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Steps for migrating to IBM Code Engine

Perform a transformation on your IBM Cloud Foundry application via move2kube transform

The Cloud Foundry to Code Engine/IKS/ROKS custom transformer can be used with Move2Kube for migrating Cloud Foundry applications to Code Engine (CE), IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS), and Red Hat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS). Move2Kube automatically analyzes all the source artifacts and transforms and creates all the target artifacts required for deploying the application in CE/IKS/ROKS in one go.


Source code: The source directory which contains the source code files of the Konveyor's enterprise-app application

curl | bash -s -- -d samples/enterprise-app/src -r move2kube-demos

Install Move2Kube

MOVE2KUBE_TAG='v0.4.0-alpha.0' bash <(curl

Custom transformer: Download the custom transformer from the move2kube-transformers GitHub repository.

curl | bash -s -- -d cloud-foundry-to-ce-iks-roks -r move2kube-transformers

Create and setup a Code Engine project: Code Engine project where we can deploy the applications.

Login to IBM Cloud.

ibmcloud login --sso

You can list down the resource groups using the below command.

ibmcloud resource groups

Specify your resource group and the region using the target command.

ibmcloud target -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -r <REGION>

Install the Code Engine plug-in.

ibmcloud plugin install code-engine

Create a new Code Engine project

ibmcloud ce project create --name cf-2-ce-tutorial


Creating project 'cf-2-ce-tutorial'... ID for project 'cf-2-ce-tutorial' is '1ef688f5-0256-4b21-ae48-390e56312b05'. Waiting for project 'cf-2-ce-tutorial' to be active... Now selecting project 'cf-2-ce-tutorial'. OK

Create a registry access secret in your Code Engine project so that the images can be pulled or pushed from the target image registry like

Click on "Registry access" in the left navigation pane in your Code Engine project. Then click on the "Create" button.

Create registry access secret in Code Engine project

If you are using any image registry other than Docker Hub then select the "Custom" button. Enter a name for your registry access "cf-2-ce".

Enter the name of the registry server. If you are using IBM Cloud Container Registry the server name is <region> (for example, ""). For Docker Hub, the server name is "".

Enter the username and password. For IBM Cloud Container Registry, the username is "iamapikey" and password is your API key. For Docker Hub, the username is your Docker ID and the password is your Docker password.

Use iamapikey/credentials to create registry access secret

Successfully created a registry access secret in Code Engine project

Now all the steps required in the prerequisites are completed, we are ready to run move2kube transform on our source code.

Running move2kube transform

Run the transform phase on the source directory containing the source code artifacts. Here, we specify the path to the custom cloud-foundry-to-ce-iks-roks transformer with -c flag.

In the transform phase, you'll be asked a series of questions related to the application itself, your Code Engine image secret key, image registry, your cluster (for IKS/ROKS deployment), etc.

move2kube transform -s src -c cloud-foundry-to-ce-iks-roks

Keep the default selection (press Enter).


? Specify a Kubernetes style selector to select only the transformers that you want to run. ID: move2kube.transformerselector Hints: - Leave empty to select everything. This is the default.

Keep the default transformer type (press Enter).


? Select all transformer types that you are interested in: ID: move2kube.transformers.types Hints: - Services that don't support any of the transformer types you are interested in will be ignored. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] ArgoCD [✓] Buildconfig [✓] CECNBTransformer [✓] CEDockerFileTransformer [✓] CNBContainerizer [✓] CloudFoundry [✓] ComposeAnalyser [✓] ComposeAnalyser [✓] ComposeGenerator [✓] ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator [✓] DockerfileDetector [✓] DockerfileImageBuildScript [✓] DockerfileParser [✓] DotNetCore-Dockerfile [✓] EarAnalyser [✓] EarRouter [✓] Golang-Dockerfile [✓] Gradle [✓] IKSClusterSelector [✓] IKSKubernetes [✓] Jar [✓] Jboss [✓] Knative [✓] KubernetesVersionChanger [✓] Liberty [✓] Maven [✓] Nodejs-Dockerfile [✓] OperatorTransformer [✓] OperatorsFromTCA [✓] PHP-Dockerfile [✓] Parameterizer [✓] Python-Dockerfile [✓] ROKSClusterSelector [✓] ROKSKubernetes [✓] ReadMeGenerator [✓] Ruby-Dockerfile [✓] Rust-Dockerfile [✓] Tekton [✓] Tomcat [✓] WarAnalyser [✓] WarRouter [ ] WinConsoleApp-Dockerfile [ ] WinSLWebApp-Dockerfile [✓] WinWebApp-Dockerfile [✓] ZuulAnalyser

Type "y" and press Enter to allow container based transformers. This step could take few minutes.


