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Deploy microservices to Kubernetes

In this exercise we will run the application in your Kubernetes cluster using precompiled container images for our sample application: articles-secure, web-api-secure, and web-app. These container images have been uploaded to Docker Hub.

When running locally, you will set the Keycloak URL as OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider in When running on a Kubernetes cluster we cannot set the OIDC provider (keycloak) in without recompiling the code, building a new image, and loading this image in a Image repository that is accessible to your Kubernetes cluster. So for this example, we specify the Quarkus OIDC property as environment variable during deployment. The environment variable is read from a config map.

STEP 1: Apply configmap

This is our configmap definition:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: security-url-config
  QUARKUS_OIDC_AUTH_SERVER_URL: "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/quarkus"

Our Keycloak service runs in the same namespace as the rest of the application, so all we need is the name of the service (keycloak) and the port numer (8080).

  • Apply the configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml

STEP 2: Now deploy the 3 services

  • Deploy Articles Microservice
cd $ROOT_FOLDER/articles-secure/deployment
kubectl apply -f articles.yaml
  • Deploy Web-API Microservice
cd $ROOT_FOLDER/web-api-secure/deployment
kubectl apply -f web-api.yaml
  • Deploy Web-App Vue.js frontend application
cd $ROOT_FOLDER/web-app/deployment
kubectl apply -f web-app.yaml
  • Verify all pods are running
kubectl get pods

Example output:

NAME                        READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
articles-5df77c46b4-v7xcd   2/2     Running                0          3h35m
keycloak-77cffb978-vjttk    2/2     Running                      0          44h
web-api-5c9698b875-kz82k    2/2     Running                 0          3h35m
web-app-659c4676d9-pw6f8    2/2     Running                      0          3h34m

STEP 3: Adjust the redirect, admin, web origins URLs in Keycloak

  • Try to open the Cloud-Native-Starter application in a browser. Use the $INGRESSURL of your cluster, which is the URL to the frontend application Web_APP you deployed before.
echo https://$INGRESSURL
  • You will see we need to configure the redirect in Keycloak

  • Open Keycloak in a browser and login to Keycloak with user: admin and password: admin. Get the right URL by display the URL with the following terminal command.
 echo https://$INGRESSURL/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/quarkus
  • Select Clients and then frontend in Keycloak.

  • Ajust the client frontend URIs https://YOUR-URL:auth with valid redirect URI you get with the command:
 echo https://$INGRESSURL

Replace the entries with your value.

STEP 4: Open the Cloud Native Starter application in your browser

  • Use following URL:
 echo https://$INGRESSURL
  • Login in with user: alice and password: alice

  • Now you see the entries of the articles

Note: The image shows you in Kiali the running applications. These are the simplified steps you see in the image. This is not a part of your hands-on tasks.

* 1: The `web-app` will be requested buy our URL to be loaded in a webbrowser.
* 2: The `web-app` in the webbrowser does connect to `Keycloak` for Authentication.
* 2: The `web-app` in the webbrowser does connect to the `web-api` to get the Articles information.
* 4: The `web-api` in does validated the authorization with `Keyloak`.
* 5: The `web-api` in the webbrowser does connect to the `articles` to get the Articles information.
* 6: The `articles` in does validated the authorization with `Keyloak`.