Installing the Manager on other Kubernetes platforms

The following sections provide instructions about installing Event Endpoint Management on Kubernetes platforms that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers.

Before you begin

Create a namespace

Create a namespace into which Event Endpoint Management will be installed. For more information about namespaces, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Ensure you use a namespace that is dedicated to a single deployment of Event Endpoint Management. This is required because Event Endpoint Management uses network security policies to restrict network connections between its internal components. A single namespace per instance also allows for finer control of user accesses.

Important: Do not use any of the initial or system namespaces to install Event Endpoint Management (some examples of these are: default, kube-node-lease, kube-public, and kube-system).

Add the Helm repository

Before you can install the Event Endpoint Management operator and use it to create instances of the Event Manager, add the IBM Helm repository to your local repository list. This will provide access to the Event Endpoint Management Helm chart packages that will install the operator on your cluster.

To add the IBM Helm repository to the local repository list, run the following command:

helm repo add ibm-helm

Install the Event Endpoint Management operator

Ensure you have considered the Event Endpoint Management operator requirements, including resource requirements and the required cluster-scoped permissions.

Important: You can only install one version of the Event Endpoint Management operator on a cluster. Installing multiple versions on a single cluster is not supported due to possible compatibility issues as they share the same Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), making them unsuitable for coexistence.

Install the CRDs

Before installing the operator, the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for Event Endpoint Management must be installed. To install the CRDs, run the following command:

helm install \
   <release-name> ibm-helm/ibm-eem-operator-crd \
   -n <namespace>


  • <release-name> is the name you provide to identify your Event Endpoint Management CRD Helm install.
  • <namespace> is the name of the namespace where you want to install the helm release that you will use for CRD management.

For example, to install the operator CRD Helm chart in the eem-crds namespace run the command as follows:

helm install eem-crds ibm-helm/ibm-eem-operator-crd -n eem-crds

Choose the operator installation mode

Before installing the Event Endpoint Management operator, decide if you want the operator to:

  • Manage instances in any namespace.

    To use this option, set watchAnyNamespace: true when installing the operator. The operator will be deployed into the specified namespace, and will be able to manage instances of the Event Manager in any namespace.

  • Only manage instances in a single namespace.

    This is the default option: if watchAnyNamespace is not set, then it defaults false. The operator will be deployed into the specified namespace, and will only be able to manage instances of the Event Manager in that namespace.

Note: If the Kubernetes service Domain Name System (DNS) domain for your cluster is not cluster.local, set kubernetesServiceDnsDomain as required.

Important: Choose only one mode when installing the operator. Mixing installation modes is not supported due to possible conflicts. If one operator is installed to manage all namespaces and another to manage a single namespace on the same cluster, it can result in conflicts and attempts to control the same CustomResourceDefinition resources.

Installing the operator

To install the operator, run the following command:

helm install \
   <release-name> ibm-helm/ibm-eem-operator \
   -n <namespace> \
   --set webhook.create=<true/false> \
   --set kubernetesServiceDnsDomain=<your.k8s.svc.dns.domain>  \
   --set watchAnyNamespace=<true/false>


  • <release-name> is the name you provide to identify your operator.
  • <namespace> is the name of the namespace where you want to install the operator.
  • webhook.create=<true/false> determines whether the validating webhook is deployed (default is true if not specified).

    Set to false if you do not have a certificate manager installed and will be creating your own certificates for your Event Manager instances.

  • kubernetesServiceDnsDomain=<your.k8s.svc.dns.domain> allows certificate to be created by utilizing the correct Kubernetes service DNS domain as a suffix on hosts in the dnsNames section of the certificate (default is cluster.local if not specified).

  • watchAnyNamespace=<true/false> determines whether the operator manages instances of the Event Manager in any namespace or only a single namespace (default is false if not specified).

    Set to true for the operator to manage instances in any namespace, or do not specify if you want the operator to only manage instances in a single namespace.

