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Interface TransferSpec


  • TransferSpec



Optional authentication

authentication: "token" | "password"

The type of authentication to use.


Either set the token or remote_password fields instead.

Optional cipher

cipher: "aes128" | "aes192" | "aes256" | "aes128cfb" | "aes192cfb" | "aes256cfb" | "aes128gcm" | "aes192gcm" | "aes256gcm" | "none"

The algorithm used to encrypt data sent during a transfer.



Optional content_protection

content_protection: "encrypt" | "decrypt"

Enable content protection (encryption-at-rest). For uploads, set to encrypt to transfer files and store them on the server with the extension “.aspera-env”. To download and decrypt encrypted files, set to decrypt. content_protection_password must be specified if this option is set.

Optional content_protection_passphrase

content_protection_passphrase: string

Use content_protection_password instead.

Optional content_protection_password

content_protection_password: string

Password to encrypt or decrypt files when using content_protection.

Optional cookie

cookie: string

Data to associate with the transfer. The cookie is reported to both client and server-side applications monitoring transfers. It is often used by applications to identify associated transfers.

Optional create_dir

create_dir: boolean

Creates the destination directory if it does not already exist. When enabling this option, the destination path is assumed to be a directory path.



Optional delete_before_transfer

delete_before_transfer: boolean

Before transfer, delete files that exist at the destination but not at the source. The source and destination arguments must be directories that have matching names. Objects on the destination that have the same name but different type or size as objects on the source are not deleted.

Optional delete_source

delete_source: boolean

Delete the source directory after the assets are transferred

Optional destination_root

destination_root: string

The transfer destination file path. If destinations are specified in paths, this value is prepended to each destination. Note that the download destination paths are relative to the user's Aspera SDK download directory setting.

Optional destination_root_id

destination_root_id: string

Root ID at the destination

Optional direction

direction: "send" | "receive"

Directon of transfer, whether send (upload) or receive (download)

Optional exclude_newer_than

exclude_newer_than: string

Exclude files (but not directories) that are newer than a specific time from the transfer, based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for exanple, 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.

Optional exclude_older_than

exclude_older_than: string

Exclude files (but not directories) that are older than a specific time from the transfer, based on when the file was last modified. Express in ISO 8601 format (for exanple, 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z) or as number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.

Optional fasp_port

fasp_port: number

The UDP port for the transfer. The default value is satisfactory for most situations. However, it can be changed to satisfy firewall requirements.



Optional fasp_proxy

fasp_proxy: string

Proxy for communications between the remote server and the (local) client

Optional http_fallback

http_fallback: boolean

Attempts to perform an HTTP transfer if a fasp™ transfer cannot be performed.



Optional http_fallback_port

http_fallback_port: number

Port used for HTTP fallback server

Optional https_fallback_port

https_fallback_port: number

Port used for HTTPS fallback server

Optional lock_min_rate

lock_min_rate: boolean

Use lock_min_rate_kbps instead.

Optional lock_min_rate_kbps

lock_min_rate_kbps: boolean

If true, lock the minimum transfer rate to the value set for min_rate_kbps. If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.



Optional lock_rate_policy

lock_rate_policy: boolean

If true, lock the rate policy to the default value



Optional lock_target_rate

lock_target_rate: boolean

Use lock_target_rate_kbps instead.

Optional lock_target_rate_kbps

lock_target_rate_kbps: boolean

If true, lock the target transfer rate to the default value set for target_rate_kbps. If false, users can adjust the transfer rate up to the value set for target_rate_cap_kbps.



Optional move_after_transfer

move_after_transfer: string

Moves source files to directory after they are transferred correctly

Optional multi_session

multi_session: number

Split files across multiple ascp sessions to enable faster transfers.

Optional multi_session_threshold

multi_session_threshold: number

Split files across multiple ascp sessions if their size is greater than or equal to the specified value.


0 (no files are split)

Optional overwrite

overwrite: OverwritePolicy

Overwrite destination files with the source files of the same name.

  • none - Never overwrite the file. However, if the parent folder is not empty, its access, modify, and change times may still be updated.
  • always - Always overwrite the file. The destination file will be overwritten even if it is identical to the source.
  • diff - Overwrite the file if it is different from the source, depending on the resume_policy property.
  • older - Overwrite the file if its timestamp is older than the source timestamp.
  • diff+older - Overwrite the file if it is older and different than the source, depending on the resume_policy property.

