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The Mutation type represents all the mutable entry points to the API.

type Mutation {
    # Create new location.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
    # Returns created location.
        # Batch input for location creation.
        config: BatchLocationInput!
    ): Location!
    # Batch configuration of a location.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
    # Returns configured location.
        # ID of location to configure.
        locationID: ID!
        # Batch input for location configuration.
        config: BatchLocationInput!
    ): Location!
    # Set a common parent for locations. Parent can either be a region or a location.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of (children) locations (which we set a parent for).
        locationIDs: [ID!]!
        # ID of parent location/region.
        parentID: ID!
    ): Void
    # Delete locations.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of locations to delete.
        locationIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Create new server.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
    # Returns created server.
        # Batch input for server creation.
        config: BatchServerInput!
    ): Server!
    # Batch configuration of a server.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
    # Returns configured server.
        # ID of server to configure.
        serverID: ID!
        # Selected mode to apply this configuration to an ECDN server.
        mode: ConfigurationMode!
        # Batch input for server configuration.
        config: BatchServerInput!
    ): Server!
    # Cancels PENDING desired MANUAL configuration of a server.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # ID of server to cancel PENDING MANUAL configuration on.
        serverID: ID!
    ): Void
    # Enable content delivery on servers.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of servers to enable content delivery on.
        serverIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Disable content delivery on servers.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of servers to disable content delivery on.
        serverIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Enable remote assistance on servers.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of servers to enable remote assistance on.
        serverIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Disable remote assistance on servers.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of servers to disable remote assistance on.
        serverIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Delete servers.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
        # IDs of servers to delete.
        serverIDs: [ID!]!
    ): Void
    # Create time-series report of ECDN video delivery.
    # Interval of a query with minutely granularity cannot exceed 24 hours.
    # Metrics older than 1 year are discarded.
    # Returns created report.
        # Granularity of time intervals.
        granularity: Granularity!
        # Break down report's intervals by additional fields.
        breakdown: ReportBreakdown
        # Start report from this point in time.
        from: Time!
        # End report at this point in time.
        to: Time!
        # Send created report to this email address.
        email: EmailAddress!
        # Included fields in the report.
        include: [ReportField!]!
    ): Report!
    # Add SSH key.
    # Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.
    # Returns added SSH key.
        # Description of SSH key.
        # Must not be empty, must be unique and maximum allowed length is 60 characters.
        description: String!
        # Public part of SSH key. It can either be:
        # * RSA: must be at least 2048 bits long.
        # * ECDSA: 256, 384, or 521 bits long.
        # * Ed25519.
        publicKey: PublicKey!
    ): SSHKey!


locationCreate: Location!

Create new location. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN. Returns created location.

configBatchLocationInputYESNOBatch input for location creation.

locationConfigure: Location!

Batch configuration of a location. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN. Returns configured location.

locationIDIDYESNOID of location to configure.
configBatchLocationInputYESNOBatch input for location configuration.

locationSetParents: Void

Set a common parent for locations. Parent can either be a region or a location. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

locationIDsIDYESYESIDs of (children) locations (which we set a parent for).
parentIDIDYESNOID of parent location/region.

locationDelete: Void

Delete locations. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

locationIDsIDYESYESIDs of locations to delete.

serverCreate: Server!

Create new server. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN. Returns created server.

configBatchServerInputYESNOBatch input for server creation.

serverConfigure: Server!

Batch configuration of a server. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN. Returns configured server.

serverIDIDYESNOID of server to configure.
modeConfigurationModeYESNOSelected mode to apply this configuration to an ECDN server.
configBatchServerInputYESNOBatch input for server configuration.

serverConfigurationCancel: Void

Cancels PENDING desired MANUAL configuration of a server. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDIDYESNOID of server to cancel PENDING MANUAL configuration on.

serverEnableContentDelivery: Void

Enable content delivery on servers. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDsIDYESYESIDs of servers to enable content delivery on.

serverDisableContentDelivery: Void

Disable content delivery on servers. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDsIDYESYESIDs of servers to disable content delivery on.

serverEnableRemoteAssistance: Void

Enable remote assistance on servers. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDsIDYESYESIDs of servers to enable remote assistance on.

serverDisableRemoteAssistance: Void

Disable remote assistance on servers. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDsIDYESYESIDs of servers to disable remote assistance on.

serverDelete: Void

Delete servers. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN.

serverIDsIDYESYESIDs of servers to delete.

reportCreate: Report!

Create time-series report of ECDN video delivery. Interval of a query with minutely granularity cannot exceed 24 hours. Metrics older than 1 year are discarded. Returns created report.

granularityGranularityYESNOGranularity of time intervals.
breakdownReportBreakdownNONOBreak down report’s intervals by additional fields.
fromTimeYESNOStart report from this point in time.
toTimeYESNOEnd report at this point in time.
emailEmailAddressYESNOSend created report to this email address.
includeReportFieldYESYESIncluded fields in the report.

sshKeyAdd: SSHKey!

Add SSH key. Authorization: must be at least ADMIN. Returns added SSH key.

descriptionStringYESNODescription of SSH key.
Must not be empty, must be unique and maximum allowed length is 60 characters.
publicKeyPublicKeyYESNOPublic part of SSH key. It can either be:
RSA: must be at least 2048 bits long.
ECDSA: 256, 384, or 521 bits long.
* Ed25519.