For example, to install the operator on a cluster where it will manage all instances of the Event Manager, run the command as follows:

helm install \
   eventendpointmanagement ibm-helm/ibm-eem-operator\
   -n "my-namespace" \
   --set watchAnyNamespace=true \
   --set webhook.create=false

For example, to install the operator that will manage Event Manager instances in only the my-eventendpointmanagement namespace with no custom configurations such as watchAnyNamespace,kubernetesServiceDnsDomain, or webhook.create, run the command as follows:

helm install eventendpointmanagement ibm-helm/ibm-eem-operator -n "my-eventendpointmanagement"

Checking the operator status

To check the status of the installed operator, run the following command:

kubectl get deploy ibm-eem-operator -n <namespace>


  • <namespace> is the name of the namespace where the operator is installed.

A successful installation will return a result similar to the following with 1/1 in the READY column:

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
ibm-eem-operator                1/1     1            1           7d4h

Install an Event Manager instance

Instances of the Event Manager can be created after the Event Endpoint Management operator is installed. If the operator was installed to manage a specific namespace, then it can only be used to manage instances of the Event Manager in that namespace. If the operator was installed to manage all namespaces, then it can be used to manage instances of the Event Manager in any namespace, including those created after the operator was deployed.

When installing an instance of the Event Manager, ensure you are using a namespace that an operator is managing.

Creating an image pull secret

Before installing an Event Manager instance, create an image pull secret called ibm-entitlement-key in the namespace where you want to create an instance of the Event Manager. The secret enables container images to be pulled from the registry.

  1. Obtain an entitlement key from the IBM Container software library.
  2. Click Entitlement keys in the navigation on the left, and click Add new key, or if you have an existing active key available, click Copy to copy the entitlement key to the clipboard.
  3. Create the secret in the namespace that will be used to deploy an instance of the Event Manager as follows.

    Name the secret ibm-entitlement-key, use cp as the username, your entitlement key as the password, and as the docker server:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key --docker-username=cp --docker-password="<your-entitlement-key>" --docker-server="" -n "<target-namespace>"

Note: If you do not create the required secret, pods will fail to start with ImagePullBackOff errors. In this case, ensure the secret is created and allow the pod to restart.

Installing an instance by using the CLI

To install an instance of the Event Manager from the command line, you must first prepare an EventEndpointManagement custom resource configuration in a YAML file.

A number of sample configuration files are included in the Helm chart package to base your deployment on. The sample configurations range from a smaller deployment for non-production development or general experimentation to a large deployment ready to handle a production workload.

The sample configurations are also available in GitHub, where you can select the GitHub tag for your Event Endpoint Management version, and then go to /cr-examples/eventendpointmanagement/kubernetes to access the samples for the Kubernetes platforms that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers.

Note: If experimenting with Event Endpoint Management for the first time, the Quick start sample is the smallest and simplest example that can be used to create an experimental deployment. For a production setup, use the Production sample configuration.

More information about these samples is available in the planning section. You can base your deployment on the sample that most closely reflects your requirements and apply customizations as required.

Important: Ensure that the spec.license.accept field in the custom resource YAML is set to true, and that the correct values are selected for the spec.license.license and spec.license.use fields before deploying the Event Manager instance. These values are used for metering purposes and could result in inaccurate charging and auditing if set incorrectly. For more information about the available options, see the licensing reference.

When modifying the sample configuration, ensure that the following fields are updated based on your requirements:

  • The spec.license.accept field in the custom resource YAML is set to true.
  • The correct values are selected for the spec.license.use, spec.license.license, and spec.license.metric fields before deploying an Event Manager instance. For information about the right values for your deployment, see the licensing reference.
  • The manager.storageSpec.type field is updated as ephemeral or persistent-claim based on your requirements. See configuring to select the correct storage type and other optional specifications such as storage size, root storage path, and secrets.
  • The manager.tls.caSecretName or manager.tls.secretName field is updated based on your requirements. If neither is specified, self-signed certificates are used. See the configuring section for more information.
  • The spec.manager.endpoints[] section must contain entries for the service endpoints.

    For example:

    kind: EventEndpointManagement
    # ...
          - name: ui
          - name: gateway
          - name: admin
            type: external

To deploy an Event Manager instance, run the following command:

  1. Apply the configured EventEndpointManagement custom resource to your target namespace:

    kubectl apply -f <custom-resource-file-path> -n <target-namespace>

    For example:

    kubectl apply -f production.yaml -n my-namespace
  2. Wait for the installation to complete.