? Allow spawning containers? ID: move2kube.spawncontainers Hints: - If this setting is set to false, those transformers that rely on containers will not work. (y/N) y

Keep the default services (press Enter).


Yes INFO[0006] Pulling container image This could take a few mins. INFO[0014] Pulling container image This could take a few mins. INFO[0178] Configuration loading done INFO[0178] Start planning INFO[0178] Planning started on the base directory INFO[0178] [CloudFoundry] Planning INFO[0184] Identified 5 named services and 0 to-be-named services INFO[0184] [CloudFoundry] Done INFO[0184] [ComposeAnalyser] Planning INFO[0184] [ComposeAnalyser] Done INFO[0184] [DockerfileDetector] Planning INFO[0185] [DockerfileDetector] Done INFO[0185] [Base Directory] Identified 5 named services and 0 to-be-named services INFO[0185] Planning finished on the base directory INFO[0185] Planning started on its sub directories INFO[0187] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in customers INFO[0187] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in customers INFO[0189] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in frontend INFO[0189] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in frontend INFO[0189] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in gateway INFO[0189] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in gateway INFO[0190] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in inventory INFO[0190] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in inventory INFO[0191] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in orders INFO[0191] Identified 1 named services and 0 to-be-named services in orders INFO[0191] Planning finished on its sub directories INFO[0191] [Directory Walk] Identified 6 named services and 4 to-be-named services INFO[0191] [Named Services] Identified 5 named services INFO[0191] Planning done INFO[0191] No of services identified : 5 INFO[0191] Starting transformation ? Select all services that are needed: ID:[].enable Hints: - The services unselected here will be ignored. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] customers [✓] frontend [✓] gateway [✓] inventory [✓] orders

Select both of the available containerization options for each of the services (press the right arrow key to select all the available options and press Enter).


? Select the transformer to use for containerizing the 'customers' service : ID:"customers".containerizationoption [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] [✓] CNBContainerizer > [✓] Maven


CNBContainerizer, Maven ? Select the transformer to use for containerizing the 'frontend' service : ID:"frontend".containerizationoption [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] CNBContainerizer [✓] Nodejs-Dockerfile


CNBContainerizer, Nodejs-Dockerfile ? Select the transformer to use for containerizing the 'gateway' service : ID:"gateway".containerizationoption [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] CNBContainerizer [✓] Maven


CNBContainerizer, Maven ? Select the transformer to use for containerizing the 'inventory' service : ID:"inventory".containerizationoption [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] CNBContainerizer [✓] Maven


CNBContainerizer, Maven ? Select the transformer to use for containerizing the 'orders' service : ID:"orders".containerizationoption [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] CNBContainerizer [✓] Maven

Select build-stage-in-every-image for each of the services (use the arrow keys to make your selection and press Enter).


CNBContainerizer, Maven INFO[0917] Transformer CloudFoundry Done INFO[0917] Created 0 pathMappings and 10 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 0. Total Artifacts : 5. INFO[0917] Iteration 3 - 10 artifacts to process INFO[0917] Transformer CNBContainerizer processing 5 artifacts INFO[0917] Transformer CNBContainerizer Done INFO[0917] Transformer Maven processing 4 artifacts ? What type of Dockerfiles should be generated for the service 'customers'? ID:"customers".dockerfileType Hints: - [no build stage] There is no build stage. Dockerfiles will only contain the run stage. The jar/war/ear files will need to be built and present in the file system already, for them to get copied into the container. - [build stage in base image] Put the build stage in a separate Dockerfile and create a base image. - [build stage in every image] Put the build stage in every Dockerfile to make it self contained. (Warning: This may cause one build per Dockerfile.) [Use arrows to move, type to filter] no build stage build stage in base image > build stage in every image

