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Deploy to Code Engine

In this optional lab we will deploy our application to the IBM Cloud Code Engine.

This optional lab is not needed to complete the Cloud Native Starter Badge 1. If you want to learn more about deploying a Microservice Application to Code Engine, check out this Workshop.


You need to upload the container image to the IBM Cloud Container Registry, if you haven't done that already (please follow the steps in exercise 3 "Deploy to Kubernetes").

Create a Code Engine Project

Note: you need a PayAsYouGo Account, in order to use Code Engine.

In order to create a Code Engine project, you can either search for Code Engine in your IBM Cloud Dashboard and navigate to Projects, or you can follow this link instead.

Now you press Create, enter a Name, select a suitable location, select Default as your resource group and click Create again.

Once you've done that, you should be able to see your newly created project here.

Prepare Container Registry

Step 1: Create an Access Key for your Registry

In order for Code Engine to access your container image, we need to create an API-Key.

Open the following link and click on Create an IBM Cloud API key.

Enter a name and click Create. Now copy and save the API-key, as it won't be shown again.

Step 2: Create a Registry Access

Follow this link, and click on the project you created earlier.

On the left side you it should look like this:

Click on Registry access and click on Create.

Give it a name, and input the following parameters:

  1. Registry source: Custom
  2. Registry server: the server your container registry is located in for example
  3. Password: The API-key you created earlier
  4. E-mail: Your E-mail

Afterwards click Create again.

Deploy to Code Engine

Step 1: Get the location of your container image

In order to create our Code Engine deployment, we need to know the location of our container image.

From the IBM Cloud Dashboard, navigate to Container registry and click on Images. Alternatively, you can follow this link.

Now look for your image, click on it and copy its link.

Step 2: Deploy the application

Navigate to the Code Engine project you created earlier, click on Applications and press Create.

Now you should see something similar to this:

Fill in the following parameters:

  1. Name: a suitable name, for example authors
  2. Select Container image
  3. Image reference: The link to your container image you copied earlier
  4. Registry access: select the Registry access you created earlier
  5. Listening Port: 3000
  6. Endpoints: public

Now scroll down to Runtime settings and click on it.

Set both the Min Number of Instances as well as the Max Number of Instances to 1, and select 0.125vCPU/0.25 GB as your Instance resources.

Now you press create, and wait a bit for Code Engine to deploy your application.

Step 3: Verify that the deployment worked

Go to your Code Engine Project, and click on Applications. If the deployment worked, it should look similar to the following picture.

Click on Open URL, and wait for the new browsertab to open. Now add /openapi/ui/ to the end of the URL to check that your application is working properly.

Congratulations you have finished this optional lab.