Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What causes the error 'error: x509: “kube-apiserver-service-network-signer” certificate is not trusted'?

Internal test clusters may have self-signed certificates. Add --insecure-skip-tls-verify to the login command; for example:

oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --token=... --server=...

What causes the error 'The server uses a certificate signed by unknown authority. You may need to use the --certificate-authority flag to provide the path to a certificate file for the certificate authority, or --insecure-skip-tls-verify to bypass the certificate check and use insecure connections.'?

Internal test clusters may have self-signed certificates. Add --insecure-skip-tls-verify to the login command; for example:

oc login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --token=... --server=...

What causes the error 'dial tcp: lookup api.... on ...: no such host - verify you have provided the correct host and port and that the server is currently running.'

Internal test clusters may not publish their API endpoints to DNS. Replace the host name in the login command with the IP address of the API endpoint provided by your cluster administrator; for example, replace the following

oc login --token=... --server=https://api...


oc login --token=... --server=https://10.20.30...

What causes the 'x509: “kube-apiserver-lb-signer” certificate is not trusted' error?

This is a known issue on macOS so upgrade your oc client:

  1. macOS on Intel

    • On macOS, you may need to remove the download quarantine before extracting the file. Open Terminal, change directory to where you downloaded the file and run:
      xattr -d openshift*
  2. macOS on ARM/AArch

    • On macOS, you may need to remove the download quarantine before extracting the file. Open Terminal, change directory to where you downloaded the file and run:
      xattr -d openshift*

What causes the error "cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified"?

Executables you download from the internet such as oc,, etc. may fail to run on macOS with this error. To resolve it, open a Terminal, change directory to where the executable is and run the following command, replacing $FILE with the executable name:

xattr -d $FILE

What causes unexpected EOF during oc cp?

This is an undiagnosed, transient error. Please simply retry. If it happens often, we'll need to debug it.

What causes oc get route [...] to return a truncated URL?

This is an undiagnosed, transient error. Re-run. The URL should end with /.

What causes must specify one of -f and -k and error: unknown command "token prometheus-k8s"?

The command oc create token prometheus-k8s is a new command in recent versions of oc so upgrade your oc client:

  1. macOS on Intel

    • On macOS, you may need to remove the download quarantine before extracting the file. Open Terminal, change directory to where you downloaded the file and run:
      xattr -d openshift*
  2. macOS on ARM/AArch

    • On macOS, you may need to remove the download quarantine before extracting the file. Open Terminal, change directory to where you downloaded the file and run:
      xattr -d openshift*