
Your submissions should be emailed to, with the subject line DSTC7_Track1_Submission. The results should be submitted from an email address that is registered for Track 1.

You need to submit a single zipped directory containing the result files for each of the subtasks that you need to be evaluated on. The files should be named in the following format. <dataset>_subtask_<subtask_number>.json

The <dataset> should be replaced by either ‘Ubuntu’ or ‘Advising’, and the <subtask_number> should be replaced by the subtask number(1-5). For example, the results file for subtask 1 on Ubuntu dataset should be named as Ubuntu_subtask_1.json

Each results file should follow the following json format.

        "example-id": xxxxxxx,
                "candidate-id": aaaaaa,
                "confidence": b.bbb
                "candidate-id": cccccc,
                "confidence": d.ddd

The value for the field “example-id” should contain the corresponding example-id of the test dataset. The candidate ranking field should ONLY include 100 candidates in the order of confidence.

For subtask 2, where the selection is made from a global list of candidates, candidate-ranking fields should only include the top 100 candidates from the global list.

For subtask 4, when the correct candidate not available in the candidate set, return "candidate-id": NONE with the confidence score as an item in the candidate-ranking list.