Accessing the tutorial environment

This page contains details for how to access the connection details for IBM Event Automation deployments created using the tutorial environment setup.

Web interfaces

The tutorial environment includes a deployment of an admin web interface for each of the three Event Automation components. This section explains how you can find the URL and username/password for accessing them.

Event Streams


  1. From the Administrator view in the OpenShift Console, navigate to Operators -> Installed Operators.

  2. Set the Project to event-automation.

  3. Click the IBM Event Streams Operator.

  4. Navigate to the Event Streams tab, and click the my-kafka-cluster item.

  5. The web address for the Event Streams UI is shown as Admin UI.


Username / Password

  1. The username for accessing this UI is es-admin.

  2. To find the password for accessing the UI, view the contents of the password value of the es-admin Secret in the event-automation project.


Alternatively, to get this information using the oc CLI:

oc get route \
    my-kafka-cluster-ibm-es-ui \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='https://{}'

# password for 'es-admin' user
oc get secret \
    es-admin \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d

Event Endpoint Management


  1. From the Administrator view in the OpenShift Console, navigate to Operators -> Installed Operators.

  2. Set the Project to event-automation.

  3. Click the IBM Event Endpoint Management Operator.

  4. Navigate to the Event Endpoint Management tab, and click the my-eem-manager item.

  5. The web address for the Event Endpoint Management UI is shown as UI Endpoint URI.


Username / Password

  1. The username for accessing this UI is eem-admin.

  2. To find the password for accessing the UI, view the contents of the user-credentials.json value of the my-eem-manager-ibm-eem-user-credentials Secret in the event-automation project.


Alternatively, to get this information using the oc CLI:

oc get route \
    my-eem-manager-ibm-eem-manager \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='https://{}'

# password for 'eem-admin' user
oc get secret \
    my-eem-manager-ibm-eem-user-credentials \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.user-credentials\.json}' | base64 -d

Event Processing


  1. From the Administrator view in the OpenShift Console, navigate to Operators -> Installed Operators.

  2. Set the Project to event-automation.

  3. Click the IBM Event Processing Operator.

  4. Navigate to the EventProcessing tab, and click the my-event-processing item.

  5. The web address for the Event Endpoint Management UI is shown as UI Endpoint URI.


Username / Password

  1. The username for accessing this UI is ep-admin.

  2. To find the password for accessing the UI, view the contents of the user-credentials.json value of the my-event-processing-ibm-ep-user-credentials Secret in the event-automation project.


Alternatively, to get this information using the oc CLI:

oc get route \
    my-event-processing-ibm-ep-rt \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='https://{}'

# password for 'ep-admin' user
oc get secret \
    my-event-processing-ibm-ep-user-credentials \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.user-credentials\.json}' | base64 -d

Accessing Kafka topics

Some of the tutorials involve configuring a Kafka application. The tutorial playbook automatically sets up credentials that you can use for this.

  1. The username for Kafka applications is kafka-demo-apps.

  2. To find the password, view the contents of the password value of the kafka-demo-apps Secret in the event-automation project.


Alternatively, to get this information using the oc CLI:

oc get secret \
    kafka-demo-apps \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d

Accessing PostgreSQL database tables

Some of the tutorials involve enriching Kafka events by using reference data from a PostgreSQL database. An optional tutorial playbook automatically creates this database, and credentials that you can use to access it.

  1. The database is called pgsqldemo.

  2. The username is demouser.

  3. To find the JDBC connection string, copy the contents of the jdbc-uri value of the pgsqldemo-pguser-demouser Secret in the event-automation project.


Alternatively, to get this information using the oc CLI:

oc get secret \
    pgsqldemo-pguser-demouser \
    -n event-automation \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.jdbc\-uri}' | base64 -d