If the overwrite_policy is diff or diff+older, difference is determined by resume_policy. If resume_policy is empty or none is specified, the source and destination files are always considered different and the destination file is always overwritten. If resume_policy is attributes, the source and destination files are compared based on file attributes (currently file size). If sparse_checksum, the source and destination files are compared based on sparse checksum. If full_checksum, the source and destination files are compared based on full checksum.



Optional overwrite_policy

overwrite_policy: OverwritePolicy

Use overwrite instead.

Optional paths

paths: Path[]

A list of the file and directory paths to transfer. Use destination_root to specify the destination directory. It is recommended to always specify both the source and destination properties for each path.

Optional precalculate_job_size

precalculate_job_size: boolean

Calculate total size before transfer

Optional preserve_access_time

preserve_access_time: boolean

Preserve the time the file was last accessed (read or write access) on the source.

Optional preserve_creation_time

preserve_creation_time: boolean

Preserve timestamp for when a file is created

Optional preserve_modification_time

preserve_modification_time: boolean

Preserve the time the object was last modified (write access) on the source.

Optional preserve_times

preserve_times: boolean

Preserve file timestamps

Optional rate_policy

rate_policy: "fixed" | "fair" | "high" | "low"

The congestion control behavior to use when sharing bandwidth.

  • fixed - Transfer at the target rate regardless of actual network capacity. Do not share bandwidth. Not recommended.
  • high - When sharing bandwidth, transfer at twice the rate of a transfer using "fair" policy.
  • fair - Share bandwidth equally with other traffic.
  • low - Use only unutilized bandwidth.


Optional remote_access_key

remote_access_key: string

Access key for the remote server

Optional remote_host

remote_host: string

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the transfer server.

Optional remote_password

remote_password: string

Password for the remote user

Optional remote_user

remote_user: string

Remote user’s username

Optional remove_after_transfer

remove_after_transfer: boolean

Remove files at the source of the transfer after the transfer completes successfully

Optional remove_empty_directories

remove_empty_directories: boolean

Remove empty subdirectories at the source of the transfer

Optional remove_empty_source_dir

remove_empty_source_dir: boolean

Remove empty source subdirectories and remove the source directory itself, if empty

Optional resume

resume: ResumePolicy

Use resume_policy instead.

Optional resume_policy

resume_policy: ResumePolicy

If a transfer is interrupted or fails to finish, this policy directs the transfer to resume without retransferring the files.

  • none – always re-transfer the entire file.
  • attributes – compare file attributes and resume if they match, and re-transfer if they do not.
  • sparse_checksum – compare file attributes and the sparse file checksums; resume if they match, and re-transfer if they do not.
  • full_checksum – compare file attributes and the full file checksums; resume if they match, and re-transfer if they do not.


Optional retry_duration

retry_duration: number

Total time committed to retrying the transfer

Optional save-before-overwrite

save-before-overwrite: boolean

Use save_before_overwrite instead.

Optional save_before_overwrite

save_before_overwrite: boolean

Rename the file instead of overwriting it. resume_policy must be set to none for this to take effect.

Optional skip_duplicate_check

skip_duplicate_check: boolean

Don’t check for duplicate files at the destination.

Optional skip_special_files

skip_special_files: boolean

All assets other than files, directories and symbolic links are considered special. A transfer will fail if the user attempts to transfer special assets. If true, ascp skips special assets and proceeds with the transfer of all other assets.

Optional source_root

source_root: string

A path to prepend to the source paths specified in paths. If this is not specified, then paths should contain absolute paths.

Optional source_root_id

source_root_id: string

Optional src_base64

src_base64: string

The folder name below which the directory structure is preserved (base64 encoded)

Optional ssh_port

ssh_port: number

TCP port that initiates the transfer session



Optional ssh_private_key

ssh_private_key: string

Private key for SSH

Optional ssh_private_key_passphrase

ssh_private_key_passphrase: string

Private key passphrase for SSH

Optional symlink_policy

symlink_policy: "follow" | "copy" | "copy+force" | "skip"

The method for processing symbolic links.

Optional tags

tags: any

Tags to include in the transfer

Optional tags64

tags64: string

Tags to include in the transfer (base64 encoded)

Optional target_rate_cap_kbps

target_rate_cap_kbps: number

Maximum target rate for incoming transfers, in kilobits per second.

Optional target_rate_kbps

target_rate_kbps: number

Ideal transfer rate, in kilobits per second. There is no default value.

Optional title

title: string

Title of the transfer

Optional token

token: string

Used for token-based authorization, which involves the server-side application generating a token that gives the client rights to transfer a predetermined set of files.

Optional use_ascp4

use_ascp4: boolean

Use ascp4 as the transfer engine.