Pre-requisites The following links introduce terms used through out this section: Key TNC-O concepts introduce the Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) programming model used to model VNFs and Network Services. Assembly and resource specifications give detailed descriptions of how to model lifecycles in TNC-O. Introduction Cloud DevOps best practices and principles are at the heart of the TNC-O solution. To scale any Cloud based networking program, a unified operations and engineering model is combined with a set of automation tools that can simplify and automate the complexities of an end-to-end VNF or Network Service lifecycle. »
Getting Started
Objective This section describes how to setup your own Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O) CI/CD process and tools using the CI/CD Hub. Pre-requisites You must have installed the CI/CD Hub software and attach one or more ALMs. A detailed description of the CI/CD Hub software can be found here. TNC-O CI/CD Process and Tasks Once the CI/CD Hub is up and running, perform the following tasks to configure it to the needs of your team. »
Configure the Hub
Objectives A newly installed CI/CD Hub will require some additional configuration to setup users and cross component integrations. Pre-requisites Newly installed CI/CD Hub See initial CI/CD Hub login details Add users to OpenLDAP To add users to the to the OpenLDAP installed with the CI/CD Hub. You can follow the instructions to add users to a standalone Telco Network Cloud Orchestration (TNC-O). Slave ALMs can be configured at installation time to use the OpenLDAP instance deployed with the CI/CD Hub. »