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Batch input for location creation/modification.

type BatchLocationInput {
    # Name of location.
    # Must not be empty, must be unique and maximum allowed length is 60 characters.
    name: String!
    # ID of parent region/location.
    parentID: ID!
    # Restriction for client connections. Omit if there aren't any restrictions.
    clientRestriction: ClientRestrictionInput
    # Whether clients can connect to servers in this location or not. Defaults to true.
    clientConnectionsEnabled: Boolean
    # Whether clients can fall back to external CDNs or not. Defaults to true.
    cdnFallbackEnabled: Boolean
    # External IP ranges of location. Omit if ranges are inherited.
    # Cannot be filled if inheritExternalRanges is set to true.
    externalRanges: [IPv4Range!]
    # Whether external ranges are inherited from parent location.
    # Defaults to false, must have a parent location if it's set to true.
    # Cannot be true if externalRanges field is filled as well.
    inheritExternalRanges: Boolean


name: String!

Name of location. Must not be empty, must be unique and maximum allowed length is 60 characters.

parentID: ID!

ID of parent region/location.

clientRestriction: ClientRestrictionInput

Restriction for client connections. Omit if there aren’t any restrictions.

clientConnectionsEnabled: Boolean

Whether clients can connect to servers in this location or not. Defaults to true.

cdnFallbackEnabled: Boolean

Whether clients can fall back to external CDNs or not. Defaults to true.

externalRanges: [IPv4Range!]

External IP ranges of location. Omit if ranges are inherited. Cannot be filled if inheritExternalRanges is set to true.

inheritExternalRanges: Boolean

Whether external ranges are inherited from parent location. Defaults to false, must have a parent location if it’s set to true. Cannot be true if externalRanges field is filled as well.