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IBM Z DevOps Guide

Enabling the enterprise DevOps transformation journey

IBM® strongly believes that DevOps transformations are anything but plug-and-play; each enterprise brings with it its own culture, IT infrastructure, and mission. Transformation requires an absolute paradigm shift in your organization. It can be tough, we get it. Perhaps many enterprises wish to begin their transformation today but find themselves always putting it off until tomorrow.

We wanted to create a better way of bridging the gap between the intention to move towards a DevOps model and the successful transformation of such a move. That's why we've created the DevOps Acceleration Program (DAP) and associated documentation on this website. Our goal is to ensure we are providing prescriptive guidance to our customers on their respective DevOps journeys. The information has been structured in an easily consumable and searchable manner following each step of the journey, from learning about the solution to implementing it, simplifying the navigation of these materials.