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  • OpenShift 4.x cluster


  1. From the IBM Cloud cluster dashboard, click the OpenShift web console button,

    open OpenShift web console

  2. First we need to create a new project named jenkins to deploy the Jenkins service to,

  3. From the terminal,

    oc new-project jenkins


    $ oc new-project jenkins
    Now using project "jenkins" on server "".
  4. Or in the Openshift web console, go to Home > Projects,

  5. Click Create Project


  6. For Name enter jenkins, for Display Name enter jenkins, and for Description enter jenkins,

    Create jenkins project

  7. Click Create,

  8. Go to Operators > OperatorHub,
  9. For Filter by keyword enter Jenkins,

    OperatorHub Jenkins

  10. Select the Jenkins Operator provided by Red Hat, labeled community,

  11. Click Continue to Show Community Operator,

    Jenkins Community Operator

  12. Review the operator information, and click Install,

    Install Jenkins Operator

  13. In the Install Operator window, in the Update Channel section, select alpha under Update Channel, choose A specific namespace in the cluster and in the Installed Namespace section, select the project jenkins from the dropdown, select Automatic under Approval Strategy,

    Jenkins Operator Config

  14. Click Install,

  15. The Installed Operators page will load, wait until the Jenkins Operator has a Status of Succeeded,


  16. Click the installed operator linked Name of Jenkins Operator,

    Operator Details

  17. In the Provided APIs section, click the Create Instance link in the Jenkins panel,

  18. In the Create Jenkins window, select Form View or YAML View for the new Jenkins instance, change the to my-jenkins, accept all other specifications,

    Jenkins YAML

  19. Click Create,

    Jenkins instance created

  20. Go to Networking > Routes, and look for a new Route jenkins-my-jenkins,

    Jenkins Routes

  21. Click the link for jenkins-my-jenkins route in the Location column,

    Jenkins Route

  22. A route to your Jenkins instance opens in a new browser window or tab,

  23. If your page loads with a Application is not available warning, your Jenkins instance is still being deployed and you need to wait a little longer, keep trying until the Jenkins page loads,
  24. You can see the progress of the Jenkins startup, by browsing to the Pods of the Deployment of the Jenkins instance that is being created,
  25. Click Log in with OpenShift,

    Login with OpenShift

  26. Click Allow selected permissions,

    OpenShift Jenkins Allow selected permissions

  27. Welcome to Jenkins !


  28. Configure Jenkins

    1. Go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration,
    2. Go to the Maven section,
    3. Click Maven Installations,
    4. If no Maven installer is configured, click Add Maven,
    5. Configure the Name to be maven, check the option Install automatically and select version 3.6.3,
    6. Click Save,

    OpenShift Add Maven