Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection. The latest version is v3.0.0.


For configuration and setup, see Playbook Documentation.

This sample playbook shows how to submit a job to run on the target z/OS systems via z/OSMF.

- name: sample of submitting a job to run on z/OS and check its return code
  hosts: job
  gather_facts: no
    - ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf
    - name: zmf_user
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF username (skip if zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied)"
      private: no
    - name: zmf_password
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF password (skip if zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied)"
      private: yes
    - include_role:
        name: zmf_job_complete
        job_jcl_src: "files/job_sample_jcl.jcl" # The location of file or data set containing the JCL
        # job_jcl_location: 'LOCAL' # The type of location of the JCL to be submitted. Default is LOCAL
        # job_max_rc: 0 # The maximum return code for the job that should be allowed without failing the role. Default is 0
        # complete_check_times: 10 # The maximum number of time that is used for periodic checks of the job status. Default is 10
        # complete_check_delay: 5 # The interval time between periodic checks of the job status. Default is 5


To run the sample playbook, the inventory file hosts needs to be updated to identify the target z/OSMF end points.

For more details about role variables, see zmf_job_complete.