Watsonx.data Certificates
There may be situations where the self-signed certificates in the watsonx.data Developer image may be invalid. If you are attempting to connect to the watsonx.data system from outside the virtual machine, you will need to run the following commands to fix the self-signed certificate.
Step 1: Connect to the Server
Use the SSH port to connect into the server and make sure that you become the root user.
sudo su -
Step 2: Update the Certificate
We need to update the certificate by using a utility in the developer toolbox. Start the toolbox code by switching to the bin directory and issuing the following command.
cd /root/ibm-lh-dev/bin
Once inside the development container, you will need to update the program that generates the certificates. Note: The certificate should cover all TechZone locations. If for some reason your TechZone server does not match the pattern *.services.cloud.techzone.ibm.com
, update it in the command below.
sed -i '/DNS.14.*/a DNS.15 = watsonxdata' /scripts/gen_certs.sh
sed -i '/DNS.15.*/a DNS.16 = watsonxdata.gym.lan' /scripts/gen_certs.sh
sed -i '/DNS.16.*/a DNS.17 = *.services.cloud.techzone.ibm.com' /scripts/gen_certs.sh
Once the script completes, exit the toolkit.
Step 3: Stop and Restart the System
The certificates need to be replaced in all the running containers. You must stop and restart them. You must include the diagnostic flag or else the system will not work properly. The startup will take some time to complete. The Postgres pod will display some warning messages which can be safely ignored.
export LH_RUN_MODE=diag
Step 4: Generate Custom Certificate
The first step is to copy the new certificates to the central /certs
directory use by this image.
docker cp ibm-lh-presto:/mnt/infra/tls/lh-ssl-ts.jks /certs/lh-ssl-ts.jks
docker cp ibm-lh-presto:/mnt/infra/tls/cert.crt /certs/lh-ssl-ts.crt
Next we need to generate the certificate file that is used by a number of the examples in the lab instructions.
rm -f presto.crt
echo QUIT | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect | awk '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/ {p=1}; p; /-----END CERTIFICATE-----/ {p=0}' > presto.crt
You can print the certificate if you need it for connections from CP4D.
cat presto.crt
Step 5: Generate Java Keystore File
The next step will create the Java Keystore file. When prompted, use a password of watsonx.data
and say yes
to accepting the certificate. Make sure that you see your host in the list. For instance, useast.services.cloud.techzone.ibm.com
should be displayed when you see the results.
rm -f presto-key.jks
keytool -import -alias presto-crt -file ./presto.crt -keystore ./presto-key.jks
The following is an example of the output from the keytool
Owner: CN=Dummy-Self-signed-Cert, EMAILADDRESS=dummy@example.dum, OU=For-CPD, O=Data and AI, L=Home-Town, ST=XX, C=YY Issuer: CN=Dummy-Self-signed-Cert, EMAILADDRESS=dummy@example.dum, OU=For-CPD, O=Data and AI, L=Home-Town, ST=XX, C=YY Serial number: 73f26644ad83ac8cdf9afbda6006d4e52f244fac Valid from: Tue Mar 05 17:42:56 EST 2024 until: Wed May 23 18:42:56 EDT 2035 Certificate fingerprints: SHA1: 3A:6C:52:80:3D:14:CF:D0:E7:AC:14:13:6F:46:FB:B1:8C:BA:E4:37 SHA256: 28:E7:AD:4E:BA:5F:00:4C:B7:2E:61:3E:3B:96:E5:DF:01:D5:80:CE:1A:B3:EF:B7:86:11:26:4A:B6:7C:90:8A Signature algorithm name: SHA512withRSA Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key Version: 3 Extensions: #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false ExtendedKeyUsages [ serverAuth ] #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false SubjectAlternativeName [ DNSName: ibm-lh-presto-svc DNSName: *.svc.cluster.local DNSName: api-svc DNSName: *.api DNSName: localhost DNSName: ibm-lh-hive-metastore DNSName: ibm-lh-hive-metastore-svc DNSName: lhconsole-api-svc DNSName: lhconsole-nodeclient-svc DNSName: ibm-lh-ranger-svc DNSName: ibm-lh-javaapi-svc DNSName: ibm-lh-prestissimo-svc DNSName: ibm-lh-qhmm DNSName: ibm-lh-qhmm-svc DNSName: watsonxdata DNSName: watsonxdata.gym.lan DNSName: *.services.cloud.techzone.ibm.com ] Trust this certificate? [no]: yes Certificate was added to keystore
Step 6: Create Certificate and Keystore Copies
The final step is to copy the certs and keystore values in a central location so they can be used in various scripts and notebooks.
\cp -f presto-key.jks /certs
\cp -f presto.crt /certs
chmod +r /certs/*.*
\cp -rf /certs /notebooks/