Installing in an offline environment

If you are working in an environment where your cluster is not connected to the internet, you can install Event Processing by using the container-based software that is provided as a Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASE) bundle.

CASE is a specification that defines metadata and structure for packaging, managing, and unpacking containerized applications. When deploying in an offline (also referred to as air-gapped or disconnected) environment, you mimic a typical online installation by using images in your own registry. You can use the CASE content to mirror images to an internal registry within your restricted environment, and to install the images from that registry.

Event Processing has two operators that must be installed:

  • IBM Operator for Apache Flink
  • Event Processing

Follow the instructions to download the IBM Operator for Apache Flink and Event Processing CASE bundles, mirror the images, apply catalog sources, and install the operators on OpenShift and other Kubernetes platforms.

Note: For completing tasks by using the command line, you can use both kubectl and oc commands if your deployment is on the OpenShift Container Platform. This documentation set includes instructions that use the kubectl command, except for cases where the task is specific to OpenShift.


Ensure you have the following set up for your environment:

  • A computer with access to both the public internet and the network-restricted environment on which you can run the required commands. This computer must also have access to a local registry and to the OpenShift Container Platform clusters, and is referred to as a bastion host.
  • Docker or Podman CLI installed.
  • A private container registry that can be accessed by the cluster and the bastion host, and which will be used to store all images in your restricted network.

    Important: If your private container registry is using a self-signed certificate, ensure that the certificate is trusted by your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster. Contact your cluster vendor for more information.

  • The IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM Cloud Paks (ibm-pak) installed. This plug-in allows you to run kubectl ibm-pak commands against the cluster. To run kubectl ibm-pak commands, complete the following steps:

    1. Download the recent version of the ibm-pak plug-in for your architecture and operating system.

    2. Extract the downloaded plug-in and add the plug-in to the kubectl-ibm_pak directory. For example, to add the oc-ibm_pak-darwin-arm64.tar.gz plug-in to the kubectl-ibm_pak directory, run:

      KUBECTL_PATH="$(dirname $(which kubectl))"
      tar xvf oc-ibm_pak-darwin-arm64.tar.gz -C ${KUBECTL_PATH} --exclude LICENSE
      mv ${KUBECTL_PATH}/oc-ibm_pak-darwin-arm64 ${KUBECTL_PATH}/oc-ibm_pak
      ln ${KUBECTL_PATH}/oc-ibm_pak ${KUBECTL_PATH}/kubectl-ibm_pak

      Note: If you are running on macOS, remove the quarantine:

      xattr -d /opt/homebrew/bin/oc-ibm_pak
    3. Run the following command to confirm that ibm-pak is installed:

      kubectl ibm-pak --help

If you are using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, ensure you have the following set up for your environment:

  • A supported version of OpenShift Container Platform installed. For supported versions, see the support matrix.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform CLI (oc) installed.

If you are using other Kubernetes platforms, ensure you have the following set up for your environment:

  • A supported version of a Kubernetes platform installed. For supported versions, see the support matrix.
  • The Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl) installed.
  • The Helm command-line tool (helm) installed.
  • Skopeo installed to move images from one repository to another.

Prepare your host

You must be able to connect your bastion host to the internet and to the restricted network environment (with access to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster and the local registry) at the same time.

Ensure that the prerequisites are set up and that the bastion host can access:

  • The public internet to download the CASE and images.
  • The target (internal) image registry where all the images will be mirrored to.
  • The OpenShift or other Kubernetes cluster to install the operator on.

Note: In the absence of a bastion host, prepare a portable device with public internet access to download the CASE and images and a target registry where the images will be mirrored.

Important: Ensure you have access to the Kubernetes cluster by running the kubectl get namespaces command which lists all the available namespaces.

