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4. OpenTelemetry instrumentation

Work In Progress

This lab is currently under development.

OpenTelemetry instrumentation

For the purpose of this lab, we will use Instana OpenTelemetry Demo Application which is the fork of generic OpenTelemetry Demo Application available here

Instana's custom fork of the OpenTelemetry Demo Application is a microservice-based application, integrated with an Instana backend. The demo shows the native Instana OpenTelemetry data collection, correlation of OpenTelemetry tracing and the underlying monitored infrastructure, and an example of trace continuity between Instana tracing and OpenTelemetry.

OpenTelemetry Demo Application was already installed for you in the lab environment. The following steps are required to enable OpenTelemetry in the Instana agent.

OpenTelemetry is an open-source observability framework with a collection of software development kits (SDKs), vendor-neutral or vendor-agnostic APIs, and tools for instrumentation. This technology can generate, collect, export, and instrument telemetry data to analyze your platform's behavior and performance. Opentelemetry is also known as OTel. OpenTelemetry is included into Instana license, there's no additional payment required.

Enable OpenTelemetry in Instana

First, let's make sure you are using the correct project in your OCP cluster

oc project instana-agent

Now, let's edit the configmap of instana-agent. We need to let instana-agent know which OpenTelemetry settings are required

oc edit configmap --namespace instana-agent

Remove all commented lines from the configuration section as described below.

You can use "dd" in the text editor to remove a single line from the file.


Once the remove is done, copy and paste the below configuration content.

Please note that there are exact number of spaces required.

# enabled: false # legacy setting, will only enable grpc, defaults to false
enabled: true # takes precedence over legacy settings above, defaults to true iff "grpc:" is present
enabled: true # allows to enable http endpoints, defaults to true iff "http:" is present

# - '-javaagent:/opt/otel/opentelemetry-javaagent-all.jar'
# - '-javaagent:/app/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar'
# - '-javaagent:/tmp/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar'

- traceparent
- tracestate

enabled: true

# otel-demo configurations
user: "ffs"
password: "ffs"
database: "postgres"

enabled: false
trace-jvms-with-problematic-agents: true

enabled: false

enabled: false

The final structure of the configmap should look like the below example


Save the file by typing ":wq"

Restart cluster workload

Restart all of the instana agents pods to ensure that configmap change was implemented.

oc rollout restart daemonset instana-agent --namespace instana-agent

Restart will prompt with a message

daemonset.apps/instana-agent restarted

Restart all of the Otel Demo app pods to ensure the Instana injection was done.

kubectl -n otel-demo rollout restart deploy

Restart will prompt with a message

deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-accountingservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-adservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-cartservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-checkoutservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-currencyservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-emailservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-featureflagservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-ffspostgres restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-frauddetectionservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-frontend restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-frontendproxy restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-kafka restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-loadgenerator restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-paymentservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-productcatalogservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-quoteservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-recommendationservice restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-redis restarted
deployment.apps/my-otel-demo-shippingservice restarted

Verify OpenTelemetry Demo Application

Once the instana-agent and OpenTelemetry Demo Application were restarted, it is now time to Verify if the applications works and delivers metrics as expected.

Let's find out what is the OpenTelemetry Demo Application route by using below command

oc project otel-demo
oc get routes

The results will be similar to the below output

NAME           HOST/PORT                                            PATH   SERVICES                     PORT          TERMINATION   WILDCARD
my-otel-demo my-otel-demo-frontendproxy tcp-service edge None

Your instance of OpenTelemetry Demo Application is available under the Let's use a browser to open that page. Please note the https in the address bar. Also, do not worry about the security message - accept the self-signed certificate.


Create an Application in Instana

Now, let's create an application perspective in Instana. Log in to your Instana instance and create new application perspective.


Switch to "Advanced mode"


Provide application name of your choice, your cluster name, select "All downstream services" and "All calls", click "Create"


Generate OpenTelemetry Demo Application traffic

Once the demo application is up and running, let's generate some traffic. Go back to the OpenTelemetry Demo Application in the browser, click through the site and explore the page, add products to the cart, make some orders.


Once you have purchased some of the products, let's go back to the Instana UI, open your Application Perspective to see the captured traffic.


This view concludes chapter 4. You are now able to see the traffic from your instance of the OpenTelemetry Demo Application captured by Instana. Let's move to the next sections.