Migrating IBM Cloud Foundry applications to serverless and Kubernetes services on IBM Cloud
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Migrating IBM Cloud Foundry applications to serverless and Kubernetes services on IBM Cloud


If you hit this page, it's because you're aware of the IBM Cloud Foundry deprecation, and are interested in continuing the steps for the migration of Konveyor's enterprise-app example application from IBM Cloud Foundry to one of the following serverless or Kubernetes services on IBM Cloud:


By now you should have all the necessary artifacts to continue moving to the target service because you have performed the actions found here:

  • a folder structure as noted here (external link)
  • deployed Konveyor's enterprise-app example application to IBM Cloud Foundry
  • invoked Konveyor's move2kube collect on your IBM Cloud Foundry space where the enterprise-app is deployed to
  • invoked Konveyor's move2kube plan together with the collected information and source code


This workshop has been tested on the following platforms:

  • IBM Cloud Foundry: version 6.53
  • IBM Cloud Container Registry: version 0.1.547
  • IBM Kubernetes Service: version 1.23
  • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud: version 4.8
