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Kubernetes Networking

This series of workshops on Kubernetes Networking is accompanied by a lecture on Kubernetes Networking.

The Kubernetes Networking series consists of the following topics:

  1. Kubernetes Networking 101 (60 mins), you will use different ways to control traffic on a Kubernetes cluster with Service types. Start here.
  2. Add an Ingress on OpenShift (15 minutes), add an Ingress and Route to expose a Service, you will use different types of TLS termination to secure Routes on OpenShift: edge, passthrough and reencrypt. Start here.
  3. Network Policies and Calico (15 minutes), create a Network Policy and use Calico. Start here.
  4. Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (90 mins), you will create the VPC, add a subnet, attach a public gateway, and review the security group that allows inbound and outbound access. Start here.
  5. Create a Kubernetes Cluster for VPC you will create a IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) for VPC and deploy a guestbook application to a Kubernetes cluster in VPC, and update a security group with rules to allow inbound traffic to the guestbook application. Start here.
  6. Istio, use Istio to manage network traffic, load balance across microservices, enforce access policies, verify service identity, and more.


  1. Lab1 Kubernetes Networking 101
    1. Setup
    2. Services
    3. ClusterIP
    4. NodePort
    5. Loadbalancer NLB
    6. ExternalName
    7. Ingress ALB
  2. Lab2 Ingress
    1. Ingress and ALB,
    2. Route,
    3. Secured Routes and TLS Termination,
  3. Lab3 Network Policies
    1. Network Policy and Calico
  4. Lab4 Create a VPC
    1. Setup,
    2. About,
    3. Create a VPC,
    4. Create a Subnet,
    5. Review the Security Group,
    6. Create a Public Gateway with Floating IP,
    7. Review the VPC.
  5. Lab5 Create a Kubernetes Cluster for VPC
    1. Setup,
    2. Create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) for VPC,

The following series are related to Kubernetes Networking:

  1. Kubernetes Security,
  2. Kubernetes Networking,
  3. Kubernetes Storage,
  4. Kubernetes Automation (Secure DevOps, IaC, CI/CD),
    1. Tekton


This workshop was tested using the following technologies:

  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) version 1.19, 2 worker nodes, flavor u3c.2x4
  • Calico client version v3.17.1
  • Calico cluster version v3.16.5
  • ibmcloud version 1.3.0
  • ibmcloud container-service/kubernetes-service 1.0.28
  • vpc-infrastructure/infrastructure-service 0.7.5
  • kubectl version 1.19
