mapping_facts – Returns the mapping between physical, logical, and virtual devices as facts


Returns information about the mapping between the virtual host adapters and the physical devices they are backed to.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • VIOS >=

  • Python >= 2.7


component (optional, str, all)

Specifies the type of devices to retrieve information for.

vscsi to list virtual SCSI devices.

npiv to list NPIV devices.

net to list shared Ethernet adapters.

vnic to list server virtual NIC adapters.

ams to list paging space devices that are used in active memory sharing.

suspend to list suspended virtual adapters.

cluster to list shared storage pool mappings

all to list all devices.

vadapter (optional, str, None)

Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter.

Mutually exclusive with physloc.

physloc (optional, str, None)

Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter.

Mutually exclusive with vadapter.

vtd (optional, str, None)

Specifies the active memory sharing (AMS) paging device to be displayed.

hostname (optional, str, None)

Specifies the host name or IP address of the VIOS partition.

cpid (optional, str, None)

Specifies the client partition ID, in decimal, for which to return device mapping information.

This option is only supported on certain VIOS levels.

types (optional, list, None)

Specifies the type of devices to display. The following types are supported:

disk to list physical backing devices.

lv to list logical volume backing devices.

optical to list optical backing devices.

tape to list tape backed devices.

file to list file backed devices.

file_disk to list file backed disk devices.

file_opt to list file backed optical devices.

cl_disk to list clustered backing devices.

usb_disk to list USB disks.


- name: Gather the mapping facts
- name: Print the mapping facts
    var: ansible_facts.mappings

- name: Populate the mapping facts with the mapping information for
        NPIV device vfchost0
    component: npiv
    vadapter: vfchost0

- name: Populate the mapping facts with the mapping information for
        optical backing devices
    types: optical

Return Values

ansible_facts (always, complex, )

Facts to add to ansible_facts about the mapping between physical, logical, and virtual devices.

mappings (success, dict, )

Contains mappings for NPIV, VSCSI, SEA, VNIC, AMS, SSP and suspend.

npiv (always, dict, {‘npiv’: {‘vfchost18’: {‘clntid’: 19, ‘clntname’: ‘lpar19’, ‘clntos’: ‘AIX’, ‘fc’: ‘fcs1’, ‘fcphysloc’: ‘U78CD.001.FZH1998-P1-C6-T2’, ‘flags’: 10, ‘physloc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V1-C26’, ‘ports’: 3, ‘status’: ‘LOGGED_IN’, ‘vfcclient’: ‘fcs0’, ‘vfcclientdrc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V19-C3’}}})

Maps virtual fibre channel adapter name to backing information.

clntid (always, int, )

Client logical partition ID.

clntname (when available, str, )

Client logical partition name.

clntos (when available, str, )

The operating system on the client logical partition.

fc (when available, str, )

Physical fibre channel adapter name.

fcphysloc (when available, str, )

The physical location of the fibre channel adapter.

flags (always, int, )

Virtual fibre channel adapter flags.

physloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the server virtual fibre channel adapter.

ports (always, int, )

Physical fibre channel port number.

status (always, str, )

Virtual fibre channel adapter status.

vfcclient (when available, str, )

Client virtual fibre channel adapter name.

vfcclientdrc (when available, str, )

Client virtual fibre channel adapter used for Dynamic Reconfiguration Connection (DRC).

net (always, dict, {‘net’: {‘ent4’: {‘backing’: ‘ent3’, ‘bdphysloc’: ‘U78CB.001.WZS09RT-P1-C2-T4’, ‘physloc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V1-C2-T1’, ‘sea’: ‘ent5’, ‘status’: ‘Available’}}})

Maps virtual ethernet adapter name to backing information.

backing (always, str, )

Backing device.

bdphysloc (when available, str, )

The physical location code of the backing device.

physloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the server virtual adapter.

sea (when available, str, )

Shared Ethernet adapter.

status (when available, str, )

Shared Ethernet adapter status.

vscsi (always, dict, {‘vscsi’: {‘vhost0’: {‘clientid’: 24, ‘physloc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V1-C29’, ‘vtds’: {‘vtscsi0’: {‘backing’: ‘hdisk4’, ‘bdphysloc’: ‘U78CD.001.FZH1998-P1-C6-T2-W500507680B215660-L0’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8100000000000000’, ‘mirrored’: False, ‘status’: ‘Available’}, ‘vtscsi2’: {‘backing’: ‘hdisk5’, ‘bdphysloc’: ‘U78CD.001.FZH1998-P1-C6-T2-W500507680B215660-L1000000000000’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8200000000000000’, ‘mirrored’: False, ‘status’: ‘Available’}}}}})