Select the spring boot profile (dev-inmemorydb or dev as prompted) for each of the services (use the arrow keys to cycle through, use spacebar to (de)select, and press Enter).


build stage in every image ? Select the spring boot profiles for the service 'customers' : ID:"customers".childModules."customers".springBootProfiles Hints: - select all the profiles that are applicable [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] local [ ] prod-externaldb

Select the default port (8080) for each of the services (press Enter).


dev-inmemorydb ? Select the port to be exposed for the "customers".childModules."customers" service : ID:"customers".childModules."customers".port Hints: - Select 'Other' if you want to expose the service using a different port. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > 8080 Other (specify custom option)


8080 ? Select the maven profiles to use for the 'customers' service ID:"customers".mavenProfiles Hints: - The selected maven profiles will be used during the build. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] [ ] local > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] prod-externaldb


dev-inmemorydb ? What type of Dockerfiles should be generated for the service 'gateway'? ID:"gateway".dockerfileType Hints: - [no build stage] There is no build stage. Dockerfiles will only contain the run stage. The jar/war/ear files will need to be built and present in the file system already, for them to get copied into the container. - [build stage in base image] Put the build stage in a separate Dockerfile and create a base image. - [build stage in every image] Put the build stage in every Dockerfile to make it self contained. (Warning: This may cause one build per Dockerfile.) [Use arrows to move, type to filter] no build stage build stage in base image > build stage in every image


build stage in every image ? Select the spring boot profiles for the service 'gateway' : ID:"gateway".childModules."gateway".springBootProfiles Hints: - select all the profiles that are applicable [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] dev [ ] local [ ] prod


dev ? Select the port to be exposed for the '"gateway".childModules."gateway"' service : ID:"gateway".childModules."gateway".port Hints: - Select 'Other' if you want to expose the service using a different port. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > 8080 Other (specify custom option)


8080 ? Select the maven profiles to use for the 'gateway' service ID:"gateway".mavenProfiles Hints: - The selected maven profiles will be used during the build. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] [ ] local > [✓] dev [ ] prod


dev ? What type of Dockerfiles should be generated for the service 'inventory'? ID:"inventory".dockerfileType Hints: - [no build stage] There is no build stage. Dockerfiles will only contain the run stage. The jar/war/ear files will need to be built and present in the file system already, for them to get copied into the container. - [build stage in base image] Put the build stage in a separate Dockerfile and create a base image. - [build stage in every image] Put the build stage in every Dockerfile to make it self contained. (Warning: This may cause one build per Dockerfile.) [Use arrows to move, type to filter] no build stage build stage in base image > build stage in every image


build stage in every image ? Select the spring boot profiles for the service 'inventory' : ID:"inventory".childModules."inventory".springBootProfiles Hints: - select all the profiles that are applicable [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] local [ ] prod-externaldb


dev-inmemorydb ? Select the port to be exposed for the '"inventory".childModules."inventory"' service : ID:"inventory".childModules."inventory".port Hints: - Select 'Other' if you want to expose the service using a different port. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > 8080 Other (specify custom option)


8080 ? Select the maven profiles to use for the 'inventory' service ID:"inventory".mavenProfiles Hints: - The selected maven profiles will be used during the build. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] [ ] local > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] prod-externaldb


dev-inmemorydb ? What type of Dockerfiles should be generated for the service 'orders'? ID:"orders".dockerfileType Hints: - [no build stage] There is no build stage. Dockerfiles will only contain the run stage. The jar/war/ear files will need to be built and present in the file system already, for them to get copied into the container. - [build stage in base image] Put the build stage in a separate Dockerfile and create a base image. - [build stage in every image] Put the build stage in every Dockerfile to make it self contained. (Warning: This may cause one build per Dockerfile.) [Use arrows to move, type to filter] no build stage build stage in base image > build stage in every image


build stage in every image ? Select the spring boot profiles for the service 'orders' : ID:"orders".childModules."orders".springBootProfiles Hints: - select all the profiles that are applicable [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] local [ ] prod-externaldb


dev-inmemorydb ? Select the port to be exposed for the '"orders".childModules."orders"' service : ID:"orders".childModules."orders".port Hints: - Select 'Other' if you want to expose the service using a different port. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > 8080 Other (specify custom option)


