See: Description
Interface | Description |
AmazonS3 |
Provides an interface for accessing the Amazon S3 web service.
AmazonS3EncryptionV2 |
Interface for an S3 client that performs encryption, V2.
Headers |
Common S3 HTTP header values used throughout the Amazon Web Services S3 Java client.
OnFileDelete |
A service provider interface (SPI) used to notify the event of a file
Class | Description |
AbstractAmazonS3 |
An Abstract class that users needs to extend instead of
interface. |
AmazonS3Builder<Subclass extends AmazonS3Builder,TypeToBuild extends AmazonS3> | |
AmazonS3Client |
Provides the client for accessing the Amazon S3 web service.
AmazonS3ClientBuilder |
Fluent builder for AmazonS3.
AmazonS3URI |
A URI wrapper that can parse out information about an S3 URI.
S3ClientOptions |
S3 client configuration options such as the request access style.
S3ClientOptions.Builder | |
S3ResponseMetadata |
Extension of
ResponseMetadata with Amazon S3 specific data. |
UploadObjectObserver |
An observer that gets notified of ciphertext file creation for the purpose of
pipelined parallel multi-part uploads of encrypted data to S3.
Exception | Description |
KeyWrapException |
Key wrapping related security exception.
This appendix summarizes the current crypto related meta information
associated with an S3 object encrypted using SDK client-side encryption. In
SDK's terminology, these meta information are classified as "user metatdata".
In general, the meta information is just a map of key/value pairs. Physically
they are persisted either as metadata of the encrypted S3 object, or as a
separate S3 object called an "instruction file" (which is just a JSON file in
plaintext.) For all references to the Cipher Algorithm Names, Modes, and Padding,
such as "AES/GCM/NoPadding"
, please refer to Oracle's Java™ Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation
for more details.
Note when a key/value pair is stored as "user metadata" as part of the S3 metadata, the SDK always adds an additional prefix of x-amz-meta- to the key name. In contrast, the SDK doesn't add any prefix when the key names are stored in an instruction file. (The reason has to do with how the http headers are handled.)
For example, x-amz-key would get stored as x-amz-meta-x-amz-key in S3 metadata. In contrast, x-amz-key would simply be stored as is (ie without the prefix) in an instruction file. All the keys described below are considered "user metadata" by the SDK.
For non-KMS client side encryption, this crypto meta information is used
to support the "Encryption Only" crypto mode (which involves the use of
for content encryption, and
for encrypting the one-time randomly generated data
key). For KMS client-side encryption, the 2nd gen crypto meta information is used.
, but can be interpreted (decrypted) by
The format is also known as v1 metadata, but because there are now v1 and v2 clients,
the term v1 metadata is confusing.
Encryption: AmazonS3EncryptionClient
, crypto mode EncryptionOnly
Decryption: AmazonS3EncryptionClient
, crypto mode EncryptionOnly or
, crypto mode AuthenticationOnly
key | description |
x-amz-key | Content encrypting key (cek) in encrypted form, base64 encoded. The cek is randomly generated per S3 object, and is always an AES 256-bit key. The corresponding cipher is always "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding". |
x-amz-iv | Randomly generated IV (per S3 object), base64 encoded |
x-amz-matdesc | Customer provided material description in JSON (UTF8) format. Used to identify the client-side master key (ie used to encrypt/wrap the generated content encrypting key). |
x-amz-unencrypted-content-length | Unencrypted content length (optional but should be specified whenever possible). |
This crypto meta information is used to support both authenticated
encryption (which involves the use of AES/GCM/NoPadding
content encryption, and key wrapping for the one-time randomly generated data
key), and KMS client-side encryption (which can either be encryption-only or
authenticated encryption).
