3. Install Steps
3.1: Overview
This module focuses on the initial deployment of the Cloud Pak for AIOps. This deployment scenario will assume you are deploying onto the IBM Technology Zone, Jam-in-a-Box for AIOps environments. Note that the same steps would generally apply to an OpenShift cluster deployed on another cloud provider, or on-premises.
3.2: Connect to the OpenShift cluster from bastion VM
In the previous section, we described how to access the bastion VM. Ensure you have access to the AIOps OCP cluster by running the following command:
export KUBECONFIG=/home/admin/kubeconfig-aiops
3.3: Install the Cloud Pak for AIOps Operator
In this section, our objective will be to deploy the product Operator which will then pull down the software images to the cluster, so that we can deploy an instance of the Cloud Pak for AIOps in the next section. You will be copying, pasting and running the following commands from the Terminal window.
- It is essential to ensure the indentation is correctly copied from the documentation.
- When you copy the commands, use the Copy helper on the right side as shown
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps and Infrastructure Automation can co-exist on the same cluster, but you cannot have multiple instances of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps or Infrastructure Automation on the same cluster.
If interested, this install steps we will begin to follow are documented here.
Create a custom project (namespace)
Lets start by creating the project (namespace) where we will install the
product. It is important to know which project/namespace you are in when issuing
commands. Run the following command:
oc create namespace cp4aiops
Create an OperatorGroup in your custom project (namespace)
The Operator requires an Operator Group, which provides multitenant configuration to installed Operators. An Operator group selects target namespaces in which to generate required RBAC (Role Base Access Control) access for its member Operators. Run the following command:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
name: cp4aiops-operator-group
namespace: cp4aiops
- cp4aiops
Create the entitlement key pull secret
Now we will store the entitlement key that you obtained previously into a secret. This secret will be used to pull installation images. Copy & paste the following command into the Text Editor in the bastion VM, add your entitlement key and run the command from the Terminal:
oc create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key \
--docker-username=cp \
--docker-password=<entitlement-key> \
--docker-server=cp.icr.io \
To open the Text Editor in the bastion VM, click on Applications, type
into the search bar, and click on the Text Editor icon.
If interested, this install step is documented here.
Usage data collection
To help the development of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps, daily aggregated usage data is collected to analyze how the product is used. The usage data is collected by the cp4aiops-metricsprocessor pod, and is sent to and stored in IBM controlled GDPR-compliant systems. For the purpose of this Lab, we will skip this step.
If interested, this install step is documented here.
Ensure external traffic access
Run the following command to update the endpointPublishingStrategy.type. This is done to allow traffic in case the ingresscontroller its set to HostNetwork. Run the following command:
if [ $(oc get ingresscontroller default -n openshift-ingress-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.endpointPublishingStrategy.type}') = "HostNetwork" ]; then oc patch namespace default --type=json -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/metadata/labels","value":{"network.openshift.io/policy-group":"ingress"}}]'; fi
If interested, this install step is documented here.
Create the catalog sources
After installation, CatalogSource objects determine whether the upgrade of your Cloud Pak for AIOps, Cert Manager or License Service deployments are initiated automatically when a new patch becomes available.
The CatalogSources object can be configured to automatically poll for and retrieve a newer catalog by enabling the polling attribute, spec.updateStrategy.registryPoll. If a newer catalog for a patch is found and retrieved, then an automatic upgrade of the respective component is initiated. For the purpose of this Lab, we will disable the automatic initiation of patch upgrades. Run the following:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
name: ibm-aiops-catalog
namespace: openshift-marketplace
displayName: ibm-aiops-catalog
publisher: IBM Content
sourceType: grpc
image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-aiops-catalog@sha256:9c3abcfcff17f2dfb28efa697de35a7b6bdbade58f1412a81d90283c6b93fe38
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
name: ibm-cert-manager-catalog
namespace: openshift-marketplace
displayName: ibm-cert-manager
publisher: IBM
sourceType: grpc
image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-cert-manager-operator-catalog
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
name: ibm-licensing-catalog
namespace: openshift-marketplace
displayName: IBM License Service Catalog
publisher: IBM
sourceType: grpc
image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-licensing-catalog
If interested, this install step is documented here.
The install step from the IBM Docs installation instructions also includes details on how to fix the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource to always use the current image digest, instead of icr.io/cpopen/ibm-operator-catalog:latest. This ensures that the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource pods do not pull the latest image if a node reload or other issue causes them to restart.
Confirm the CatalogSources are created by running the following command:
oc get CatalogSources -n openshift-marketplace
Install Cert Manager
Install the IBM Cloud Pak Certificate Manager:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: ibm-cert-manager
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
name: ibm-cert-manager-operator-group
namespace: ibm-cert-manager
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: ibm-cert-manager-operator
namespace: ibm-cert-manager
channel: v4.2
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: ibm-cert-manager-operator
source: ibm-cert-manager-catalog
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Run the following command to ensure that the IBM Cert Manager pods have a STATUS of Running before proceeding to the next step:
oc -n ibm-cert-manager get pods
Example output for a successful IBM Cert Manager installation:
cert-manager-cainjector-674854c49d-vstq4 1/1 Running 0 8d
cert-manager-controller-646d4bd6fd-zwmqm 1/1 Running 0 8d
cert-manager-webhook-8598787c8-s4lkt 1/1 Running 0 8d
ibm-cert-manager-operator-c96957695-dkxnm 1/1 Running 0 8d
Ensure you see all pods in a Ready 1/1 state before proceeding to the next step.
