TerraTorch keeps a set of registries which map strings to instances of those strings. They can be imported from terratorch.registry
If you are using tasks with existing models, you may never have to interact with registries directly. The model factory will handle interactions with registries.
Registries behave like python sets, exposing the usual contains
and iter
operations. This means you can easily operate on them in a pythonic way, such as "model" in registry
or list(registry)
To create the desired instance, registries expose a build
method, which accepts the name and the arguments to be passed to the constructor.
from terratorch import BACKBONE_REGISTRY
# find available prithvi models
print([model_name for model_name in BACKBONE_REGISTRY if "terratorch_prithvi" in model_name])
>>> ['terratorch_prithvi_eo_tiny', 'terratorch_prithvi_eo_v1_100', 'terratorch_prithvi_eo_v2_300', 'terratorch_prithvi_eo_v2_600', 'terratorch_prithvi_eo_v2_300_tl', 'terratorch_prithvi_eo_v2_600_tl']
# show all models with list(BACKBONE_REGISTRY)
# check a model is in the registry
"terratorch_prithvi_eo_v2_300" in BACKBONE_REGISTRY
>>> True
# without the prefix, all internal registries will be searched until the first match is found
"prithvi_eo_v1_100" in BACKBONE_REGISTRY
>>> True
# instantiate your desired model
# the backbone registry prefix (e.g. `terratorch` or `timm`) is optional
# in this case, the underlying registry is terratorch.
model ="prithvi_eo_v1_100", pretrained=True)
# instantiate your model with more options, for instance, passing weights from your own file
model =
"prithvi_eo_v2_300", num_frames=1, ckpt_path='path/to/'
# Rest of your PyTorch / PyTorchLightning code
are special registries which dynamically aggregate multiple registries. They behave as if they were a single large registry by searching over multiple registries.
For instance, the DECODER_REGISTRY
, which is responsible for decoders implemented in terratorch, as well as the SMP_DECODER_REGISTRY
(if mmseg is installed).
To make sure you access the object from a particular registry, you may prepend your string with the prefix from that registry.
from terratorch import DECODER_REGISTRY
# decoder registries always take at least one extra argument, the channel list with the channel dimension of each embedding passed to it"FCNDecoder", [32, 64, 128])"terratorch_FCNDecoder", [32, 64, 128])
# Find all prefixes
>>> odict_keys(['terratorch', 'smp', 'mmseg'])
If a prefix is not added, the MultiSourceRegistry
will search each registry in the order it was added (starting with the TERRATORCH_
registry) until it finds the first match.
For both of these registries, only TERRATORCH_X_REGISTRY
is mutable. To register backbones or decoders to terratorch, you should decorate the constructor function (or the model class itself) with @TERRATORCH_DECODER_REGISTRY.register
To add a new registry to these top level registries, you should use the .register
method, taking the register and the prefix that will be used for it.
Bases: Mapping[str, T]
, Generic[T]
Registry that searches in multiple sources
Correct functioning of this class depends on registries raising a KeyError when the model is not found.
Source code in terratorch/registry/
register_source(prefix, registry)
Register a source in the registry
Bases: Set
Registry holding model constructors and multiple additional sources.
This registry behaves as a set of strings, which are model names, to model classes or functions which instantiate model classes.
In addition, it can instantiate models with the build method.
Add constructors to the registry by annotating them with @registry.register.
registry = Registry() @registry.register ... def model(args, *kwargs): ... return object() "model" in registry True model_instance ="model")
Source code in terratorch/registry/
build(name, *constructor_args, **constructor_kwargs)
Build and return the component. Use prefixes ending with _ to forward to a specific source
Source code in terratorch/registry/
Register a component in the registry. Used as a decorator.
Parameters: |
Source code in terratorch/registry/
Other Registries#
Additionally, terratorch has the NECK_REGISTRY
, where all necks must be registered, and the MODEL_FACTORY_REGISTRY
, where all model factories must be registered.