8080 ? Select the maven profiles to use for the 'orders' service ID:"orders".mavenProfiles Hints: - The selected maven profiles will be used during the build. [Use arrows to move, space to select, <right> to all, <left> to none, type to filter] [ ] local > [✓] dev-inmemorydb [ ] prod-externaldb

Select Tomcat transformer for the customers service (use arrow keys and press Enter).


dev-inmemorydb INFO[1313] Transformer WarRouter processing 2 artifacts ? Select the transformer to use for the "customers" service ID:"customers".wartransformer [Use arrows to move, type to filter] Jboss Liberty > Tomcat


Tomcat INFO[1322] Transformer WarRouter Done INFO[1322] Transformer Maven Done INFO[1322] Transformer Nodejs-Dockerfile processing 1 artifacts ? Select the port to be exposed for the '"frontend"' service : ID:"frontend".port Hints: - Select 'Other' if you want to expose the service using a different port. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > 8080 Other (specify custom option)

The image registry URL is where the container images will be pushed after building like IBM Cloud Container Registry (e.g.,, Docker Hub (, Quay (, etc. Enter the URL of your target image registry (for example, and press Enter.


8080 INFO[1375] Transformer Nodejs-Dockerfile Done INFO[1375] Created 6 pathMappings and 12 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 6. Total Artifacts : 15. INFO[1375] Iteration 4 - 12 artifacts to process INFO[1375] Transformer CECNBTransformer processing 5 artifacts CECNB: The environment map is None! CECNB: The environment map is None! CECNB: The environment map is None! CECNB: The environment map is None! INFO[1376] Transformer CECNBTransformer Done INFO[1376] Transformer CEDockerFileTransformer processing 1 artifacts CEDockerfile Transformer invokation! ? Enter the URL of the image registry where the new images should be pushed : ID:

The namespace here means your username/namespace on your target image registry, and it is not the Kubernetes cluster namespace. Enter the namespace in your target image registry where you want to push the images and press Enter.


? Enter the namespace where the new images should be pushed : ID: your-imageregistry-namespace

Enter the image registry access secret which you would have added to your Code Engine project if required. For more information on registry access secrets click here.


? Enter the name of the registry secret : ID: cf-2-ce

Enter the minimun pod replicas for each service as 1> and press Enter.


? Provide the minimum number of replicas each service should have : ID: move2kube.minreplicas 1

Select Ingress to expose the frontend in the cluster.


CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: The environment map is None! INFO[1600] Transformer CEDockerFileTransformer Done INFO[1600] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript processing 2 artifacts INFO[1600] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript Done INFO[1600] Transformer DockerfileParser processing 1 artifacts INFO[1600] Transformer ZuulAnalyser processing 2 artifacts INFO[1601] Transformer ZuulAnalyser Done INFO[1601] Transformer DockerfileParser Done INFO[1601] Transformer Jar processing 3 artifacts INFO[1601] Transformer Jar Done INFO[1601] Transformer Tomcat processing 2 artifacts INFO[1602] Transformer Tomcat Done INFO[1602] Created 28 pathMappings and 14 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 34. Total Artifacts : 27. INFO[1602] Iteration 5 - 14 artifacts to process INFO[1602] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1603] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1603] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1603] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1603] Transformer ArgoCD processing 2 artifacts ? What kind of service/ingress should be created for the service frontend's 8080 port? ID:"frontend"."8080".servicetype Hints: - Choose Ingress if you want a ingress/route resource to be created [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > Ingress LoadBalancer NodePort ClusterIP Don't create service

Type in enterprise-app-frontend to specify the path to expose the frontend's port on (type and press Enter).


Ingress ? Specify the ingress path to expose the service frontend's 8080 port on? ID:"frontend"."8080".urlpath Hints: - Leave out leading / to use first part as subdomain (/frontend) enterprise-app-frontend

Select Use existing pull secret as the container registry login. In a Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster on IBM Cloud, the image pull secrets are automatically included within the default project/namespace; it is named all-icr-io. You can also select no authentication as the container registry login for or if your images visibility in the selected image registry will be public.


? [] What type of container registry login do you want to use? ID:"".logintype Hints: - Docker login from config mode, will use the default config from your local machine. [Use arrows to move, type to filter] > use an existing pull secret no authentication username and password

Type in all-icr-io secret name that is included by default in your Kubernetes/Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud.