Encryption: AmazonS3EncryptionClient
, crypto modes AuthenticatedEncryption and
Decryption: AmazonS3EncryptionClient
, all crypto modes, or
, crypto modes AuthenticatedEncryption and
Note: While the V1 client can both generate and interpret 2nd gen metadata, it cannot decrypt any object encrypted using the V2 client, because the values of x-amz-wrap-alg differ.
key | description |
x-amz-key-v2 | CEK in key wrapped form. This is necessary so that the S3 encryption client that doesn't recognize the v2 format will not mistakenly decrypt S3 object encrypted in v2 format. |
x-amz-iv | Randomly generated IV (per S3 object), base64 encoded. (Same as v1.) | x-amz-unencrypted-content-length | Unencrypted content length. (optional but should be specified whenever possible. Same as v1.) |
x-amz-tag-len | Tag length (in bits) when AEAD is in use.
key | description | x-amz-matdesc | Customer provided material description in JSON format. (Same as v1). Used
to identify the client-side master key.
x-amz-wrap-alg | Key wrapping algorithm used.
x-amz-cek-alg | Content encryption algorithm used.
key | description |
x-amz-matdesc | Customer provided material description in JSON format. (Same as v1). For KMS client side encryption,
the cek algorithm is stored as part of the material description under the key-name aws:x-amz-cek-alg .
x-amz-wrap-alg | Key wrapping algorithm used.
x-amz-cek-alg | Content encryption algorithm used. Supported values: "AES/GCM/NoPadding"
x-amz-meta-x-amz-key-v2: CiAJ2GqwpJRnt4izujwoalC2YdNRNSMEslG5rw3pEI+J8hKnAQEBAwB4CdhqsKSUZ7eIs7o8KGpQtmHTUTUjBLJRua8N6RCPifIAAAB+MHwGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBvMG0CAQAwaAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAyD0rzN3KHViWixDVcCARCAOwhZ6xA8rob3Z0mNx3uKFieHKVyIC/PKlchALvG1oVLnf86mcZJNpTXtwMkKkDocVj3Z1zGjZTufFsOH x-amz-iv: xqOHh+M6y0UogwG5SHJM3Q== x-amz-unencrypted-content-length: 32768 x-amz-cek-alg: AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding x-amz-wrap-alg: kms x-amz-matdesc: {"kms_cmk_id":"d3fd2273-4ca0-4da5-b1c2-c89742ec6a26"}
x-amz-key-v2: CiAJ2GqwpJRnt4izujwoalC2YdNRNSMEslG5rw3pEI+J8hKnAQEBAwB4CdhqsKSUZ7eIs7o8KGpQtmHTUTUjBLJRua8N6RCPifIAAAB+MHwGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBvMG0CAQAwaAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAytFVyW4I6QmwcPK1ECARCAO1VzoM6KxA9DHyNMm/BEbbjle2vLA7IY7f9OkUoSqrdxgKxpNID9QaL/7928m1Djtld0bJpHefjm89C x-amz-iv: VZBksyij6DhrUMye x-amz-unencrypted-content-length: 32768 x-amz-cek-alg: AES/GCM/NoPadding x-amz-wrap-alg: kms x-amz-matdesc: {"kms_cmk_id":"d3fd2273-4ca0-4da5-b1c2-c89742ec6a26"} x-amz-tag-len: 128
x-amz-key-v2: CiAJ2GqwpJRnt4izujwoalC2YdNRNSMEslG5rw3pEI+J8hKnAQEBAwB4CdhqsKSUZ7eIs7o8KGpQtmHTUTUjBLJRua8N6RCPifIAAAB+MHwGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBvMG0CAQAwaAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAytFVyW4I6QmwcPK1ECARCAO1VzoM6KxA9DHyNMm/BEbbjle2vLA7IY7f9OkUoSqrdxgKxpNID9QaL/7928m1Djtld0bJpHefjm89C x-amz-iv: VZBksyij6DhrUMye x-amz-unencrypted-content-length: 32768 x-amz-cek-alg: AES/GCM/NoPadding x-amz-wrap-alg: kms x-amz-matdesc: {"aws:x-amz-cek-alg":"AES/GCM/NoPadding"} x-amz-tag-len: 128
The following key is always included as part of the S3 metadata of the instruction file (which is just an S3 object). Since the SDK treats this key as "user metadata", the key name is always prefixed with x-amz-meta- when physically stored.
key | description |
x-amz-crypto-instr-file | the presence of this key is used to indicate this S3 object is an instruction file (of an associated client-side encrypted S3 object). |
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