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Default TNC-O Users

The default installation of Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) comes with the following default users, groups, roles and privileges.

Default users

UsernamePasswordMember of GroupSuspended
JanejaneSLMAdmin, RootSecAdminNo

Default groups

Group NameRoles Granted

Default roles

SLM RoleDescriptionPrivileges
SLM AdminA user with the ‘SLMAdmin’ role can perform the whole range of operations permissible with TNC-ONetwork Service instances - CRUDEVNF Instances - CRUDENetwork Service Designs - CRUDEVNF Designs - CRUDEDeployment Locations - CRUDEVDUs - CRUDEBehaviour Tests - CRUDIntent Requests - Read and ExecuteResource Driver - Read and Write
PortalAs a user with ‘Portal’ role can create Assembly Instances, but otherwise has read-only accessNetwork Service instances - CRUDEVNF Instances - Read-OnlyNetwork Service Designs - Read-OnlyVNF Designs - NO ACCESSDeployment Locations - Read-OnlyVDUs - Read-OnlyBehaviour Tests - CRUDEIntent Requests - Read and ExecuteResource Driver - Read and Write
ReadOnlyAs a user with ‘ReadOnly’ role has read-only access to all parts of the systemNetwork Service instances - Read-OnlyVNF Instances - Read-OnlyNetwork Service Designs - Read-OnlyVNF Designs - Read-OnlyDeployment Locations - Read-OnlyVDUs - Read-OnlyBehaviour Tests - Read-OnlyResource Driver - Read-Only
RootSecAdmin‘Root Security Admin’. Only an authenticated TNC-O user with this role can create/update/delete role definitions within TNC-O and carry out other security admin tasks.A user with only this role cannot perform any other operations within TNC-O.User Credentials - CRUDE
BehaviourScenarioExecute‘Root Security Admin’. Only an authenticated TNC-O user with this role can create/update/delete role definitions within ALM and carry out other security admin tasks.A user with only this role cannot perform any other operations within ALM.Network Service instances - Read and WriteIntent Requests - Execute

Available privileges

The list of available privileges which can be listed against a role to assign permissions are as follows:

CategoryDescriptionPrivilegeAvailable actions
Security AdministrationAdminister the security of the system, i.e. viewing or modifying credentialsSECADMINexecutewriteread
Intent Request OperationsPerform intents relating to health operations on an assembly, i.e. scale or healINTENTREQSOPSexecutewriteread
Intent Request ManagementPerform intents relating to management of assemblies, e.g. create, delete or upgradeINTENTREQSLMGTexecuteread
Network Service Instance ManagementPerform operations reliant on creating or viewing network service instancesNSINSTSMGexecutewriteread
Network Service DesignCreate and view descriptors for network servicesNSDESMGTexecutewriteread
SLM AdministrationManage deployment locations, resource managers and UI themesSLMADMINexecutewriteread
Manage Deployment LocationsCreate and view deployment locationsDEPLOYLOCMGTexecutewriteread
Behaviour Scenario ExecuteExecute behaviour scenarios and view execution resultsBEHVRSCENEXECexecutewriteread
Behaviour Scenario DesignDesign behaviour scenariosBEHVRSCENDESwriteread
Resource Driver ManagementManage resource drivers in relations to a resource manager e.g onboard or get locationRMDRVRwriteread
Resource Driver Key ManagementRead (private and public) keys returned by a resource driversRMDRVRKEYSread
Resource Package ManagementCreate resource packages that work with resource driversRESOURCEPKGwrite
VNF Instance ManagementView VNF instancesVNFINSTSMGTexecutewriteread
VNF Instance DesignCreate and view descriptors for VNF instancesVNFDESMGTexecutewriteread
VDU Instance ManagementManage VDU instancesVDUINSTSMGTexecutewriteread
VDU Group ManagementManage VDU groupsVDUGRPMGTexecutewriteread
VDU Instance DesignManage descriptors for VDU instancesVDUDESMGTexecutewriteread