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Interface UpdateBucketConfigParams

Parameters for the updateBucketConfig operation.


  • UpdateBucketConfigParams



Optional activityTracking

activityTracking: ActivityTracking

Enables sending log data to IBM Cloud Activity Tracker to provide visibility into object read and write events. All object events are sent to the activity tracker instance defined in the activity_tracker_crn field.


bucket: string

Name of a bucket.

Optional firewall

firewall: Firewall

An access control mechanism based on the network (IP address) where request originated. Requests not originating from IP addresses listed in the allowed_ip field will be denied regardless of any access policies (including public access) that might otherwise permit the request. Viewing or updating the Firewall element requires the requester to have the manager role.

Optional hardQuota

hardQuota: number

Maximum bytes for this bucket.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

Optional ifMatch

ifMatch: string

An Etag previously returned in a header when fetching or updating a bucket's metadata. If this value does not match the active Etag, the request will fail.

Optional metricsMonitoring

metricsMonitoring: MetricsMonitoring

Enables sending metrics to IBM Cloud Monitoring. All metrics are sent to the IBM Cloud Monitoring instance defined in the monitoring_crn field.

Optional protectionManagement

protectionManagement: ProtectionManagement

Data structure holding protection management operations.

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