Download the CASE bundle

Before mirroring your images, download the CASE by following these instructions:

  1. Configure the GitHub repository to download the CASE:

    kubectl ibm-pak config repo 'default' -r "" --enable
  2. Run the following command to download, validate, and extract the IBM Operator for Apache Flink CASE.

    kubectl ibm-pak get ibm-eventautomation-flink --version <case-version>

    Where <case-version> is the version of the CASE you want to install. For example:

    kubectl ibm-pak get ibm-eventautomation-flink --version 1.3.0

    The CASE is downloaded in ~/.ibm-pak and the following output is displayed:

    Downloading and extracting the CASE ...
    - Success
    Retrieving CASE version ...
    - Success
    Validating the CASE ...
    Validating the signature for the ibm-eventautomation-flink CASE...
    - Success
    Creating inventory ...
    - Success
    Finding inventory items
    - Success
    Resolving inventory items ...
    Parsing inventory items
    - Success
    Download of CASE: ibm-eventautomation-flink, version: 1.3.0 is complete
  3. Run the following command to download, validate, and extract the Event Processing CASE.

    kubectl ibm-pak get ibm-eventprocessing --version <case-version>

    Where <case-version> is the version of the CASE you want to install. For example:

    kubectl ibm-pak get ibm-eventprocessing --version 1.2.4

    The CASE is downloaded in ~/.ibm-pak and the following output is displayed:

    Downloading and extracting the CASE ...
    - Success
    Retrieving CASE version ...
    - Success
    Validating the CASE ...
    Validating the signature for the ibm-eventprocessing CASE...
    - Success
    Creating inventory ...
    - Success
    Finding inventory items
    - Success
    Resolving inventory items ...
    Parsing inventory items
    - Success
    Download of CASE: ibm-eventprocessing, version: 1.2.4 is complete

    Note: To download the latest version of CASE, do not specify the CASE version. For example:

    kubectl ibm-pak get <case-name>

    Where <case-name> is either ibm-eventprocessing or ibm-eventautomation-flink.

  4. Verify that the CASE and images (.csv) files have been generated for Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.

    For example, ensure that the following files have been generated for Event Processing.

    tree ~/.ibm-pak
    ├── config
    │   └── config.yaml
    ├── data
    │   ├── cases
    │   │   └── ibm-eventprocessing
    │   │       └── 1.2.4
    │   │           ├── caseDependencyMapping.csv
    │   │           ├── charts
    │   │           ├── ibm-eventprocessing-1.2.4-airgap-metadata.yaml
    │   │           ├── ibm-eventprocessing-1.2.4-charts.csv
    │   │           ├── ibm-eventprocessing-1.2.4-images.csv
    │   │           ├── ibm-eventprocessing-1.2.4.tgz
    │   │           └── resourceIndexes
    │   │               └── ibm-eventprocessing-resourcesIndex.yaml
    │   └── mirror
    └── logs
       └── oc-ibm_pak.log
    9 directories, 8 files

Configure registry authentication

To mirror images across both the source registry and the target (internal) registry where all images are available publicly, you must create an authentication secret for each. A Docker CLI login (docker login) or Podman CLI login (podman login) is required for configuring the registry.

A Skopeo CLI login (skopeo login) is also required for Kubernetes platforms other than OpenShift.

For Event Processing, all images are either present in the IBM Entitled Registry (, which requires authentication, or in the IBM Container Registry (, which does not.

Creating an authentication secret for the source registry

Run the following command to create an authentication secret for the source registry:

docker login <source-registry> --username <source-registry-user> --password <source-registry-pass>


  • <source-registry> is the Entitled Registry (
  • <source-registry-user> is your username.
  • <source-registry-pass> is your entitlement key.

Additionally, if you are installing on Kubernetes platforms other than OpenShift, run the following command:

skopeo login <source-registry> -u <source-registry-user> -p <source-registry-pass>

Creating an authentication secret for the target registry

Run the following command to create an authentication secret for the target registry:

docker login <target-registry> --username <target-registry-user> --password <target-registry-pass>

Additionally, if you are running on Kubernetes platforms other than OpenShift, run the following command:

skopeo login <target-registry> -u <target-registry-user> -p <target-registry-pass>


  • <target-registry> is the internal container image registry.
  • <target-registry-user> is the username for the internal container image registry.
  • <target-registry-pass> is the password for the internal container image registry.

Note: You can configure with separate target registry for IBM Operator for Apache Flink and Event Processing. The following documentation instructions consider one target registry for both IBM Operator for Apache Flink and Event Processing.

