Provision and Manage z/OS Software Instances

IBM z/OSMF collection provides capabilities to provision and manage z/OS middlewares/softwares using Ansible playbooks, for example CICS, Db2, IMS, WLP etc. There are three roles provided to interact with z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning & Management (CP&M). These roles drive z/OSMF RESTful services provided by CP&M to provision and manage software services.


  • zmf_cpm_provision_software_service:

    This role can be used to provision a z/OS software service. The provision role will create a local record file of instance information that is responded from registry API in json format, and this file will be served to other CP&M roles such like zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance and zmf_cpm_remove_software_instance. The local record file is generated in the directory specified via instance_record_dir variable defined in a host specific variable files under “host_vars”. By default location is /tmp/"host-name" which can be changed by updating instance_record_dir variable.

  • zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance:

    This role can be used to manage a provisioned software service instance. Various actions can be performed on a provisioned instance using this role. Actions that can be performed on a provisioned instance are described in local record file associated with the provisioned instance. The name variable in actions array under registry-info identifies various actions that can be performed on the instance.

  • zmf_cpm_remove_software_instance:

    This role can be used to remove a deprovisioned software service instance.


See the section Requirements.

Sample Playbooks

See the section Playbooks.