Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection.

zmf_workflow – Operate z/OS workflows


  • Operate z/OS workflows by issuing z/OSMF workflow RESTful services.

  • This module supports to compare, start, delete and check a workflow.



Final state desired for the specified workflow.

If state=existed, indicate whether a workflow with the given name does not exist, or exists with same or different definition file, variables and properties.

If state=started, create a workflow if it does not exist, and start it.

If state=deleted, delete a workflow if it exists.

If state=check, check the status of a workflow.

required: True
type: str
choices: existed, started, deleted, check

Access type for the workflow when the workflow is created.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str
default: Public
choices: Public, Restricted, Private

For a workflow that submits a batch job, this variable specifies the account information for the JCL JOB statement.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner when the workflow is created.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Category for the workflow.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str
choices: general, configuration

User-specified information to be associated with the workflow at creation time.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

For a workflow that submits a batch job, this variable specifies whether the job is deleted from the JES spool after it completes.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: bool

Location of the workflow definition file.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Nickname of the system on which the specified workflow definition file and any related files reside.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Nickname of the target z/OS system on which the workflow is to be performed.

This variable should be specified as {{ inventory_hostname }}, and its value should be specified in the inventory file as a managed node.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

For a workflow that submits a batch job, this variable specifies the JOB statement JCL for the job.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Generated key to uniquely identify the workflow instance.

Either workflow_name or workflow_key is required when state=started/deleted/check.

required: False
type: str

Descriptive name of the workflow.

It is recommended that you use the naming rule ansible_workflowName_{{ workflow_host }} when state=started.

Required when state=existed.

Either workflow_name or workflow_key is required when state=started/deleted/check.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

URL to be used for notification when the workflow is started.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

User name of the workflow owner.

If this value is omitted, zmf_user is used as workflow owner.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether the subsequent automated steps are performed when the workflow is started.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: bool
default: True

Specifies how to handle variable conflicts if any are detected at workflow creation time.

Such conflicts can be found when z/OSMF Workflows task reads the output file from a step that runs a REXX exec or UNIX shell script.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str
default: outputFileValue
choices: outputFileValue, existingValue, leaveConflict

Version of the variable to be used if the supplied workflow variable conflicts with an existing global variable in z/OSMF Workflows task.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str
default: global
choices: global, input

Name of the workflow step at which automation processing is to begin when the workflow is started.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Values of one or more workflow variables in JSON format.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: dict

Location of the optional properties file to be used to pre-specify the values of one or more variables that are defined in workflow definition file.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Name of the vendor that provided the workflow definition file.

For more information, see the documentation for the z/OSMF workflow REST services.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

Required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

Required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

Required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

Required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str


- name: Compare whether a workflow with the given name already exists and has the same definition file, variables and properties
    state: "existed"
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"
    workflow_file: "/var/zosmf/workflow_def/workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml"
    workflow_host: "SY1"

- name: Create a workflow if it does not exist, and start it
    state: "started"
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    workflow_file: "/var/zosmf/workflow_def/workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml"
    workflow_host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

- name: Delete a workflow if it exists
    state: "deleted"
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"

- name: Check the status of a workflow
    state: "check"
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_SY1"

Return Values


Indicates if any change is made during the module operation.

If state=existed/check, always return false.

If state=started and the workflow is started, return true.

If state=deleted and the workflow is deleted, return true.

returned: always
type: bool

The output message generated by the module.

If state=existed, indicate whether a workflow with the given name does not exist, or exists with same or different definition file, variables and properties.

If state=started, indicate whether the workflow is started.

If state=deleted, indicate whether the workflow to be deleted does not exist or is deleted.

If state=check, indicate whether the workflow is completed, is not completed, or is still in progress.

returned: on success
type: str


"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 with same definition file, variables and properties is found."

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 with different definition file is found."

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is started, you can use state=check to check its final status."

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is still in progress."

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is completed"

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 is deleted."

"Workflow instance named: ansible_sample_workflow_SY1 does not exist."

Generated key to uniquely identify the existing or started workflow.

returned: on success when state=existed/started
type: str



Indicate whether the existing workflow has the same or different definition file, variables and properties.

returned: on success when state=existed
type: bool

Indicate whether it needs to wait and check again because the workflow is still in progress.

returned: on success when state=check
type: bool

Indicate whether the workflow is completed.

returned: on success when state=existed/check
type: bool

Indicate whether the workflow is deleted.

returned: on success when state=deleted
type: bool