Mirror the images

The process of mirroring images pulls the image from the internet and pushes it to your local registry. After mirroring your images, you can configure your cluster and complete the offline installation.

Follow the instructions to mirror the images from your host to your offline environment.

Generate mirror manifests

Run the following command to generate mirror manifests:

  • For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    kubectl ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-eventautomation-flink <target-registry> 
  • For Event Processing:

    kubectl ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests ibm-eventprocessing <target-registry>

Where <target-registry> is the internal container image registry.

Note: To filter for a specific image group, add the parameter --filter <image_group> to the previous command.

The previous command generates the following files based on the target internal registry provided:

  • catalog-sources.yaml
  • catalog-sources-linux-<arch>.yaml (if there are architecture specific catalog sources)
  • image-content-source-policy.yaml
  • images-mapping.txt

Copy the images to local registry

Run the following command to copy the images to the local registry. Your device must be connected to both the internet and the restricted network environment that contains the local registry.

  • If you are installing on the OpenShift Container Platform, run the following command:

    For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    oc image mirror -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt --filter-by-os '.*'  --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1

    For Event Processing:

    oc image mirror -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt --filter-by-os '.*' --insecure --skip-multiple-scopes --max-per-registry=1
  • If you are installing on Kubernetes platforms other than OpenShift, run the following command:

    For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    cat ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print "skopeo copy --all docker://"$1" docker://"$2 }' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo {}; {}'

    For Event Processing:

    cat ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print "skopeo copy --all docker://"$1" docker://"$2 }' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo {}; {}'

    Note: If you are using a macOS system and encounter the xargs: command line cannot be assembled, too long error, add -S1024 to xargs, and run the command as follows:

    For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    cat ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print "skopeo copy --all docker://"$1" docker://"$2 }' | xargs -S1024 -I {} sh -c 'echo {}; {}'

    For Event Processing:

    cat ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/images-mapping.txt | awk -F'=' '{ print "skopeo copy --all docker://"$1" docker://"$2 }' | xargs -S1024 -I {} sh -c 'echo {}; {}'


    • <case-version> is the version of the CASE file to be copied.

Ensure that all the images have been mirrored to the target registry by checking the registry.

Create ImageContentSourcePolicy on OpenShift platform

Note: Only applicable when installing Event Processing and the Flink on the OpenShift Container Platform.

  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform as a cluster administrator by using the oc CLI (oc login).
  2. Update the global image pull secret for your OpenShift cluster by following the steps in OpenShift documentation. This enables your cluster to have proper authentication credentials to pull images from your target-registry, as specified in the image-content-source-policy.yaml.
  3. Apply ImageContentSourcePolicy YAML by running the following command:

    For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    oc apply -f  ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/image-content-source-policy.yaml

    For Event Processing:

    oc apply -f  ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/image-content-source-policy.yaml

    Where <case-version> is the version of the CASE file.

  4. Additionally, a global image pull secret must be added so that images can be pulled from the target registry. Follow the instructions in the OpenShift documentation to add credentials for the target registry.

    Important: Cluster resources must adjust to the new pull secret, which can temporarily limit the access to the cluster. Applying the ImageSourceContentPolicy causes cluster nodes to recycle, which results in limited access to the cluster until all the nodes are ready.

  5. Verify that the ImageContentSourcePolicy resource is created:

    oc get imageContentSourcePolicy

    Important: After the ImageContentsourcePolicy and global image pull secret are applied, you might see the node status as Ready, Scheduling, or Disabled. Wait until all the nodes show a Ready status.

  6. Verify your cluster node status and wait for all nodes to be updated before proceeding:

    oc get MachineConfigPool -w

Apply catalog sources to your cluster on OpenShift platform

Note: Only applicable when you install Event Processing on the OpenShift Container Platform.

Apply the catalog sources for the operators to the cluster by running the following command:

  • For IBM Operator for Apache Flink:

    oc apply -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/catalog-sources.yaml
  • For Event Processing:

    oc apply -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/catalog-sources.yaml

Where <case-version> is the version of the CASE file.

