Network policies

Inbound network connections (ingress)

Network policies are used to control inbound connections into pods. These connections can be from pods within the cluster, or from external sources.

When you install an instance of Event Endpoint Management, the required network policies will be automatically created unless they are disabled through configuration options. To review the network policies that have been applied:

  1. Log in to your Kubernetes cluster as a cluster administrator by setting your kubectl context.
  2. Run the following command to display the installed network policies for a specific namespace:\

    kubectl get netpol -n <namespace>

The following tables provide information about the network policies that are applicable to each pod within the Event Endpoint Management instance. For information about how to stop deployment of the network policies, see the note after each table.

Event Endpoint Management operator pod

Type Origin Port Reason Enabled in policy
TCP Anywhere 8443 Operator validating webhook Always

Note: To delete the network policy of the Event Endpoint Management operator:

  • On the OpenShift Container Platform: modify the subscription that was used to install the operator and set the DEPLOY_OPERATOR_NETWORK_POLICY environment variable to false. Do this after the initial installation of the operator.
  • On other Kubernetes platforms: install the Helm chart by specifying --set deployOperatorNetworkPolicy=false.

Event Endpoint Management pod

Type Origin Port Reason Enabled in policy
TCP Anywhere 3000 External access to UI Always
TCP Anywhere 8081 Readiness probe Always

Note: To stop the automatic deployment of the instance’s network policy, set the spec.deployNetworkPolicies option for the instance to false.

Event Gateway pod

Type Origin Port Reason Enabled in policy
TCP Anywhere 8092 Kafka client communication Always

Note: To stop the automatic deployment of the instance’s network policy, set the spec.deployNetworkPolicies option for the instance to false.

Considerations for ingress

Consider the use of a deny-all-ingress network policy to limit communication with all pods in a namespace to only those communications specifically allowed in network policies. A deny-all network policy is not created by default as it would interfere with other applications installed in the namespace that do not have the required network policies set to allow inbound communications.

To create a deny-all-ingress network policy, apply the following YAML to your cluster in the namespaces where you installed Event Endpoint Management.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default-deny-ingress
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress

Outbound network connections (egress)

The following tables provide information about the outbound network connections (egress) initiated by pods in an Event Endpoint Management installation.

Note: Egress policies are not added by default. You must configure the egress policies based on your requirements.

Event Endpoint Management operator pod

Type Destination Pod Label Port Reason
TCP Event Endpoint Management instance 8081 Readiness check

Event Endpoint Management pod

Type Destination Pod Label Port Reason
TCP Licensing Service   User Supplied Licensing metrics in usage-based licensing mode

Event Gateway pod

Type Destination Pod Label Port Reason
TCP Event Endpoint Management 3000 Registering with Event Endpoint Management
TCP Kafka   User Supplied Configuring gateway for Kafka