processing has been completed. It is recommended that the External OSS use this mechanism to check the state of requests rather than using the polling interface defined in the previous section.

Assembly Topology

External OSS may need details of the assembly instances and of the components that it is comprised. The topology contains a hierarchy of the components of an assembly. A component may be either a resource or an assembly. It is also possible to request details of the events used during the assembly’s life.

Resource Manager Handling

Resource Managers are responsible for managing the actual resources that needed for a service to work. TNC-O needs to be told which resources managers it will interface to. This process is known as ‘Onboarding a Resource Manager’. The TNC-O API provides a set of calls that allows a new resource manager instance to be onboarded to TNC-O, and also removed from TNC-O. When a resource manager is onboarded the set of resource types and locations that they manager will be extracted using the Resource Manager API. The API also provides an endpoint that will make TNC-O request the associated resource manager for a set of updated resources. Any existing resources will remain unchanged when this update occurs.

Supported Media Types

The media types supported by the TNC-O API are:

In most cases using JSON to supply information as part of an API request is the preferred option.