Configuring trace logging

When requested by IBM support, trace logging can be configured in Event Processing to add more troubleshoot logging. This is useful for attempting to debug the system, as it captures additional details about what precisely is happening in the product code.

Note: Different levels of trace logging are permitted. However, the most relevant levels to use when you configure troubleshooting are trace or debug.

Configure trace logging for the Event Processing or IBM Operator for Apache Flink instances as follows.

For the Event Processing instance

Trace logging can be configured for an Event Processing instance by editing the EventProcessing custom resource. This enables trace logging that can be observed from the pod logs. To enable trace logging, update your EventProcessing custom resource to set the TRACE_LEVEL and TRACE_SPEC environment variables:

kind: EventProcessing
            - env:
                - name: TRACE_LEVEL
                  value: "<VALUE>"
              name: ui
            - env:
                - name: TRACE_SPEC
                  value: "<VALUE>"
              name: backend

Note: <VALUE> is provided by IBM Support.

It is possible to configure trace logging for an IBM Operator for Apache Flink instance by editing the FlinkDeployment custom resource. This enables trace logging that can be observed from the Flink pod logs.

To enable trace logging, update your FlinkDeployment custom resource to include the logging configuration:

kind: FlinkDeployment
  logConfiguration: >

Note: <VALUE> is provided by IBM Support.

See also the FlinkDeployment Logging Configuration documentation.