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Themes Overview

Changing the look of the Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) User Interface UI is supported via Theme Packages. A theme can be provided for each unique look that is needed for the TNC-O UI.

Changing the Theme of the TNC-O UI

  1. To change the theme of the UI you need to produce a theme.tar containing the necessary elements. The TAR should include a directory for each potential theme. Each theme is represented by a directory which should include the favicon, stylesheet and images to be used:
+-- mytheme (change to your Theme name)
|     +-- favicon.ico
|     +-- theme.css
|     +-- images (directory)
|         +-- image-file-1.png
|         +-- image-file-2.png
|         +-- <etc. rest of the image files>
+-- myothertheme (change to any other Theme names)
      +-- favicon.ico
      +-- theme.css
      +-- images (directory)
          +-- <etc. rest of the image files>
  1. Produce a TAR called theme.tar (this name is mandatory) using the tar command, including each Theme directory:
tar -cvzf theme.tar mytheme myothertheme
  1. The theme.tar must be loaded into your Kubernetes environment by creating a ConfigMap.
kubectl create configmap lm-themes --from-file theme.tar
  1. The theme can be enabled during TNC-O installation or for an already running TNC-O.