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This section is broken up into the following steps:

  1. Sign up for IBM Cloud
  2. Create a watsonx Assistant instance
  3. Connect to
  4. Create a sandbox project in

1. Sign up for IBM Cloud

Ensure you have an IBM Cloud ID as services and Large Language Models (LLMs) will be deployed on the cloud.

IBM cloud sign up

Note: You will need to be logged into IBM Cloud before continuing below.

2. Create a watsonx Assistant instance

You will use watsonx Assistant to create a dialog flow and integrate an LLM to generate the travel chatbot app.

Deploy an instance of watsonx Assistant if you don't have one or want to use a new one. Choose any of the service plans, including the Lite plan:

watsonx assistant creation

Once deployed, launch the Assistant so you can start using it.

watsonx assistant launch

3. Connect to

You will use for prompt tuning and inferencing AI models in the travel chatbot app, so ensure that you can log into the UI.

If you haven't already signed up, click "Start your free trial" and follow the instructions. You'll be able to use your free trial for this lab and further self-study, just be mindful of token limits as they vary depending on pricing tier.

4. Create a sandbox project in

A project is where you work with data and models. When you sign up for, your sandbox project is created automatically, and you can start working with it immediately. If you don't have a project, you can manually create one too. project creation

Once you have a project, you'll be able to open the Prompt Lab, where you can experiment with prompting different foundation models, explore sample prompts, and save and share your best prompts. start prompt lab

You are now ready to move on to the first lab where we'll use prompt engineering of foundation models to better understand what model and input prompt we need to be able to use the model in our application to return the information we require. In the subsequent lab, we will then integrate the learnings from the first lab to call the model in the dialog flow of our travel chatbot application.