genai.extensions.lm_eval.model module¶
- class genai.extensions.lm_eval.model.IBMGenAILMEval[source]¶
Implementation of LM model interface for evaluating GenAI model with the lm_eval framework.
See for reference.
- DEFAULT_GENERATION_EXECUTION_OPTIONS = CreateExecutionOptions(throw_on_error=True, ordered=True, concurrency_limit=None, callback=None)¶
- DEFAULT_TOKENIZATION_EXECUTION_OPTIONS = CreateExecutionOptions(throw_on_error=True, ordered=True, concurrency_limit=5, batch_size=100, rate_limit_options=None, callback=None)¶
- __init__(client=None, model_id=None, parameters=None, show_progressbar=True, tokenization_execution_options=None, generation_execution_options=None)[source]¶
Defines the interface that should be implemented by all LM subclasses. LMs are assumed to take text (strings) as input and yield strings as output (inputs/outputs should be tokenization-agnostic.)
- Parameters:
client (Client | None)
model_id (str | None)
parameters (TextGenerationParameters | None)
show_progressbar (bool | None)
tokenization_execution_options (CreateExecutionOptions | None)
generation_execution_options (CreateExecutionOptions | None)
- classmethod create_from_arg_string(arg_string, additional_config=None)[source]¶
Allow the user to specify model parameters (TextGenerationParameters) in CLI arguments.
- Parameters:
arg_string (str)
additional_config (dict | None)
- Return type:
- generate_until(requests)[source]¶
From official model_guide:
- Each request contains Instance.argsTuple[str, dict] containing:
an input string to the LM and
a dictionary of keyword arguments used to control generation parameters.
Using this input and these generation parameters, text will be sampled from the language model
- (
typically until a maximum output length or specific stopping string sequences–for example, {“until”: [”
- “, “.”], “max_gen_toks”: 128}
). The generated input+output text from the model will then be returned.
- Parameters:
requests (list[Instance])
- Return type:
- loglikelihood(requests)[source]¶
- Parameters:
requests (list[Instance]) –
Each request contains Instance.args : Tuple[str, str] containing: 1. an input string to the LM and 2. a target string on which the loglikelihood of the LM producing this target,
conditioned on the input, will be returned.
- Returns:
loglikelihood: probability of generating the target string conditioned on the input is_greedy: True if and only if the target string would be generated by greedy sampling from the LM
- Return type:
tuple (loglikelihood, is_greedy) for each request according to the input order
- loglikelihood_rolling(requests)[source]¶
Used to evaluate perplexity on a data distribution.
- Parameters:
requests (list[Instance]) – Each request contains Instance.args : tuple[str] containing an input string to the model whose entire loglikelihood, conditioned on purely the EOT token, will be calculated.
- Returns:
loglikelihood: solely the probability of producing each piece of text given no starting input.
- Return type:
tuple (loglikelihood,) for each request according to the input order
- property model_token_limit¶