
For configuration and setup, see Playbook Documentation.

This sample playbook shows how to perform instance specific action on a provisioned instance in z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning & Management (CP&M).

- name: sample of managing software instance
  hosts: cpmHost1
  gather_facts: no
    - ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf
    - name: zmf_user
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF username"
      private: no
    - name: zmf_password
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF password"
      private: yes
    - include_role:
        name: zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance
        instance_action_name: "<action-name>" # The value for property instance_action_name identifies which instance action user wants to perform
        instance_info_json_path: "<full-instance-json-file-path>" # The value for property instance_info_json_path identifies full file path of the provisioned instance json file that is created by zmf_cpm_provision_software_service role, common format is /{{ instance_record_dir }}/{{ instanceID }}-{{ externalName }}.json


For CP&M roles, the inventory file hosts needs to be updated to identify the target z/OSMF end points.

For more details about role variables, see zmf_cpm_manage_software_instance.