Source code for genai.extensions.langchain.utils

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Union

from langchain_core.messages import AIMessageChunk, BaseMessageChunk, merge_content
from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGenerationChunk, GenerationChunk
from pydantic import BaseModel

from genai._utils.general import merge_objects
from genai.extensions._common.utils import extract_token_usage
from genai.schema import TextGenerationParameters

[docs] def update_token_usage(*, target: dict[str, Any], source: Optional[dict[str, Any]]): if not source: return for key, value in source.items(): if key in target: target[key] += value else: target[key] = value
[docs] def update_token_usage_stream(*, target: dict[str, Any], source: Optional[dict]): if not source: return def get_value(key: str, override=False) -> int: current = target.get(key, 0) or 0 new = source.get(key, 0) or 0 if new != 0 and (current == 0 or override): return new else: return current completion_tokens = get_value("completion_tokens", override=True) prompt_tokens = get_value("prompt_tokens") target.update( { "prompt_tokens": prompt_tokens, "input_token_count": prompt_tokens, "completion_tokens": completion_tokens, "total_tokens": completion_tokens + prompt_tokens, "generated_token_count": completion_tokens, } )
[docs] def create_llm_output(*, model: str, token_usages: Optional[list[Optional[dict]]] = None, **kwargs) -> dict[str, Any]: final_token_usage = extract_token_usage({}) for source in token_usages or []: update_token_usage(target=final_token_usage, source=source) return {"model_name": model, "token_usage": final_token_usage, **kwargs}
[docs] def load_config(file: Union[str, Path]) -> dict: def parse_config() -> dict: file_path = Path(file) if isinstance(file, str) else file if file_path.suffix == ".json": with open(file_path) as f: import json return json.load(f) elif file_path.suffix == ".yaml": with open(file_path, "r") as f: import yaml return yaml.safe_load(f) else: raise ValueError("File type must be json or yaml") config = parse_config() config["parameters"] = TextGenerationParameters(**config.get("parameters", {})) return config
[docs] def dump_optional_model(model: Optional[BaseModel]) -> Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]: return model.model_dump(exclude_none=True) if model else None
[docs] class CustomChatGenerationChunk(ChatGenerationChunk): def __add__(self, other: ChatGenerationChunk) -> CustomChatGenerationChunk: """ "Replaces LangChain's 'merge_dicts' with our simplified 'merge_objects' utility""" if isinstance(other, ChatGenerationChunk): generation_info = merge_objects( self.generation_info or {}, other.generation_info or {}, ) return CustomChatGenerationChunk( message=self.message + other.message, generation_info=generation_info or None, ) else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'")
[docs] class CustomGenerationChunk(GenerationChunk): def __add__(self, other: GenerationChunk) -> CustomGenerationChunk: """Replaces LangChain's 'merge_dicts' with our simplified 'merge_objects' utility""" if isinstance(other, GenerationChunk): generation_info = merge_objects( self.generation_info or {}, other.generation_info or {}, ) return CustomGenerationChunk( text=self.text + other.text, generation_info=generation_info or None, ) else: raise TypeError(f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{type(self)}' and '{type(other)}'")
[docs] class CustomAIMessageChunk(AIMessageChunk): """Replaces LangChain's 'merge_dicts' with our simplified 'merge_objects' utility""" def __add__(self, other: Any) -> BaseMessageChunk: if isinstance(other, AIMessageChunk): if self.example != other.example: raise ValueError("Cannot concatenate AIMessageChunks with different example values.") return self.__class__( example=self.example, content=merge_content(self.content, other.content), additional_kwargs=merge_objects(self.additional_kwargs, other.additional_kwargs), response_metadata=merge_objects(self.response_metadata, other.response_metadata), ) return super().__add__(other)