Install the operator

If you are installing the operator for the first time, complete the instructions in the following sections to install it on the platform that you are using.

If you are upgrading an existing offline installation, follow the upgrading instructions to upgrade your operator to the version that you downloaded and mirrored earlier.

Installing on OpenShift

After you consider the operator requirements, resource requirements, and cluster-scoped permissions, you can install the operators by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. For more information, see the instructions for installing IBM Operator for Apache Flink and the Event Processing operator.

Installing on other Kubernetes platforms by using the kubectl

Complete the following steps to install the operator:

  1. Create a namespace where you want to install the operator:

    kubectl create namespace <target-namespace>
  2. Create an image pull secret called ibm-entitlement-key in the namespace where you want to install the Event Processing and the IBM Operator for Apache Flink operator. The secret enables container images to be pulled from the target registry:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry ibm-entitlement-key --docker-username="<target-registry-user>" --docker-password="<target-registry-password>" --docker-server="<target-registry>" -n <target-namespace>


    • <target-registry-user> is the username that you provide to authenticate with your internal registry.
    • <target-registry-password> is the password associated with the <target-registry-user>.
    • <target-registry> is the internal registry hosting the operator images.
    • <target-namespace> is the namespace where you want to install Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.

    Note: If you are installing the instance in a different namespace, create the image pull secret (ibm-entitlement-key) again in the namespace where you want to install the instance.

  3. Install the IBM Operator for Apache Flink Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) by using the Helm CLI:

    helm install <release-name> ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/charts/ibm-eventautomation-flink-operator-crd-<case-version>.tgz -n <target-namespace>


    • <release-name> is the name that you provide to identify the Helm release of the Flink CRDs.
    • <case-version> is the CASE version.
    • <target-namespace> is the namespace where you want to install Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.
  4. Install the IBM Operator for Apache Flink by using the Helm CLI:

    helm install <release-name> ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/ibm-eventautomation-flink/<case-version>/charts/ibm-eventautomation-flink-operator-<case-version>.tgz -n <target-namespace> --set imagePullPolicy="Always" --set public.repo=<target_registry> --set public.path="cpopen/" --set private.repo=<target_registry> --set private.path="cp/ibm-eventautomation-flink/" --set watchAnyNamespace=<true/false>


    • <release-name> is the name that you provide to identify the Helm release of the Flink operator.
    • <case-version> is the CASE version.
    • <target-namespace> is the namespace where you want to install Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.
    • <target_registry> is the internal container image registry.

    Important: If your private registry requires authentication, run the following command to add the image pull secret to the Flink service account:

    kubectl patch serviceaccount flink -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "ibm-entitlement-key"}]}' -n <NAMESPACE>
  5. Install the Event Processing CRDs by using the Helm CLI:

    helm install <release-name> ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/charts/ibm-ep-operator-crd-<case-version>.tgz -n <target-namespace>


    • <release-name> is the name that you provide to identify the Helm release responsible for the Event Processing CRDs.
    • <case-version> is the CASE version.
    • <target-namespace> is the namespace where you want to install Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.
  6. Install the Event Processing operator by using the Helm CLI:

    helm install <release-name> ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/ibm-eventprocessing/<case-version>/charts/ibm-ep-operator-<case-version>.tgz -n <target-namespace> --set imagePullPolicy="Always" --set public.repo=<target_registry> --set public.path="cpopen/" --set private.repo=<target_registry> --set private.path="cp/ibm-eventprocessing/" --set watchAnyNamespace=<true/false>


    • <release-name> is the name that you provide to identify the helm release responsible for the event processing operator.
    • <case-version> is the CASE version.
    • <target-namespace> is the namespace where you want to install Event Processing and IBM Operator for Apache Flink.
    • <target_registry> is the internal container image registry.

Wait for the installation to complete.

Install an instance

Event Processing and Flink Deployment instances can be created after the operators are installed. You can install the instances by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. For more information, see the instructions for installing the Flink Deployment instances and the Event Processing instances.

Important: If you encounter ImagePullBackOff errors when installing an instance of FlinkDeployment, add the ibm-entitlement-key to the service account as described in troubleshooting.