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Connect to RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS)

There are several manners to log into your OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud. For a complete overview see Accessing OpenShift clusters.


Most of the labs are run using CLI commands.

The IBM Cloud Shell available at is preconfigured with the full IBM Cloud CLI and tons of plug-ins and tools that you can use to manage apps, resources, and infrastructure.

Login to IBM Cloud

Login to IBM Cloud via the UI,

  1. Go to in your browser and login.

  2. Make sure that you are in the correct account#.

    Account Number

Note: you may not have access to your OpenShift cluster if you are not in the right account#.

Login via the CLI,

  1. Login,
ibmcloud login [-sso]
  1. if you know the region in which your cluster is located, target the appropriate region, and target a non-default resource-group,
ibmcloud regions
ibmcloud resource groups
export REGION=<region>
export RESOURCE_GROUP=<resource-group>
ibmcloud target -r $REGION -g $RESOURCE_GROUP

Check your Cluster Status

export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster_name>
ibmcloud oc cluster get -c $CLUSTER_NAME

Login to OpenShift with an API Key

export IBMCLOUD_APIKEY_NAME=<username_roks_apikey>
ibmcloud iam api-key-create $IBMCLOUD_APIKEY_NAME
export IBMCLOUD_APIKEY=<copy_apikey_value>
ibmcloud login --apikey $IBMCLOUD_APIKEY
ibmcloud target -r $REGION -g $RESOURCE_GROUP

ibmcloud oc cluster config -c $CLUSTER_NAME [--endpoint private]
ibmcloud oc cluster get -c $CLUSTER_NAME
oc login -u apikey -p $IBMCLOUD_APIKEY [--server=<private_service_endpoint>]

Login to OpenShift as Admin

Make sure that you have the Administrator platform access role for the cluster.

Go to Manage > Access (IAM), in My user details or selected user details, go to Access Policies > click Assign access,

Administrator platform access role for the cluster

From the CLI, you can now login to your cluster using the --admin flag,

ibmcloud oc cluster config -c $CLUSTER_NAME --admin

Login to OpenShift with an API Token

  1. In a new browser tab, go to

  2. Make sure the account holding the cluster is selected,

  3. Select your cluster instance and open it.

  4. Click OpenShift web console button on the top.

    IBM Cloud OpenShift Web Console

  5. Click on your username in the upper right and select Copy Login Command option.

    Terminal Button

  6. Click the Display Token link.

    OpenShift Display Token

  7. Copy the contents of the field Log in with this token to the clipboard. It provides a login command with a valid token for your username.

    OpenShift oc login

  8. Go to the your shell terminal.

  9. Paste the oc login command in the IBM Cloud Shell terminal and run it.

  10. Verify you connect to the right cluster.

    oc get all
    oc get nodes -o wide

    oc get nodes

  11. Optionally, for convenience, set an environment variable for your cluster name.

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<your_cluster_name>