Use existing pull secret ? [] Enter the name of the pull secret : ID: Hints: - The pull secret should exist in the namespace where you will be deploying the application. all-icr-io

Select the default ingress class name (press Enter).


INFO[1678] Transformer ArgoCD Done INFO[1678] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1678] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1678] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1678] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1678] Transformer Buildconfig processing 2 artifacts INFO[1679] Generating Buildconfig pipeline for CI/CD INFO[1679] Generating Buildconfig pipeline for CI/CD INFO[1679] Transformer Buildconfig Done INFO[1679] Transformer CEDockerFileTransformer processing 5 artifacts CEDockerfile Transformer invokation! CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: The environment map is None! CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: The environment map is None! CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: The environment map is None! CEDocker: Number of storages --> 1 CEDocker: The environment map is None! INFO[1679] Transformer CEDockerFileTransformer Done INFO[1679] Transformer ComposeGenerator processing 2 artifacts INFO[1680] Transformer ComposeGenerator Done INFO[1680] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator processing 2 artifacts INFO[1680] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator Done INFO[1680] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript processing 5 artifacts INFO[1680] Transformer DockerfileImageBuildScript Done INFO[1680] Transformer DockerfileParser processing 5 artifacts INFO[1680] Transformer ZuulAnalyser processing 2 artifacts INFO[1681] Transformer ZuulAnalyser Done INFO[1681] Transformer DockerfileParser Done INFO[1681] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1681] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1681] Transformer IKSKubernetes processing 2 artifacts ? Provide the Ingress class name for ingress ID:"iks".ingress.ingressclassname Hints: - Leave empty to use the cluster default

You can find your IBM Kubernetes cluster's ingress subdomain by logging into the IBM Cloud dashboard. Click the ☰ icon, then click on Kubernetes, and then click on Clusters. Finally, select the Kubernetes cluster that you intend to deploy the application to. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud dashboard

The ingress subdomain information can be found here: Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud dashboard

Copy/paste it into the prompt. (If you are only interested in deploying to Code Engine and not to Kubernetes cluster, then simply press Enter to go ahead with default.)


? Provide the ingress host domain ID:"iks" Hints: - Ingress host domain is part of service URL (

Keep the default selection for ingress TLS secret (press Enter).

? Provide the TLS secret for ingress ID:"iks".ingress.tls Hints: - Leave empty to use http

You can find your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster's ingress subdomain by logging into the IBM Cloud dashboard. Click the ☰ icon, then click on OpenShift, and then click on Clusters. Finally, select the OpenShift cluster that you intend to deploy the application to.

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud dashboard

The ingress subdomain information can be found here:

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud dashboard

Copy/paste it into the prompt. (If you are only interested in deploying to Code Engine and not Red Hat OpenShift cluster, then simply press Enter to go ahead with default.)


INFO[1857] Transformer IKSKubernetes Done INFO[1857] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1858] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1858] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1858] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1858] Transformer Knative processing 2 artifacts INFO[1858] Transformer Knative Done INFO[1858] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1859] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1859] Transformer ROKSKubernetes processing 2 artifacts ? Provide the ingress host domain ID:"roks" Hints: - Ingress host domain is part of service URL (

Select ClusterIP for each of the remaining services that way they are not publicly exposed. For more information on ClusterIP see here


