Access an Environment
Each lab is backed by an environment that can be automatically provisioned though IBM TechZone which means you can start at the lab of your choice. Simply follow the instructions in the respective labs Lab Environment section to provision the environment for that Lab.
Once you start a lab you should execute the tasks in the numbered order that you see on the left side of the screen.
Requesting a Lab Environment
Each lab will provide you with a link to a TechZone collection that will allow you to request a lab environment. You will need to sign in with your IBM ID to request an environment.
You can browse all lab environments by navigating to the Jam-in-a-Box TechZone collection.
Use the link supplied in the labs Lab Environment section to navigate to the TechZone collection.
Sign in with your IBM ID when prompted.
Select when you would like to reserve the environment for.
When requesting your environment it would be wise to select the region that has the most capacity available. Below is a live chart showing Tech Zone capacity in each available region. Keep this in mind when completing your reservation.
Fill in the reservation details and select Submit
Pay close attention to the values you are asked to enter in the reservation form. Credentials and licenses you are prompted for are required. Automations will not provision correctly without them.
Accessing a Lab Environment
Once your requested environment has been provisioned successfully by Tech Zone you will receive an email letting you know provisioning has completed along with your environment details.
Within the details you should see a URL for OCP Console that looks similar to the following:
If you do not see an email from TechZone you can also try checking your spam folder.
If you no longer have the email you can also view your reservation details in Tech Zone.
Click on the OCP Console URL.
You will be taken to a page that looks similar to the below. Expand the twisties and select the Remote Desktop connection to connect to your Apache Guacamole Bastion host.
All access to the lab environment is behind this RHEL Bastion host named bastion-gym-lan.
Important Tips
Copy & Paste
If you are a Windows user be mindful that there are no new lines inserted unintentionally when copying and pasting commands to the Terminal. If you have this issue consider opening the lab guide within Guacamole or use the gedit Text Editor to remove any extra new lines before pasting the command in the terminal.
You can open a new Text Editor (gedit) document by:
- Selecting Activities at the top left of the screen on the Guacamole host.
- Entering the search term
- Selecting the Text Editor application
Default Text Editor
Throughout the lab you will be required to edit kubernetes manifests. By default you will use the vi editor. If you would prefer use the graphical text editor gedit you can do so by:
Setting your default kubernetes editor on the Guacamole host (admin@bastion-gym-lan):
# For the current shell
export KUBE_EDITOR=/bin/gedit
# More permanent change (open a new tab or window after making the change)
echo "export KUBE_EDITOR=/bin/gedit -w" >> ~/.bashrc