What’s new

Find out what is new in Event Processing version 1.1.x.

Release 1.1.9

Tree view for event properties

Event Processing release 1.1.9 introduces a tree view for displaying the input properties of a node. The tree view is available in the following nodes: processor, windowed, join, and enrichment.

Support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.16

Event Processing version 1.1.9 introduces support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.16.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.9 compared to 1.1.8 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.9 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.9 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.9 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.8

Support for events with complex array properties

Event Processing release 1.1.8 and later includes support for events containing properties that are an array of objects or an array of arrays. Complex arrays are supported in JSON and Avro formats and can be at any nested level. For more information, see complex arrays.

Event source node does not process uncommitted events from Kafka topics

Event Processing release 1.1.8 enhances the ability for the event source node to process committed events from Kafka topics. This update ensures that uncommitted events sent within a Kafka transaction are not processed by Event Processing when the transaction fails or is aborted.

In Event Processing release 1.1.0 and later, UDFs can be used when deploying jobs in development or production environments. For more information, see UDFs in the exported SQL and the related GitHub samples.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.8 compared to 1.1.7 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.8 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.8 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.8 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.7

Auto-detection of a topic message format in the event source node

When you configure the event source node and select the Kafka topic from which to consume messages, Event Processing attempts to determine the format of messages from the topic. For more information, see auto-detection.

Processor node: Unpack arrays

Event Processing release 1.1.7 introduces a node to unpack the array properties in the events within your Event Processing flow. With the unpack array node, you can unpack each array element into a new property in separate events, or unpack the array elements into new properties. For more information, see Unpack arrays.

Enrichment node: API

Event Processing release 1.1.7 introduces the API node. With the API node, you can establish connections with external APIs and integrate the data with the events within your Event Processing flow. For more information, see the API node.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.7 compared to 1.1.5 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.7 icon

Support for Kubernetes 1.30

Event Processing version 1.1.7 introduces support for Kubernetes platforms version 1.30 that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers.

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.7 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.7 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.5

Support for Avro schemas that use a schema registry

Event Processing release 1.1.5 includes support for Avro schemas that use a schema registry from Event Streams or a registry that supports the Confluent REST API. In addition to message formats JSON and Avro, the event source node now supports a new message format Avro (schema registry). For more information, see event nodes and the associated tutorial about handling formats that use a schema registry.

Support for Linux on IBM Z

In addition to Linux 64-bit (x86_64) systems, Event Processing 1.1.5 and later is also supported on OpenShift deployments running on Linux on IBM Z systems (s390x).

Note: You cannot install Event Processing on other Kubernetes platforms except OpenShift when running on IBM Z systems.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.5 compared to 1.1.4 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.5 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.5 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.5 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.4

IBM Operator for Apache Flink and Event Processing can now communicate with TLS enabled Flink deployments to enhance security.

Support for events with primitive array properties

Event Processing release 1.1.4 includes support for events with primitive type array properties. Primitive arrays are supported in both JSON and Apache Avro formats with any level of nesting.

Support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.15

Event Processing version 1.1.4 introduces support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.15.

Support for Kubernetes 1.29

Event Processing version 1.1.4 introduces support for Kubernetes platforms version 1.29 that support the Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI) containers.

IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.4 update includes Apache Flink version 1.18.1.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.4 compared to 1.1.3 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.4 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.4 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.4 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.3

Support for events with nested properties

Event Processing release 1.1.3 and later includes support for events containing properties describing objects. You can now process events including more complex data.

Note: Nested properties are supported in both JSON and AVRO formats.

Support for ISO timestamps and timestamps with time zone

Event Processing release 1.1.3 introduces support for new timestamp types. You can now configure events that contain timestamps in ISO format and timestamps with different time zones. For more information, see event nodes.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.3 compared to 1.1.2 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.3 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.3 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.3 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.2

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.2 compared to 1.1.1 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.2 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.2 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.2 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.1

Support for Avro binary-encoded events and epoch timestamps

Event Processing release 1.1.1 includes support for events that are in binary-encoded Avro format. Support for epoch timestamps containing second, millisecond, and microsecond precision is also included. For more information, see event nodes.

Support for Oracle database

Event Processing release 1.1.1 introduces support for enriching your events from an Oracle database. You can now connect to an Oracle database and integrate the Oracle data with the events within your Event Processing flow by using the database node.

Documentation: Highlighting differences between versions

Any difference in features or behavior introduced by Event Processing 1.1.1 compared to 1.1.0 or earlier is highlighted in this documentation by using the following graphic: Event Processing 1.1.1 icon

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.1 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.1 contain security and bug fixes.

Release 1.1.0

The IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.0 update includes Apache Flink version 1.18.0.

Support for MySQL database

Event Processing release 1.1.0 introduces support for enriching your events from a MySQL database. You can now connect to a MySQL database and integrate the MySQL data with the events within your Event Processing flow by using the database node.

Reuse a time window in aggregate and top-n nodes

Event Processing release 1.1.0 introduces the ability to reuse, in aggregate and top-n nodes, a time window that was defined in a previous node. This feature enables you to implement scenarios such as “Calculate the 3 product types with the highest total sales per hour”. For more information, see Windowed nodes.

Stale status when your flow is modified

Event Processing 1.1.0 introduces a Stale Stale save status. A Stale status indicates that another user modified the flow. When this happens, a pop-up window is displayed with the title Flow edit updates available, Flow running, or Flow deleted. Depending on the Stale status you are prompted to select one of the following actions:

  • Save as a copy: Select this action to save the current flow as a new one without incorporating the changes made by the other user. The new flow is called ‘Copy of <flow-name>’.
  • Accept changes: Select this action to apply the latest updates that are made by the other user to the flow. For the Flow running case, you can view the running flow.
  • Home: Select this action to navigate back to the home page. The specific flow will no longer be available because it was deleted by another user.

Support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.14

Event Processing 1.1.0 introduces support for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.

Security and bug fixes

Event Processing release 1.1.0 and IBM Operator for Apache Flink version 1.1.0 contain security and bug fixes.