Class EnterpriseManagement

  • public class EnterpriseManagement
    The Enterprise Management API enables you to create and manage an enterprise, account groups, and accounts within the enterprise. API Version: 1.0
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME
        Default service name used when configuring the `EnterpriseManagement` client.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL
        Default service endpoint URL.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnterpriseManagement

        public EnterpriseManagement​(java.lang.String serviceName,
        Constructs an instance of the `EnterpriseManagement` client. The specified service name and authenticator are used to configure the client instance.
        serviceName - the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
        authenticator - the Authenticator instance to be configured for this client
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static EnterpriseManagement newInstance()
        Class method which constructs an instance of the `EnterpriseManagement` client. The default service name is used to configure the client instance.
        an instance of the `EnterpriseManagement` client using external configuration
      • newInstance

        public static EnterpriseManagement newInstance​(java.lang.String serviceName)
        Class method which constructs an instance of the `EnterpriseManagement` client. The specified service name is used to configure the client instance.
        serviceName - the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
        an instance of the `EnterpriseManagement` client using external configuration
      • createEnterprise

        public<CreateEnterpriseResponse> createEnterprise​(CreateEnterpriseOptions createEnterpriseOptions)
        Create an enterprise. Create a new enterprise, which you can use to centrally manage multiple accounts. To create an enterprise, you must have an active Subscription account. <br/><br/>The API creates an enterprise entity, which is the root of the enterprise hierarchy. It also creates a new enterprise account that is used to manage the enterprise. All subscriptions, support entitlements, credits, and discounts from the source subscription account are migrated to the enterprise account, and the source account becomes a child account in the hierarchy. The user that you assign as the enterprise primary contact is also assigned as the owner of the enterprise account.
        createEnterpriseOptions - the CreateEnterpriseOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type CreateEnterpriseResponse
      • listEnterprises

        public<ListEnterprisesResponse> listEnterprises​(ListEnterprisesOptions listEnterprisesOptions)
        List enterprises. Retrieve all enterprises for a given ID by passing the IDs on query parameters. If no ID is passed, the enterprises for which the calling identity is the primary contact are returned. You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. <br/><br/>This method ensures that only the enterprises that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific enterprise, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_account_id` or `account_id` query parameter, the account ID in the token is compared with that in the query parameter. If these account IDs match, authentication isn't performed and the enterprise information is returned. If the account IDs don't match, authentication is performed and only then is the enterprise information returned in the response.
        listEnterprisesOptions - the ListEnterprisesOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListEnterprisesResponse
      • listEnterprises

        public<ListEnterprisesResponse> listEnterprises()
        List enterprises. Retrieve all enterprises for a given ID by passing the IDs on query parameters. If no ID is passed, the enterprises for which the calling identity is the primary contact are returned. You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. <br/><br/>This method ensures that only the enterprises that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific enterprise, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_account_id` or `account_id` query parameter, the account ID in the token is compared with that in the query parameter. If these account IDs match, authentication isn't performed and the enterprise information is returned. If the account IDs don't match, authentication is performed and only then is the enterprise information returned in the response.
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListEnterprisesResponse
      • getEnterprise

        public<Enterprise> getEnterprise​(GetEnterpriseOptions getEnterpriseOptions)
        Get enterprise by ID. Retrieve an enterprise by the `enterprise_id` parameter. All data related to the enterprise is returned only if the caller has access to retrieve the enterprise.
        getEnterpriseOptions - the GetEnterpriseOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type Enterprise
      • updateEnterprise

        public<java.lang.Void> updateEnterprise​(UpdateEnterpriseOptions updateEnterpriseOptions)
        Update an enterprise. Update the name, domain, or IAM ID of the primary contact for an existing enterprise. The new primary contact must already be a user in the enterprise account.
        updateEnterpriseOptions - the UpdateEnterpriseOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result
      • importAccountToEnterprise

        public<java.lang.Void> importAccountToEnterprise​(ImportAccountToEnterpriseOptions importAccountToEnterpriseOptions)
        Import an account into an enterprise. Import an existing stand-alone account into an enterprise. The existing account can be any type: trial (`TRIAL`), Lite (`STANDARD`), Pay-As-You-Go (`PAYG`), or Subscription (`SUBSCRIPTION`). In the case of a `SUBSCRIPTION` account, the credits, promotional offers, and discounts are migrated to the billing unit of the enterprise. For a billable account (`PAYG` or `SUBSCRIPTION`), the country and currency code of the existing account and the billing unit of the enterprise must match. The API returns a `202` response and performs asynchronous operations to import the account into the enterprise. <br/></br>For more information about impacts to the account, see [Adding accounts to an enterprise](https://{DomainName}/docs/account?topic=account-enterprise-add).
        importAccountToEnterpriseOptions - the ImportAccountToEnterpriseOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result
      • createAccount

        public<CreateAccountResponse> createAccount​(CreateAccountOptions createAccountOptions)
        Create a new account in an enterprise. Create a new account as a part of an existing enterprise. The API creates an account entity under the parent that is specified in the payload of the request. The request also takes in the name and the owner of this new account. The owner must have a valid IBMid that's registered with IBM Cloud, but they don't need to be a user in the enterprise account.
        createAccountOptions - the CreateAccountOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type CreateAccountResponse
      • listAccounts

