Ansible Role: power_aix_bootstrap

The IBM Power Systems AIX collection provides an Ansible role, referred to as power_aix_bootstrap, which automatically loads and executes commands to install dependent software.

For guides and reference, see the Docs Site.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with if they are required, type and default values:

pkgtype (True, str, none)

Specifies the package service requiring bootstrap installation. pkgtype: [dnf] Bootstrap for dnf is supported for all AIX versions. yum is not supported now on any AIX version.

– pkgtype arguments

  • dnf

Specifies the free space in megabytes needed in the /var folder.

download_dir (optional, str, ~)

Specifies the temporary download location for install scripts and packages. The location resides on the Ansbile control node.

target_dir (optional, str, /tmp/.ansible.cpdir)

Specifies the target location (per inventory host) for copying and restoring package files and metadata. If the target location does not exist, then a temporary filesystem is created using the target_dir as the mount point. Upon role completion, the target location is removed.



Example Playbook

- hosts: aix
  gather_facts: no
    name: power_aix_bootstrap
    pkgtype: dnf