Labs Overview
In the Cloud Pak for AIOps labs of the AIOps Jam-in-a-Box series, you will be going through several key exercises in order to learn more about the IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps.
This is the Lab list:
- Install a small size deployment of the Cloud Pak for AIOPs
- Custom deployments sizes using the custom sizing tool
- Storage requirements
- Integration with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
- Collecting topology data
- Using rules to merge topology elements
- Using templates to gather resources into logical groups
- Define applications from groups and business criticality
- Load sample event and alert data using a generic webhook and kafka topic
- Scope-based alert correlation
- Temporal alert correlation
- Topological alert correlation
- Set up an integration into Netcool/OMNIbus
- Set up an integration into Netcool/Impact
- Create an event housekeeping automation
- Create a right-click tool that leverages Netcool/Impact
- Migrate custom correlation automation from Netcool
More labs will be added in the future to explore more advanced scenarios and features of IBM Cloud Pak for AIOps.