Parameters for the putDocument operation.


  • PutDocumentParams


batch?: string

Query parameter to specify whether to store in batch mode. The server will respond with a HTTP 202 Accepted response code immediately.

contentType?: string

The type of the input.

db: string

Path parameter to specify the database name.

docId: string

Path parameter to specify the document ID.

document: Buffer | ReadableStream | export=.Document

HTTP request body for Document operations.

headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders
ifMatch?: string

Header parameter to specify the document revision. Alternative to rev query parameter.

newEdits?: boolean

Query parameter to specify whether to prevent insertion of conflicting document revisions. If false, a well-formed _rev must be included in the document. False is used by the replicator to insert documents into the target database even if that leads to the creation of conflicts.

rev?: string

Query parameter to specify a document revision.

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