Install the License Service
IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps requires the installation of the IBM License Service. You must install the IBM License Service on the Red Hat OpenShift cluster that you are installing IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps on.
Run the following command to create the resource definitions that you need:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: ibm-licensing
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: OperatorGroup
name: ibm-licensing-operator-group
namespace: ibm-licensing
- ibm-licensing
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: ibm-licensing-operator-app
namespace: ibm-licensing
channel: v4.2
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: ibm-licensing-operator-app
source: ibm-licensing-catalog
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Run the following command to ensure that the IBM License Server pods have a STATUS of Running before proceeding to the next step.
oc -n ibm-licensing get pods
Example output for a successful IBM License Service installation:
ibm-licensing-operator-db4cd746c-xzmlf 1/1 Running 0 8d
Ensure you see all pods in a Ready 1/1 state before proceeding to the next step.
Verify cluster readiness
In order to finish the Lab on time, we will skip the section regarding verifying the cluster readiness. Remember to run this verification in a production implementation.
If interested, this install step is documented here.
Install the Cloud Pak for AIOps operator
Finally, we are ready to install the Operator. Run the following command:
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: ibm-aiops-orchestrator
namespace: cp4aiops
channel: v4.7
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: ibm-aiops-orchestrator
source: ibm-aiops-catalog
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
After a few minutes you can confirm that the Operator is fully installed by running the following command:
oc get csv -n cp4aiops | egrep "ibm-aiops-orchestrator"
You should see Succeeded messages as shown below:
ibm-aiops-orchestrator.v4.7.0 IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps 4.7.0 Succeeded
If interested, this install step is documented here.
Ensure you see the Succeeded status before proceeding to the next step.
3.4: Deploy an instance of Cloud Pak for AIOps
This final step involves deploying a running instance of the product onto the OpenShift cluster. Note in the following command that we specify accept the license, that the installation size is small, and the name of the file and block storage classes. In a real deployment, you will have to define the storage classes in advance. We will get deeper into storage classes later in the Lab.
Note also that we specify the TopologyModel. This is the terminology to use in the product when defining collections of topology resource groups. Valid values for TopologyModel are "application" or "service". Run the following commands:
export LICENSE_ACCEPT=true
export INSTALL_SIZE=small
export STORAGE_CLASS_FILE=ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
export STORAGE_CLASS_BLOCK=ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
export TOPOLOGY_MODEL=application
cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: orchestrator.aiops.ibm.com/v1alpha1
kind: Installation
name: ibm-cp-aiops
namespace: cp4aiops
imagePullSecret: ibm-entitlement-key
- name: aiopsFoundation
enabled: true
- name: applicationManager
enabled: true
- name: aiManager
enabled: true
- name: connection
enabled: false
- name: logAnomalyDetection
enabled: false
storageClass: ${STORAGE_CLASS_FILE}
storageClassLargeBlock: ${STORAGE_CLASS_BLOCK}
topologyModel: ${TOPOLOGY_MODEL}
Run the following command to check that the PHASE of your installation is Updating:
oc get installations.orchestrator.aiops.ibm.com -n cp4aiops
It takes around 60-90 minutes for the installation to complete (subject to the speed with which images can be pulled). When installation is complete and successful, the PHASE of your installation changes to Running.
While you wait for the installation to finish, you can complete the following Lab sections and come back to complete this section when you are done.
If your installation phase does not change to Running after 60-90 minutes, use the following command to find out which components are not ready:
oc get installation.orchestrator.aiops.ibm.com -o yaml | grep 'Not Ready'
If interested, this install step is documented here.
3.5: Log in to the Cloud Pak for AIOps console
Now you are going to locate the console URL and the admin login credentials from your newly deployed instance of the Cloud Pak for AIOps.
Find the URL to access the console with the following command:
echo -e "https://$(oc get route -n cp4aiops cpd -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')\n"
Find the password for the cpadmin username by running the following command:
oc -n cp4aiops get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' | base64 -d ; echo -e "\n"
Open a Firefox browser window and copy & paste the Cloud Pak for AIOps URL that you got in the previous step. Note that you will get one or more security Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead. This is because we have used self-signed certificates for this Lab. Just accept the risk and continue.
Make sure you can login as cpadmin, as shown below, using the password from the previous command.
If interested, the cluster access step is documented here.
After confirming you can login as cpadmin you can read through the labs Custom Sizing Tool and Storage, HA and FIPS Considerations and then complete the final Lab section LDAP Integration