DataConnection Modules¶
- class ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers.connections.connections.DataConnection(location=None, connection=None, data_asset_id=None, connection_asset_id=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
You need a Data Storage Connection class for Service training metadata (input data).
- Parameters:
connection (NFSConnection or ConnectionAsset, optional) – connection parameters of a specific type
location (Union[S3Location, FSLocation, AssetLocation]) – required location parameters of a specific type
data_asset_id (str, optional) – data asset ID, if the DataConnection should point to a data asset
- download(filename)[source]¶
Download a dataset stored in a remote data storage and save to a file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – path to the file where data will be downloaded
document_reference = DataConnection( connection_asset_id="<connection_id>", location=S3Location(bucket="<bucket_name>", path="path/to/file"), )'results.json')
- classmethod from_dict(connection_data)[source]¶
Create a DataConnection object from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
connection_data (dict) – dictionary data structure with information about the data connection reference
- Returns:
DataConnection object
- Return type:
- classmethod from_studio(path)[source]¶
Create DataConnections from the credentials stored (connected) in Watson Studio. Only for COS.
- Parameters:
path (str) – path in the COS bucket to the training dataset
- Returns:
list with DataConnection objects
- Return type:
data_connections = DataConnection.from_studio(path='iris_dataset.csv')
- read(with_holdout_split=False, csv_separator=',', excel_sheet=None, encoding='utf-8', raw=False, binary=False, read_to_file=None, number_of_batch_rows=None, sampling_type=None, sample_size_limit=None, sample_rows_limit=None, sample_percentage_limit=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Download a dataset that is stored in a remote data storage. Returns batch up to 1 GB.
- Parameters:
with_holdout_split (bool, optional) – if True, data will be split to train and holdout dataset as it was by AutoAI
csv_separator (str, optional) – separator/delimiter for the CSV file
excel_sheet (str, optional) – excel file sheet name to use, use only when the xlsx file is an input, support for the number of the sheet is deprecated
encoding (str, optional) – encoding type of the CSV file
raw (bool, optional) – if False, simple data is preprocessed (the same as in the backend), if True, data is not preprocessed
binary (bool, optional) – indicates to retrieve data in binary mode, the result will be a python binary type variable
read_to_file (str, optional) – stream read data to a file under the path specified as the value of this parameter, use this parameter to prevent keeping data in-memory
number_of_batch_rows (int, optional) – number of rows to read in each batch when reading from the flight connection
sampling_type (str, optional) – a sampling strategy on how to read the data
sample_size_limit (int, optional) – upper limit for the overall data to be downloaded in bytes, default: 1 GB
sample_rows_limit (int, optional) – upper limit for the overall data to be downloaded in a number of rows
sample_percentage_limit (float, optional) – upper limit for the overall data to be downloaded in the percent of all dataset, this parameter is ignored, when sampling_type parameter is set to first_n_records, must be a float number between 0 and 1
If more than one of: sample_size_limit, sample_rows_limit, sample_percentage_limit are set, then downloaded data is limited to the lowest threshold.
- Returns:
one of the following:
pandas.DataFrame that contains dataset from remote data storage : Xy_train
Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] : X_train, X_holdout, y_train, y_holdout
Tuple[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame] : X_test, y_test that contains training data and holdout data from remote storage
bytes object, auto holdout split from backend (only train data provided)
train_data_connections = optimizer.get_data_connections() data = train_data_connections[0].read() # all train data # or X_train, X_holdout, y_train, y_holdout = train_data_connections[0].read(with_holdout_split=True) # train and holdout data
Your train and test data:[DataConnection], training_results_reference=DataConnection, test_data_reference=DataConnection) test_data_connection = optimizer.get_test_data_connections() X_test, y_test = # only holdout data # and train_data_connections = optimizer.get_data_connections() data = train_connections[0].read() # only train data
- set_client(api_client=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
To enable write/read operations with a connection to a service, set an initialized service client in the connection.
- Parameters:
api_client (APIClient) – API client to connect to a service
- class ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers.connections.connections.S3Location(bucket, path, **kwargs)[source]¶
Connection class to a COS data storage in S3 format.
- Parameters:
bucket (str) – COS bucket name
path (str) – COS data path in the bucket
excel_sheet (str, optional) – name of the excel sheet, if the chosen dataset uses an excel file for Batched Deployment scoring
model_location (str, optional) – path to the pipeline model in the COS
training_status (str, optional) – path to the training status JSON in the COS
- class ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers.connections.connections.DeploymentOutputAssetLocation(name, description='')[source]¶
Connection class to data assets where output of batch deployment will be stored.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of CSV file to be saved as a data asset
description (str, optional) – description of the data asset
- class ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers.connections.connections.GithubLocation(secret_manager_url, secret_id, path)[source]¶
Connection class to a Github.
- Parameters:
secret_manager_url (str) – url of Secrets Manager service where the Github PAT and url are stored.
secret_id (str) – ID of the secret with Github PAT and url in the Secrets Manager
path (str) – path within github repo to the file