INFO[1882] Transformer ROKSKubernetes Done INFO[1882] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1883] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1883] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1883] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1883] Transformer Tekton processing 2 artifacts INFO[1883] Transformer Tekton Done INFO[1884] Created 52 pathMappings and 21 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 86. Total Artifacts : 41. INFO[1884] Iteration 6 - 21 artifacts to process INFO[1884] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1884] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1884] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1884] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1884] Transformer ArgoCD processing 2 artifacts ? What kind of service/ingress should be created for the service orders's 8080 port? ID:"orders"."8080".servicetype Hints: - Choose Ingress if you want a ingress/route resource to be created [Use arrows to move, type to filter] Ingress LoadBalancer NodePort > ClusterIP Don't create service
ClusterIP ? What kind of service/ingress should be created for the service gateway's 8080 port? ID:"gateway"."8080".servicetype Hints: - Choose Ingress if you want a ingress/route resource to be created [Use arrows to move, type to filter] Ingress LoadBalancer NodePort > ClusterIP Don't create service
ClusterIP ? What kind of service/ingress should be created for the service inventory's 8080 port? ID:"inventory"."8080".servicetype Hints: - Choose Ingress if you want a ingress/route resource to be created [Use arrows to move, type to filter] Ingress LoadBalancer NodePort > ClusterIP Don't create service
ClusterIP ? What kind of service/ingress should be created for the service customers's 8080 port? ID:"customers"."8080".servicetype Hints: - Choose Ingress if you want a ingress/route resource to be created [Use arrows to move, type to filter] Ingress LoadBalancer NodePort > ClusterIP Don't create service
ClusterIP INFO[1955] Transformer ArgoCD Done INFO[1955] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1955] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1955] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1956] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1956] Transformer Buildconfig processing 2 artifacts INFO[1956] Generating Buildconfig pipeline for CI/CD INFO[1956] Generating Buildconfig pipeline for CI/CD INFO[1956] Transformer Buildconfig Done INFO[1956] Transformer ComposeGenerator processing 2 artifacts INFO[1956] Transformer ComposeGenerator Done INFO[1956] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator processing 2 artifacts INFO[1957] Transformer ContainerImagesPushScriptGenerator Done INFO[1957] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1957] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1957] Transformer IKSKubernetes processing 2 artifacts INFO[1957] Transformer IKSKubernetes Done INFO[1957] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1958] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1958] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1958] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1958] Transformer Knative processing 2 artifacts INFO[1958] Transformer Knative Done INFO[1958] Transformer Parameterizer processing 6 artifacts INFO[1959] Transformer Parameterizer Done INFO[1959] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1959] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1959] Transformer ROKSKubernetes processing 2 artifacts INFO[1959] Transformer ROKSKubernetes Done INFO[1959] Transformer ReadMeGenerator processing 7 artifacts INFO[1959] Transformer ReadMeGenerator Done INFO[1959] Transformer IKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1960] Transformer IKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1960] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector processing 2 artifacts INFO[1960] Transformer ROKSClusterSelector Done INFO[1960] Transformer Tekton processing 2 artifacts INFO[1960] Transformer Tekton Done INFO[1961] Created 92 pathMappings and 13 artifacts. Total Path Mappings : 178. Total Artifacts : 62. INFO[1961] Iteration 7 - 13 artifacts to process INFO[1961] Transformer Parameterizer processing 7 artifacts INFO[1962] Transformer Parameterizer Done INFO[1962] Transformer ReadMeGenerator processing 8 artifacts INFO[1962] Transformer ReadMeGenerator Done INFO[1963] Transformation done INFO[1963] Transformed target artifacts can be found at [/Users/user/move2kube-ce-demo/myproject].

We're almost done! Now that we've created the target artifacts, and the transformation is completed. We can now move on to deploying the application to the target platform (Code Engine/IKS/ROKS) with the target artifacts that MoveKube has generated for us.

Let's take a look at what Move2Kube has generated.

ls myproject

Output: deploy scripts source source-ce-push

Deploy the application to your Code Engine project on IBM Cloud

Let's first look what is inside the source folder.
cd myproject
ls source

Output: customers docs gateway orders frontend inventory

The source folder looks similar to the src folder which we provided as input to Move2Kube. But, for each of the services (orders, customers, etc.) Move2Kube has added the Dockerfile for containerizing the service and a script which can been used for deploying the service to Code Engine

cd source
ls orders


Dockerfile mvnw pom.xml src manifest.yml mvnw.cmd secrets
ls customers


Dockerfile manifest.yml mvnw.cmd secrets Makefile mvnw pom.xml src
ls frontend


Dockerfile dist package-lock.json stories LICENSE dr-surge.js package.json stylePaths.js jest.config.js secrets test-setup.js __mocks__ manifest.yml server.js tsconfig.json nodemon.json src webpack.common.js

Select the Code Engine project that you created in the Prerequisites steps.

ibmcloud ce project select --name cf-2-ce-tutorial


Selecting project 'cf-2-ce-tutorial'... OK

In the enterprise-app application, the backend apps orders, inventory and customers communicate with gateway, and the gateway app communicates with the frontend app. So, we will first deploy orders, customers and inventory apps, and then deploy gateway app and at last we will deploy the frontend app.

cd orders

Deploy the orders app by running the script inside the myproject/source/orders folder.



