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ati (compatability)§

ATI tnz interface

ATI (Automated Task Interpreter) was an IBM-internal language/runtime built for automating 3270 terminal interaction. It had a syntax very similar to Rexx. This module is intended to help with porting ATI code to python. It is also the base of the zti tool.

Some of these functions have enhancements on top of the ATI function. Enhancments include using a negative index/position or length to indicate a position relative to the END of the string. See individual functions for details.

USAGE The way to make a python script that is most like ATI source code is to use 'import *'. Be warned that this will override the 'set' symbol (otherwise a python builtin function).

    from tnz.ati import *
    set('SESSION', 'SES1')
    wait(lambda: scrhas('RUNNING'))

The next step up in being more pythonic is to import the module
as a symbol, but still make the assumption that python is running
a single ATI program.

    from tnz import ati
    ati.set('SESSION', 'SES1')
    ati.wait(lambda: ati.scrhas('RUNNING'))

In a more complex program that may manage multiple ATI programs,
the Ati class can be imported.

    from tnz.ati import Ati
    ati = Ati()
    ati.set('SESSION', 'SES1')
    ati.wait(lambda: ati.scrhas('RUNNING'))

And a more pythonic way of using ATI-like variables can be used.
Note that this bypasses much of the ATI tracing/logging.

    from tnz.ati import Ati
    ati = Ati()
    ati.session = 'SES1'
    ati.wait(lambda: ati.scrhas('RUNNING'))

Special ATI-like variables that did not exist in ATI:

    Default is 9. Can be set to other positive integers. Used
    only when LOGMAX is non-zero. Used to determine the number of
    backup logs kept when a log reaches the maximum size. When
    the number of bytes in the log is about to exceed this value,
    the log file is closed and a new file is opened for output.
    The old file will be renamed to end in '.n', where 'n' is the
    current total number of backups. The first backup will end in
    '.1', the second in '.2', etc.

    Default is 0. Can be set to a positive integer. When
    non-zero, value is the number of bytes at which log
    rollover/rotation occurs. When the number of bytes in the log
    is about to exceed this value, the log file is closed and a
    new file is opened for output.

    Default is 1. Can be set to 0 or 1. Affects processing done
    when LOGDEST is set. When 1 and LOGDEST identifies an
    existing file, the file will be truncated to 0 bytes before
    logging begins. When 0 and LOGDEST identifies an existing
    file, log entries will be appended to the existing file.
    After LOGDEST is set to a file, LOGTRUNC is set to 0.
Environment variables used


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SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

CASI module-attribute §

CASI = _AtiConst('CASI')

EOL module-attribute §

EOL = _AtiConst('EOL')

FALSE module-attribute §

FALSE = '0'

FIRST module-attribute §

FIRST = _AtiConst('FIRST')

LAST module-attribute §

LAST = _AtiConst('LAST')

OFF module-attribute §

OFF = _AtiConst('OFF')

ON module-attribute §

ON = _AtiConst('ON')

TRUE module-attribute §

TRUE = '1'

backtab module-attribute §

backtab = '[backtab]'

btab module-attribute §

btab = '[backtab]'

cdn module-attribute §

cdn = '[down]'

clear module-attribute §

clear = '[clear]'

clf module-attribute §

clf = '[left]'

copies §

copies(string, cnt)

returns cnt concatenated copies of string. The cnt must be a positive whole number or zero.

crt module-attribute §

crt = '[right]'

cup module-attribute §

cup = '[up]'

curdown module-attribute §

curdown = '[down]'

curleft module-attribute §

curleft = '[left]'

curright module-attribute §

curright = '[right]'

curup module-attribute §

curup = '[up]'

delete module-attribute §

delete = '[delete]'

drop §


enter module-attribute §

enter = '[enter]'

eraseeof module-attribute §

eraseeof = '[eraseeof]'

ereof module-attribute §

ereof = '[eraseeof]'

extract §

extract(*args, wc=None)

home module-attribute §

home = '[home]'

index §

index(haystack, needle, start=1)

returns the character position of one string, needle, in another, haystack, or returns 0 if the string needle is not found or is a null string. By default the search starts at the first character of haystack (start has the value 1). You can override this by specifying a different start point, which must be a positive whole number.

ins module-attribute §

ins = '[insert]'

insert module-attribute §

insert = '[insert]'

left §

left(string, length, pad=' ')

returns a string of length length, containing the leftmost length characters of string. The string returned is padded with pad characters (or truncated) on the right as needed. The default pad character is a blank. length must be a positive whole number or zero.

length §


returns the length of string.

