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Designing Scenarios

Executing Intents

The following guide shows you how to use the Intent Engine and Intent Request steps to execute lifecycle intents on Assemblies as part of a scenario. Executing Synchronous Intents The steps in the “Intent Engine” group allow you to execute intents on Assemblies and wait for their completion. The target Assembly of the intent can be one created as part of the scenario or an existing Assembly you know exists. »

Existing Provided Assembly

The “Existing Provided Assembly” entry, found in the “Assembly Configurations” section of the scenario palette, is available to all scenarios. Adding it to the scenario will add an input property to the scenario, which must be set each time it is executed. The following guide shows you to use the “Existing Provided Assembly” configuration in your scenarios. Add Existing Provided Assembly Add the “Existing Provided Assembly” entry by dragging it from the scenario palette into the “Assemblies” panel at the top of the scenario »

Monitor Assembly Events

The steps in the “Assembly Events” group allow you to check intents have occurred on an Assembly. This is usually done to check a Heal or Scale has taken place on an Assembly when a policy is triggered. Check Assembly Process Success If you have a scenario which simulates traffic/metrics to trigger a policy on your Assembly, then you can check the expected Heal or Scale takes place by adding the “Check for currently in progress process” or “Check for successful process” steps. »

Recording Metrics

The behaviour testing engine is capable of consuming metrics from Kafka topics in the background, whilst a scenario executes. This can be used to test a service is behaving as expected. The following guide shows you how to use the Metric Definitions, Metric Recording and Metric Assertions steps to record a metric and check it’s value. Defining the Metric To record metrics, you will need a Resource that produces metrics. In this guide, we use an example Assembly with a Resource that produces metrics for “Failed Calls”. »