Creating build 'orders-build-local'... OK Getting build 'orders-build-local' Packaging files to upload from source path '.'... Submitting build run 'orders-buildrun-local'... Creating image ''... Waiting for build run to complete... Build run status: 'Running' Build run completed successfully. Run 'ibmcloud ce buildrun get -n orders-buildrun-local' to check the build run status. OK Creating application 'orders'... Configuration 'orders' is waiting for a Revision to become ready. Ingress has not yet been reconciled. Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n orders' to check the application status. OK http://orders.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local

The orders app private/project URL can be seen in the last line in the above output.

The full external URL of an application deployed on Code Engine is appName.CE_SUBDOMAIN.CE_DOMAIN. So, here the CE_SUBDOMAIN for this Code Engine project is "vfssxvvrkqg". This CE_SUBDOMAIN value will be different for your Code Engine project.

Next, we will deploy the customers app.

cd ../customers

Deploy the customers app by running the script inside the myproject/source/customers folder.



Creating build 'customers-build-local'... OK Getting build 'customers-build-local' Packaging files to upload from source path '.'... Submitting build run 'customers-buildrun-local'... Creating image ''... Waiting for build run to complete... Build run status: 'Running' Build run completed successfully. Run 'ibmcloud ce buildrun get -n customers-buildrun-local' to check the build run status. OK Creating application 'customers'... Configuration 'customers' is waiting for a Revision to become ready. Ingress has not yet been reconciled. Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n customers' to check the application status. OK http://customers.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local

The customers app private/project URL can be seen in the last line in the above output. Next, we will deploy the inventory app.

cd ../inventory

Deploy the inventory app by running the script inside the myproject/source/inventory folder.



Creating build 'inventory-build-local'... OK Getting build 'inventory-build-local' Packaging files to upload from source path '.'... Submitting build run 'inventory-buildrun-local'... Creating image ''... Waiting for build run to complete... Build run status: 'Running' Build run completed successfully. Run 'ibmcloud ce buildrun get -n inventory-buildrun-local' to check the build run status. OK Creating application 'inventory'... Configuration 'inventory' is waiting for a Revision to become ready. Ingress has not yet been reconciled. Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n inventory' to check the application status. OK http://inventory.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local

The inventory app private/project URL can be seen in the last line in the above output.

These are the app private/project endpoint URLs of orders, customers and inventory which contains /orders, /customers and /products respectively at the end of the app URL.

orders: http://orders.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/orders

customers: http://customers.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/customers

inventory: http://inventory.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/products

Please Note: The CE_SUBDOMAIN (vfssxvvrkqg) in the above URL will be different for your Code Engine project.

Now, we need to pass the endpoint URLs of orders, customers and inventory applications as env variables in "ibmcloud ce application create" command in the of gateway application. Open the file inside the myproject/source/gateway folder. Add the below line at the end of the last line in the file, and in the three URLs replace the "CE_SUBDOMAIN" with your Code Engine project CE_SUBDOMAIN value.

-e ENTERPRISE_APP_ORDERS_URL=http://orders.CE_SUBDOMAIN.svc.cluster.local/orders -e ENTERPRISE_APP_INVENTORY_URL=http://inventory.CE_SUBDOMAIN.svc.cluster.local/products -e ENTERPRISE_APP_CUSTOMERS_URL=http://customers.CE_SUBDOMAIN.svc.cluster.local/customers

The last line of gateway's will be something like this depending upon your CE_SUBDOMAIN value


ibmcloud ce application create --name gateway --visibility project --registry-secret cf-2-ce --image --min-scale 1 --e ENTERPRISE_APP_ORDERS_URL=http://orders.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/orders -e ENTERPRISE_APP_INVENTORY_URL=http://inventory.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/products -e ENTERPRISE_APP_CUSTOMERS_URL=http://customers.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local/customers

Now, deploy the gateway application on Code Engine

cd ../gateway

Deploy the gateway app by running the script inside the myproject/source/gateway folder.