Maps server virtual SCSI adapter name to backing information.

clientid (always, int, )

Client partition ID, in decimal.

physloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the server’s virtual adapter.

vtds (always, dict, )

Maps virtual target device name to backing information.

backing (always, str, )

Backing device.

bdphysloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the backing device.

lun (always, str, )

Logical unit number.

mirrored (when available, bool, )

The backing device is part of a Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) pair.

status (always, str, )

Virtual target device status.

vnic (always, dict, {‘vnic’: {‘vnicserver0’: {‘backing’: ‘ent11’, ‘bdphysloc’: ‘U78CD.001.FZH1998-P1-C1-T1-S2’, ‘clntid’: 10, ‘clntphysloc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V10-C9’, ‘physloc’: ‘U8284.22A.21FD4BV-V17-C32897’, ‘status’: ‘Available’}}})

Maps server virtual NIC adapter name to backing information.

physloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the server’s virtual adapter.

clntid (always, int, )

Client logical partition ID.

clntname (when available, str, )

Client logical partition name.

clntos (when available, str, )

The operating system on the client logical partition.

backing (always, str, )

Backing device.

status (always, str, )

Server Virtual NIC Adapter status.

bdphysloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the backing device.

clntdev (when available, str, )

The device name on the client logical partition.

clntphysloc (always, str, )

The physical location code of the client’s virtual adapter.

ams (always, dict, {‘ams’: {‘vrmpage0’: {‘backing’: ‘hdisk3’, ‘clntid’: 0, ‘poolid’: ‘0’, ‘redundancy’: False, ‘status’: ‘inactive’, ‘streamid’: ‘0x20000161d21db4b7’}}})

Maps paging virtual target device name to backing information.

streamid (always, str, )

Stream ID.

clientid (always, int, )

Client logical partition ID (in decimal).

status (always, str, )

Paging virtual target device status.

redundancy (always, bool, )

Redundancy usage for the paging VIOS logical partitions.

backing (always, str, )

Backing device.

poolid (always, str, )

Memory pool ID.

vasi (when available, str, )

Virtual Asynchronous Services Interface (VASI) device name.

pager (when available, str, )

Pager device name.

vbsd (when available, str, )

Virtual Block Storage Device (VBSD) name.

suspend (always, dict, {‘suspend’: {‘susadpt0’: {‘clientid’: 17, ‘clientname’: ‘17*9117-MMB*10002EP’, ‘state’: ‘suspended’, ‘streamid’: ‘0xf70e4facfc46e9a0’, ‘vtds’: {‘vtscsi1’: {‘backing’: ‘hdisk6’, ‘bdphysloc’: ‘U789D.001.DQDWAXR-P1-C4-T1-W205600A0B86E4A5A-L5000000000000’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8200000000000000’, ‘mirrored’: False, ‘status’: ‘Defined’}}}}})

Maps suspended virtual adapter name to backing information.

state (always, str, )

Suspended virtual adapter state.

clientname (when available, str, )

Client name.

streamid (always, str, )

Stream ID.

clientid (always, int, )

Client partition ID (in decimal).

vtds (always, dict, )

Maps virtual target device name to backing information.

status (always, str, )

Virtual target device status.

lun (when available, str, )

Logical unit number.

backing (when available, str, )

Backing device.

bdphysloc (when available, str, )

he physical location code of the backing device.

mirrored (when available, bool, )

The backing device is part of a Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) pair.

cluster (always, dict, {‘cluster’: {‘mycluster’: {‘U8233.E8B.HV32001-V2-C2’: {‘clientid’: 0, ‘vtds’: {‘vtscsi0’: {‘backing’: ‘testLU1.b1277fffdd5f38acb365413b55e51638’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8100000000000000’}, ‘vtscsi1’: {‘backing’: ‘testLU2.8f5a2c27dce01bf443383a01c7f723d0’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8200000000000000’}}}, ‘U9179.MHB.10A9DAP-V4-C111’: {‘clientid’: 0, ‘vtds’: {‘vtscsi0’: {‘backing’: ‘testLU4.ad089db46c2dc3769e71bf7875607c6f’, ‘lun’: ‘0x8100000000000000’}}}}}})

Maps physical location code of the server virtual adapter to backing information.

clientid (when available, int, )

Client partition ID (in decimal).

vtds (always, dict, )

Maps virtual target device name to backing information.

backing (always, str, )

Backing device.

lun (always, str, )

Logical unit number.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pbfinley1911)