Create Release Pipeline
Create a release pipeline that will package a VNF or Network Service project into a binary package.
- CI Pipeline has already been configured and tested.
This pipeline will be triggered when there is a check-in to the master branch. It will:
- Checkout the project (tagged version)
- Check that all packages this project depends on in release have also been released (i.e. not SNAPSHOT versions)
- Check this version of the project has not already been released
- Rename the package in nexus (remove the SNAPSHOT)
- If the project is a NS, then deploy it’s package, and all the packages it depends on for release to the production TNC-O.
Create the Release Pipeline script
The following is an example pipeline scripts
def descriptor = 'UNKNOWN'
def version = 'UNKNOWN'
agent { label 'lmctl' }
stage('Check VNF and NS Project Dependencies')
stage('Package Release')
/* get the descriptor name from the top-level assembly, that will be the package name */
descriptor = get_descriptor()
sh("echo releasing named: ${descriptor}")
/* get version from top-level assembly. this is the version number to use for packaging */
version = get_version()
sh("echo release version: ${version}")
if (package_exists("raw", "packages/${descriptor}/${descriptor}-${version}.tgz") == 0)
sh("echo ${descriptor}-${version}.tgz has alread been released cannot continue with this version")
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
error('Cannot release with a version that has previously been released')
move_package_to_release("${descriptor}", "${version}")
stage('Deploy Images')
if ("${SERVICE_TYPE}" =='NS'){
sh("echo get image list and targets")
sh("echo check image in target vim and load if new")
} else {
sh("echo Skipping deployment images stage for non NS")
stage('Deploy Packages')
if ("${SERVICE_TYPE}" =='NS')
deploy_packages("${descriptor}", "${version}")
} else
sh("echo Skipping deployment of packages stage for non NS")
def get_descriptor()
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "grep -E ^name:[[:space:]].*::.*::.* ${WORKSPACE}/Descriptor/assembly.yml |cut -d ':' -f4").trim()
def get_version()
return sh(returnStdout: true, script: "grep -E ^name:[[:space:]].*::.*::.* ${WORKSPACE}/Descriptor/assembly.yml |cut -d ':' -f6").trim()
def move_package_to_release(descriptor, version)
we remove the snapshot for this version and upload release (without -SNAPSHOT)
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'nexus-id', passwordVariable: 'NEXUS_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME')]) {
sh "wget ${NEXUS_URL}/repository/raw/packages/${descriptor}/${descriptor}-${version}-SNAPSHOT.tgz"
sh "curl -v -u ${NEXUS_USERNAME}:${NEXUS_PASSWORD} --upload-file ./${descriptor}-${version}-SNAPSHOT.tgz ${NEXUS_URL}/repository/raw/packages/${descriptor}/${descriptor}-${version}.tgz"
sh "curl -X DELETE -v -u ${NEXUS_USERNAME}:${NEXUS_PASSWORD} ${NEXUS_URL}/repository/raw/packages/${descriptor}/${descriptor}-${version}-SNAPSHOT.tgz"
def deploy_packages(descriptor, version)
script {
def n /* name of package */
def v /* version of package */
if (fileExists("${WORKSPACE}/packages.dep")) {
def packages = readFile("${WORKSPACE}/packages.dep").split('\n')
for (int i = 0; i < packages.size(); ++i) {
n = packages[i].split('-')[0]
v = packages[i].split('-')[1]
sh("wget ${NEXUS_URL}/repository/raw/packages/${n}/${n}-${v}.tgz")
sh("lmctl pkg push ${n}-${v}.tgz production")
sh("echo onboarded ${n}-${v}.tgz")
sh("echo deploy new package into production")
sh("wget ${NEXUS_URL}/repository/raw/packages/${descriptor}/${descriptor}-${version}.tgz")
sh("lmctl pkg push ${descriptor}-${version}.tgz production")
sh("echo onboarded ${descriptor}-${version}.tgz")
def check_dependencies(dependency_filename){
script {
def n /* name of package */
def v /* version of package */
if (fileExists("${WORKSPACE}/${dependency_filename}")) {
def packages = readFile("${WORKSPACE}/${dependency_filename}").split('\n')
for (int i = 0; i < packages.size(); ++i) {
n = packages[i].split('-')[0]
v = packages[i].split('-')[1]
try to get a released package (without -SNAPSHOT suffix)
if not we fail. Only released packages can be used.
if (package_exists("raw", "packages/${n}/${n}-${v}.tgz") == 0)
sh("echo checked ${n}-${v}.tgz has been released")
sh("echo ${n}-${v}.tgz has NOT been released cannot continue")
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
error('Cannot release with dependent packages that are not also released')
def package_exists(repo, package_name)
response = sh( returnStdout: true,
script: "curl -X GET \"${NEXUS_URL}/service/rest/v1/search?repository=${repo}&name=${package_name}\""
return sh( returnStatus: true,
script: "echo \"${response}\" | grep ${package_name}"
Configure Jenkins and Gogs
Follow the steps to create the pipeline job in Jenkins from the steps in CI pipeline.
Do not create an auto hook. This job is intended to be triggered manually when all stakeholders agree the project has been sufficiently tested and is ready for release.
The pipelines can be developed to auto-trigger automatic release and deployment. But that is not covered here.