Creating build 'gateway-build-local'... OK Getting build 'gateway-build-local' Packaging files to upload from source path '.'... Submitting build run 'gateway-buildrun-local'... Creating image ''... Waiting for build run to complete... Build run status: 'Running' Build run completed successfully. Run 'ibmcloud ce buildrun get -n gateway-buildrun-local' to check the build run status. OK Creating application 'gateway'... The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification. Configuration 'gateway' is waiting for a Revision to become ready. Ingress has not yet been reconciled. Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n gateway' to check the application status. OK http://gateway.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local

After deploying the gateway application on Code Engine, we need to pass the endpoint URL of gateway application as env variable in "ibmcloud ce application create" command in the inside frontend folder. Open the file inside the myproject/source/frontend folder. Add the below line at the end of the last line in the file, and in the URL replace the "CE_SUBDOMAIN" with your Code Engine project CE_SUBDOMAIN value.

-e ENTERPRISE_APP_GATEWAY_URL=http://gateway.CE_SUBDOMAIN.svc.cluster.local

By default, in the in the "ibmcloud ce application create" command the visibility flag is set to "project" which makes the application only accessible inside the project. To make the frontend application externally visible, update the visibility flag of the Frontend application to "public" in the The last line of frontend's will be something like this depending upon your CE_SUBDOMAIN value

ibmcloud ce application create --name frontend --visibility public --registry-secret cf-2-ce --image --min-scale 1 -e ENTERPRISE_APP_GATEWAY_URL=http://gateway.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local

Finally, let's deploy the frontend application on Code Engine.

cd ../frontend ./


Creating build 'frontend-build-local'... OK Getting build 'frontend-build-local' Packaging files to upload from source path '.'... Submitting build run 'frontend-buildrun-local'... Creating image ''... Waiting for build run to complete... Build run status: 'Running' Build run completed successfully. Run 'ibmcloud ce buildrun get -n frontend-buildrun-local' to check the build run status. OK Creating application 'frontend'... The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification. Configuration 'frontend' is waiting for a Revision to become ready. Ingress has not yet been reconciled. Waiting for load balancer to be ready. Run 'ibmcloud ce application get -n frontend' to check the application status. OK

Run the below command to list all the applications in your Code Engine project.

ibmcloud ce application list


Listing all applications... OK Name Status URL Latest Age Conditions Reason customers Ready http://customers.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local customers-00001 1m 3 OK / 3 frontend Ready frontend-00001 5m 3 OK / 3 gateway Ready http://gateway.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local gateway-00001 11m 3 OK / 3 inventory Ready http://inventory.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local inventory-00001 14m 3 OK / 3 orders Ready http://orders.vfssxvvrkqg.svc.cluster.local orders-00001 17m 3 OK / 3

You can also check the same in the Code Engine projects page.

Applications on Code Engine project

Click on the "Open URL" link of the frontend application or directly open the frontend URL on your browser.

Enterprise-app frontend application on Code Engine

Congrats! You've successfully migrated the enterprise-app application from IBM Cloud Foundry to IBM Code Engine.

Deploy the application to your Kubernetes cluster on IBM Cloud

The steps required to deploy the applications to Kubernetes cluster are available here.

The only difference is that the custom transformer has created the Kubernetes deployment YAMLs inside the deploy/yamls/iks folder, whereas by default Move2Kube generates and stores the YAMLs inside the deploy/yamls folder.

ls myproject/deploy/yamls


iks iks-parameterized roks roks-parameterized

So, in the steps where it is required to apply the YAML files, apply the YAMLs located in myproject/deploy/yamls/iks.

For example:

kubectl apply -f yamls/iks --namespace=move2kube-demo

Deploy the application to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud

The steps required to deploy the applications to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster are available here.

The only difference is that the custom transformer has created the deployment YAMLs inside the deploy/yamls/roks folder, whereas by default Move2Kube generates and stores the YAMLs inside the deploy/yamls folder.

ls myproject/deploy/yamls


iks iks-parameterized roks roks-parameterized

So, in the steps where it is required to apply the YAML files, apply the YAMLs located in myproject/deploy/yamls/roks.

For example:

kubectl apply -f yamls/roks --namespace=move2kube-demo