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The top of your TechZone reservation will contain a list of published services at the top of the details page.


These URLs and Port numbers are needed to access the services. The list will contain the following information:

  • SSH for watsonx userid - ssh -p xxxxx
  • SSH Browser - Server:
  • Diagnostic Port -
  • Presto console -
  • Presto Port - Server: Port: 15152
  • Jupyter Notebook - Server:
  • Minio Endpoint - Server: Port: 25623
  • Minio console -
  • Thrift URL - thrift://
  • Watsonx UI -
  • Db2 Port - Server: Port: 24312
  • Milvus Port - Server: Port: 34312

There are two additional ports which are available for use with any service you install in the system. These ports are:

  • Open Port 1 - Server: Port: 43611
  • Open Port 2 - Server: Port: 45623

The server URL will be different for each region and data center that your machine is provisioned on. The server name is usually in the format:
The port number that is provided in the reservation is mapped to the proper port number in the server. For instance, the Db2 Port number is 50000 in the server, but the reservation above shows a port number of 24312. Use the following rules for determining what server name and port number to use when connecting to the databases:

  • If you are using a program "inside" the watsonx server, the host is watsonxdata or localhost. Some systems will require the watsonx service name (ibm-lh-postgres) and these are highlighted in the documentation. The port number will always be the native port (i.e. 5432 for PostgreSQL).
  • If you are using a program "outside" the watsonx server, the host is the one provided in your reservation and the port will the one that is included as part of the URL (i.e. 23456 in the example above). Open Ports

The following URLs and Ports are used to access the services. Most browsers will work with these URLs.

Note: Mac OSX users should be aware that accessing the MinIO console may occasionally cause Firefox and Chrome to lock up. If you find that this occurs, try using Safari which appears to work fine.

The ports that are used in the lab listed below, including if they are available externally. The port numbers shown will be used when accessing them in the VM Remote Console. When using your workstation's browser, you will need to use the server name and port number supplied in the TechZone reservation.

Service Port External management console 9443 Yes
Presto console 8443 Yes
MinIO console (S3 buckets) 9001 Yes
MinIO S3 Endpoint 9000 Yes
Portainer (Docker container management) 6443 No
Apache Superset (Query and Graphing) 8088 No
Jupyter Notebook 8888 Yes
Presto External Port 8443 Yes
Thrift metadata Port 8380 Yes
Hive metadata Port 9083 Replaced
Milvus 19530 Yes
MySQL Port 3306 No
Postgres Port 5432 No
Db2 Database Port 50000 Yes
Diagnostics Port 8501 Yes

Note: The following port is not active unless the service is started:

  • Apache Superset (8088)

There are three https links will result in a Certificate error in Firefox:

  • UI
  • Presto UI
  • Portainer UI

Follow these steps to ignore the error when accessing these URLs.


Select Advanced.


Choose "Accept the Risk and Continue". If you are using Google Chrome, you can bypass the error message by typing in "thisisunsafe" or clicking on the "Proceed to (unsafe)" link.