        public<ListAccountsResponse> listAccounts​(ListAccountsOptions listAccountsOptions)
        List accounts. Retrieve all accounts based on the values that are passed in the query parameters. If no query parameter is passed, all of the accounts in the enterprise for which the calling identity has access are returned. <br/><br/>You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. The `limit` field can be used to limit the number of results that are displayed for this method.<br/><br/>This method ensures that only the accounts that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific account, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_id`, `account_group_id` or `parent` query parameter, all of the accounts that are immediate children of this entity are returned. Authentication is performed on all the accounts before they are returned to the user to ensure that only those accounts are returned to which the calling identity has access to.
        listAccountsOptions - the ListAccountsOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListAccountsResponse
      • listAccounts

        public<ListAccountsResponse> listAccounts()
        List accounts. Retrieve all accounts based on the values that are passed in the query parameters. If no query parameter is passed, all of the accounts in the enterprise for which the calling identity has access are returned. <br/><br/>You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. The `limit` field can be used to limit the number of results that are displayed for this method.<br/><br/>This method ensures that only the accounts that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific account, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_id`, `account_group_id` or `parent` query parameter, all of the accounts that are immediate children of this entity are returned. Authentication is performed on all the accounts before they are returned to the user to ensure that only those accounts are returned to which the calling identity has access to.
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListAccountsResponse
      • getAccount

        public<Account> getAccount​(GetAccountOptions getAccountOptions)
        Get account by ID. Retrieve an account by the `account_id` parameter. All data related to the account is returned only if the caller has access to retrieve the account.
        getAccountOptions - the GetAccountOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type Account
      • updateAccount

        public<java.lang.Void> updateAccount​(UpdateAccountOptions updateAccountOptions)
        Move an account within the enterprise. Move an account to a different parent within the same enterprise.
        updateAccountOptions - the UpdateAccountOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result
      • deleteAccount

        public<java.lang.Void> deleteAccount​(DeleteAccountOptions deleteAccountOptions)
        Remove an account from its enterprise. Remove an account from the enterprise its currently in. After an account is removed, it will be canceled and cannot be reactivated.
        deleteAccountOptions - the DeleteAccountOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result
      • createAccountGroup

        public<CreateAccountGroupResponse> createAccountGroup​(CreateAccountGroupOptions createAccountGroupOptions)
        Create an account group. Create a new account group, which can be used to group together multiple accounts. To create an account group, you must have an existing enterprise. The API creates an account group entity under the parent that is specified in the payload of the request. The request also takes in the name and the primary contact of this new account group.
        createAccountGroupOptions - the CreateAccountGroupOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type CreateAccountGroupResponse
      • listAccountGroups

        public<ListAccountGroupsResponse> listAccountGroups​(ListAccountGroupsOptions listAccountGroupsOptions)
        List account groups. Retrieve all account groups based on the values that are passed in the query parameters. If no query parameter is passed, all of the account groups in the enterprise for which the calling identity has access are returned. <br/><br/>You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. The `limit` field can be used to limit the number of results that are displayed for this method.<br/><br/>This method ensures that only the account groups that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific account group, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_id`, `parent_account_group_id` or `parent` query parameter, all of the account groups that are immediate children of this entity are returned. Authentication is performed on all account groups before they are returned to the user to ensure that only those account groups are returned to which the calling identity has access.
        listAccountGroupsOptions - the ListAccountGroupsOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListAccountGroupsResponse
      • listAccountGroups

        public<ListAccountGroupsResponse> listAccountGroups()
        List account groups. Retrieve all account groups based on the values that are passed in the query parameters. If no query parameter is passed, all of the account groups in the enterprise for which the calling identity has access are returned. <br/><br/>You can use pagination parameters to filter the results. The `limit` field can be used to limit the number of results that are displayed for this method.<br/><br/>This method ensures that only the account groups that the user has access to are returned. Access can be controlled either through a policy on a specific account group, or account-level platform services access roles, such as Administrator, Editor, Operator, or Viewer. When you call the method with the `enterprise_id`, `parent_account_group_id` or `parent` query parameter, all of the account groups that are immediate children of this entity are returned. Authentication is performed on all account groups before they are returned to the user to ensure that only those account groups are returned to which the calling identity has access.
        a ServiceCall with a result of type ListAccountGroupsResponse
      • getAccountGroup

        public<AccountGroup> getAccountGroup​(GetAccountGroupOptions getAccountGroupOptions)
        Get account group by ID. Retrieve an account by the `account_group_id` parameter. All data related to the account group is returned only if the caller has access to retrieve the account group.
        getAccountGroupOptions - the GetAccountGroupOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a result of type AccountGroup
      • updateAccountGroup

        public<java.lang.Void> updateAccountGroup​(UpdateAccountGroupOptions updateAccountGroupOptions)
        Update an account group. Update the name or IAM ID of the primary contact for an existing account group. The new primary contact must already be a user in the enterprise account.
        updateAccountGroupOptions - the UpdateAccountGroupOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result
      • deleteAccountGroup

        public<java.lang.Void> deleteAccountGroup​(DeleteAccountGroupOptions deleteAccountGroupOptions)
        Delete an account group from the enterprise. Delete an existing account group from the enterprise. You can't delete an account group that has child account groups, the delete request will fail. This API doesn't perform a recursive delete on the child account groups, it only deletes the current account group.
        deleteAccountGroupOptions - the DeleteAccountGroupOptions containing the options for the call
        a ServiceCall with a void result