What is the timeline of the competition?
Development phase (14 weeks)
Jun 1 – Sep 9, 2018
Evaluation phase (2 weeks)
Sep 10 – Oct 8, 2018
Release of the results
16th Oct 2018
Paper submission deadline
Oct-Nov 2018
DSTC7 special session or workshop
Spring 2019
What should we submit?
You are required to submit the responses to the test dataset that will be released on the 10th of September. The format of the responses can be found under submissions section.
Do we need to work on both datasets?
Not necessary. You can select one dataset and work on all or a subset of the subtasks. But, submitting results for both datasets and all subtasks will increase your chance of winning the competition.
How are we evaluated?
For each test instance, we expect you to return a set of 100 choices (candidate ids) from the set candidates and a probability distribution over those 100 choices. For more details please check the evaluations section.
What do you mean by end-to-end models?
We don’t need the whole system to be end-to-end trainable. You can have separate components, which are not trained with back-propagation. However, we expect the functionality of each of the components in your system to be learned from the given dataset. We discourage the use of hand-coded features for any component in your system, as one of the focus points of the challenge is automation.
Can we use pre-trained word embeddings?
You can use any pre-trained embeddings that was publicly available before the 1st of June.