logwrt §


newline module-attribute §

newline = '[newline]'

nl module-attribute §

nl = '[newline]'

num module-attribute §

num = num

numvalue §

numvalue(name, trace=None)

pa1 module-attribute §

pa1 = '[pa1]'

pa2 module-attribute §

pa2 = '[pa2]'

pa3 module-attribute §

pa3 = '[pa3]'

pf01 module-attribute §

pf01 = '[pf01]'

pf02 module-attribute §

pf02 = '[pf02]'

pf03 module-attribute §

pf03 = '[pf03]'

pf04 module-attribute §

pf04 = '[pf04]'

pf05 module-attribute §

pf05 = '[pf05]'

pf06 module-attribute §

pf06 = '[pf06]'

pf07 module-attribute §

pf07 = '[pf07]'

pf08 module-attribute §

pf08 = '[pf08]'

pf09 module-attribute §

pf09 = '[pf09]'

pf1 module-attribute §

pf1 = '[pf1]'

pf10 module-attribute §

pf10 = '[pf10]'

pf11 module-attribute §

pf11 = '[pf11]'

pf12 module-attribute §

pf12 = '[pf12]'

pf13 module-attribute §

pf13 = '[pf13]'

pf14 module-attribute §

pf14 = '[pf14]'

pf15 module-attribute §

pf15 = '[pf15]'

pf16 module-attribute §

pf16 = '[pf16]'

pf17 module-attribute §

pf17 = '[pf17]'

pf18 module-attribute §

pf18 = '[pf18]'

pf2 module-attribute §

pf2 = '[pf2]'

pf20 module-attribute §

pf20 = '[pf20]'

pf21 module-attribute §

pf21 = '[pf21]'

pf22 module-attribute §

pf22 = '[pf22]'

pf23 module-attribute §

pf23 = '[pf23]'

pf24 module-attribute §

pf24 = '[pf24]'

pf3 module-attribute §

pf3 = '[pf3]'

pf4 module-attribute §

pf4 = '[pf4]'

pf5 module-attribute §

pf5 = '[pf5]'

pf6 module-attribute §

pf6 = '[pf6]'

pf7 module-attribute §

pf7 = '[pf7]'

pf8 module-attribute §

pf8 = '[pf8]'

pf9 module-attribute §

pf9 = '[pf9]'

rename §


reset module-attribute §

reset = '[reset]'

right §

right(string, length, pad=' ')

returns a string of length length containing the rightmost length characters of string. The string returned is padded with pad characters (or truncated) on the left as needed. The default pad character is a blank. The length must be a positive whole number or zero.

say §


scrhas §

scrhas(*args, wc=None)

send §


set §

set(name, value, xtern=True, trace=None)

share §


strip §

strip(string, option='B', char=' ')

returns string with leading or trailing characters or both removed, based on the option you specify. The following are valid options. (Only the capitalized letter is needed; all characters following it are ignored.)

Both removes both leading and trailing characters from string. This is the default.

Leading removes leading characters from string.

Trailing removes trailing characters from string.

The third argument, char, specifies the character to be removed, and the default is a blank. With rexx, if you specify char, it must be exactly one character long. With this function, all characters specified in the char string are considered for removal from string.

Here are some examples:

strip(' ab c ') -> 'ab c' strip(' ab c ','L') -> 'ab c ' strip(' ab c ','t') -> ' ab c' strip('12.7000',char='0') -> '12.7' strip('0012.700',char='0') -> '12.7'

stripl module-attribute §

stripl = lstrip

stript module-attribute §

stript = rstrip

substr §

substr(string, idx, length=None, pad=' ')

returns the substring of string that begins at the idx'th character and is of length length, padded with pad if necessary.

In rexx, idx must be a positive whole number. In this function, idx can also be negative. When idx is negative, the begining of the substring is relative to the end of string like in python. For example, -1 refers to the last chararacter in string and -2 refers to the second to last character in string and so on.

In this function, length can be negative. A negative length means that idx refers to the last character in the substring instead of the first. The length of the returned substring is always abs(length).

If you omit length, the rest of the string is returned. The default pad character is a blank.

Here are some examples:

substr('abc',2) -> 'bc' substr('abc',2,4) -> 'bc ' substr('abc',2,6,'.') -> 'bc....'

See also the 'left' and 'right' functions.

tab module-attribute §

tab = '[tab]'

upper module-attribute §

upper = upper

value §

value(name, trace=None)

wait §


when §


word §

word(string, wpos)

returns the nth blank-delimited word in string or returns the null string if fewer than n words are in string. The n must be a positive whole number. This function is exactly equivalent to subword(string,n,1).

words §


returns the number of blank-delimited words in string.